Original Wallpapers
done by AKIDA Yamakusa

Wallpapers created by me, done with DaveMc's Art Program and manipulated in MS Paint.

Hint: Put the cursor over the thumbnails to obtain more info about the work!

(Last Updated on 20051203)

A combination of digital art and traditional drawing.
I call it rude but stylish. What do you think?
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Space Twirl
Scar Flower
"Space Twirls",
using 2 variations from the same line of breed.
"Scar Flower".
I really like this one. Mysterious wallpapers are good.
"Melon Kitty".
*Ahem* I drew my own toy... and then took photo of it...
My first photo manipulation with MS Paint.
This spider lives in my room, in open space like I do.

Let's go Psychic
Life through the Looking Glass
My first pair of wallpaper works. The brown version is very popular. My second piece, which gave me a lesson on "resolution". Third piece "Dry Land from Above", quite a popular one. Fourth piece, my current favourite.

VERY HOT!Woodish Territory
MESWORLD Limited items detected!
MESWORLD Limited items detected!
The super-popular "Sakura Fragrance" and its greenish twin version. (The soothing details don't show up in thumbnails, so click in to see the REAL ones) The enchanting Arcs Series (click the above thumbnail to enter) More MESSWORLD Limited Edition Wallpaper (click the above thumbnail to enter)

MESSWORLD Limited Edition wallpapers can only be found here and no where else (if you can find them in other sites, then you can be sure you've witnessed a case of plagerism =_=)

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