What is Slayers?

Information about the original TV anime series Slayers

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Slayers is a Japanese TV anime series. Anime means cartoon.
Slayers is a very famous and well recieved anime first broadcasted in the mid 90s in Japan.
Slayers, because of the very positive reactions from the audience, had 3 TV series finally: Slayers, Slayers Next and Slayers Try.

Slayers is a sorcery+sword+monster stroy. Not a very impressive background settings (too many similar stories). So, This Slayers Quater will CONTAIN SPOILERS, but they won't spoil your fun watching Slayers, even if you know what is going to happen: because what makes Slayers fun to watch is NOT its storyline.
What made Slayers a sucessful anime is that it had a very good character design and generally it is very entertaining. That means it is the air of the story that matters.

Slayers originally is a series of fictions, written by Hajime Kanzaka. Then it was turned into manga (picture books) then cartoon.

More about Slayers
Slayers Universe
Queen Megumi's Slayers Page
In the above links, you can know more about the content(the storyline) of all the Slayers series: TV, OVA, fictions, manga e.t.c.
Also, you can know more about the background of the story, and the production team's information.

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