Dark Legacy Chapter 1 Like a dagger, covered with sparkling diamonds the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimera glided through space. In the distance the shapes of several starships were marked by their lights. Behind them two old dreadnaughts hung in the emptiness. Admiral Pellaeon stood at the viewport of the bridge and gazed out to the stars. They had just arrived in the Baration-system. Pellaeon sighed. Another senseless manoeuver. They hadn't won a battle since Thrawn was gone. It was a shame. The greates strategic genius in history, murdered by his own bodyguard. If it had been anybody but Thrawn, Pellaeon would have said: 'Well, isn't it ironic!?' But it had been Thrawn and it was terrible, no catastrophic. The mighty Empire had been beaten once again by the New Republic. Infront of his eyes the last of the Grand Admirals had died. After they withdrew from combatzone many split off from the Empire and even more had died. Even now, three years later these wounds felt like fresh. A few months ago the most ships were still undermanned. Pellaeon rubbed his chin. He had other concerns to think about now. They were practicing the case of emergency. The greatest fear the Moffs as well as Pellaeon himself had was, that the New Republic would make the final blow. Two dreadnaughts took the role of MC-80 Mon Cal cruisers. Though the dreadnaughts were smaller and not that easy to hit. Two squadrons of TIE bombers played Y- and B-Wings. Each squadron was escorted by a full squadron of TIE interceptors. Two groups of TIE fighters - X-wings here - were backups. The crews of the Chimera's fighter teams were just ordered to their ships. "Sir, all teams ready." Commander Tschel called from the crewpit. All right, they were fast. But their opponents were the best the Imperial Navy had to offer. During the height of the Empire only the best were allowed to fly anyway. And now, they had to take whatever they got. Actually the Chimera was in charge of six squadrons of regular TIE fighters but for this manoeuver they would only use three. The other three were sent to help their opponents. In the past, the captains of the other ships allowed Pellaeon to win, all too easyly. Now, he had advised them to give their best and only that. Pellaeon gazed at the tactical display. Twelve red lights began to lit up at the Chimera's portside another bunch at starboard. "Ten kilometers until enemy contact." Captain Ardiff said from his desk. These squadrons were supposed to sweep away the bombers. TIE interceptor squadrons Delta and Iota were allready on their way to take out their escorts. "Delta and Iota are in firing range, now." Ardiff reported. The bundles of green and red lights spreaded appart and then mixed up. Here and there some lights died out. Pellaeon watched out to the combatzone. Some TIEs were seperating from the battle. These were the ones, which were destroyed. "Sir, Delta squadron lost three ships." the captain grumbled. "Enemy losses: one." The bombers were still heading straight toward the Chimera. They did not make any measures to evade the incoming TIEs. The two dreadnaughts were also closing up. Some more red lights died out and twelve green interceptors were turning away from their combatzones and towards the bombers they had to escort. With their speed and the current distance to them, they'd reach them before the Chimeras interceptors would. Pellaeon wanted to instruct Delta and Iota to engage them immediately but the pilots had to learn how to think for themselfes. One dreadnaught came to a halt and turned into defense position, the other one was on its way to the Chimera. "Captain, the present rate." Pellaeon ordered. "We've lost fourteen fighters. Only eight enemy losses." came the angryly sounding voice from behind. "Launch Gamma squadron to enforce Alpha and Beta." With these forces they would have not a single chance against the New Republic, so the Relentless waited a few lightyears away to reenforce the Chimera. Captain Dorja was called at the beginning of the exercise. But he was instructed to wait an hour before acting. The only thing the fighters had to do was to hold out against their opponents and to sweep out the bombers. Then the Chimera would launch their own bombers to lower the enemy's capital ship's shields. Or maybe destroy them with an additional squadron of assault gunboats. Pellaeon looked at the incoming bombers. The TIEs were in firing range now. Three green lights died out. He smiled bitterly. Three enemy bombers were destroyed. Still, there were twentyone left. One red spot faded, therefore two other green ones went out. These pilots were appearently better. One red and one green point were closing up each other and then died out. "Sir" Ardiff called hastily. "Two fighters crashed. Another one was hit during the accident. They're in need of medical shuttles." "What are you waiting for? Launch them." Damned daredevils. Pellaeon pressed the Comm button at his armrest. "To all ships, this is Admiral Pellaeon. The exercise is not to be abborted. Keep a minimum distance of at least one kilometer to the incoming shuttles." Pellaeon watched out to the stars. Next to the bridge was one of the dreadnaughts, firing at the Star Destroyer. In the distance infront of the Chimeras nose, almost invisible, were blue spots, darting to them. The bombers menaged to fire torpedos. It seemed the pilots didn't realize what had happened. During a real fight they couldn't care about a crash, too. "Captain, what's our status?" Pellaeon asked. "Our shields are at sixtynine percent. The dreadnaught's at sixty." The torpedos hit the Chimera and exploded in a flickering of blue and white lightning. "Now they're down at fiftynine...fifty...fourtyone..." "All right." Pellaeon cut Ardiff off before he could go on. The rests of the interceptors were not closing up with the bombers. Most of them didn't make it. They were caught by their odd fighters. The lost ships at starboard became more and more. At portside were the 'dead' enemy ships. They were far less than the Chimeras losses. "Sir our bridge deflector shield has been destroyed. Shields at ten percent." Ardiff reported. "Give red alert." The lights turned red and sirenes were howling. "How's our opponent?" "The dreadnaughts shields are at sixtythree percent." "Launch the Gunboat squadron. They will engage the dreadnaught." At the current situation a Star Destroyer would lower a Mon Cal cruisers shields fifteen to twenty percent. With a bit of luck possibly twenty five. While the foe would only be able to take ten or maybe fifteen percent. In the worst case the Chimera would loose ten percent of her hull. If the gunboats made it, they could destroy the imaginary Mon Cal cruiser and make an escape possible. The incoming bombers were now fighting melee against the Chimera. They would not hold out long, but they were a major threat. "Increase fire on those fighters." He ordered the gunnery officer. A quarter of the turrets firing at the dreadnaught ceased fire for a heartbeat. Then they changed their direction and fired their lasers at the bombers. "Sir, a squadron of enemy fighters is heading for our gunboats." "Open barrage to the dreadnaught, as soon as they're between us and the dreadnaught." Pellaeon commanded. "Sir, that would hit the gunboats, too." the gunnery officer informed him. At least the Chimeras bridge crew was thinking before obeying an order. Unfortunately they were not thinking it to an end. "You will inform them, of course, so they can prepare themselfes." Pellaeon sighed. After Thrawns death he thought it was bad. Now he knew it was worse. "Sir, our shields are down. Hull is heavily demaged." Pellaeon grimaced and nodded towards Ardiff. Then he activated the Intercom. "This is Admiral Pellaeon: the manouever is over. All squadrons: return to your ships." The tactical display faded away. The red light turned back to its normal, white color and the sirenes stopped. "The debriefing will begin with the pilots arrival. I'll debrief the wing commanders myself." Next to the farthest dreadnaught space flickered and a huge ship exited hyperspace. "Sir, incoming battleship." Pellaeon grimaced. It was the Relentless. "Sir, Captain Dorja wants to speak with you." Ardiff said, still standing at his desk. Pellaeon opened a holo-channel. The quartersized figure of Dorja appeared infront of him. "Pretty late, don't you think, Captain? We're dead now." "I'm sorry, Admiral." He tried to hide something. One could clearly hear it in the man's voice and see it in his reduced expressions. "I thought I add a few minutes to my given time. It was closer to the worst case you have mentioned." "Yes it was, indeed. Chimera out." he cut off the connection. Dorja had never appreciated Pellaeon to be in charge of the fleet. He had hated Grand Admiral Thrawn, nvertheless he used to obey his orders, carefully. His appology wasn't a good one. Maybe Pellaeon suffered on persecution mania. How could it be any different with these crewers and an enemy getting stronger with every intelligence report. It was so pointless. Everything. There was no sense in pretending anything. The skills of their troops were at the lowest level ever since the declaration of the Empire. Even if they were better, the Empire was dying. For three long years they laid at their deathbed. Their death had begun eight years ago with the blow of the second death star. There was a time Pellaeon had really hoped they could win, after. But now, there was only one thing that could rescue the Empire, Pellaeon knew all too well. "Captain, Ardiff." Pellaeon called. "Inform the Moffs, I have to meet with them." "What shall I tell them is the concern?" "It's," Pellaeon hesitated, not facing the other man. "our terms of surrender to the New Republic." Then he turned around passed Ardiff and left the bridge. Chapter 2 The grey fog clouds of dawn had just faded and the sunlight illuminated the city below the skyscraper. Luke Skywalker was standing at the balcony of the Jedi Council Chamber and was awaiting the arrival of his new trainee. He was an hour too late. Luke walked back inside. He sat down in one of the chairs which were assambled to a circle in the center of the chamber. The greatest Jedi of the Old Republic were once gathered here. And now there was only one. It would take years until all the places had an owner. Luke took up the datapad he had laid onto the table. Seth Farway was the name of his new student. Luke knew it would be harder to train him than his sister Leia Organa Solo or his wife, Mara. Leia was already very disciplined. The same was Mara plus she had been trained by Palpatine and after her hate vanished it was pretty easy to finish her training. Luke activated the pad. Farway was twentyfive standard years old. He had graduated from New Republic Army Officersschool at Yavin three and was now in the rank of Liutenant Commander. Most soldiers Luke knew were on time to the second, but patience was one of Lukes strongest points and Farway surely had his reasons. After an additional quarter hour he stretched out to the force. There it was a very forcesensitive being that was coming up to the Council Chamber. In the end he was coming. Luke stood up and looked in the door's direction. The door slid open and a tall, slender man with brown hair entered. He carried a large bag which obviously contained his clothes. The government had agreed to quarter him in the Imperial Palace. "Greetings Master Skywalker. My name is Seth Farway." "You can call me Luke." Farway put his bag down. Then the two shook hands. "Sorry, I'm late but my ship didn't get a landing permission. They said there were some criminals abord, so they checked everyones ID." Luke shrugged. "No matter, you're here in the end." He said, not knowing how to start the lesson. "General Bel Iblis told me you have kinda sixth sense for danger." Seth nodded. "Yes, that's why I'm here. Over the years it became better and better, especially when I concentrated on something." Luke nodded thoughtful. His presence in the force was very strong. He had to tell him, but careful, very, very careful. "You have a power called, the force." Luke started. Seth frowned at him. "Do I?" he asked sceptical. "Yes. It's users are called the Jedi. Once, before the Empire, there were many throughout the galaxy and now you're standing in the Jedi council chamber." Seth looked around. Luke could feel the confusion within him. "Pretty empty huh?" "When Palpatine declared his New Order the Jedi were persecuted and eliminated. Only a few survived. And now I'm beginning to reestablish the Jedi order." Seth didn't say anything, so Luke continued. "The Jedi were once the keepers of right and freedom. If you were to become a Jedi, you would have to have the strongest discipline and the most serious mind." 'A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind' were Yoda's exact words. Though over the years Luke had learned that this was only necessary for the first time as a Jedi trainee and for the master as well. After a time Yoda began to make his little jokes with Luke, nevertheless the old alien always kept his discipline. After Mara's training was completed the senate offered to build a Jedi academy for Luke. He rejected their offer thankfully. Training a Jedi had to sound for them like training some kind of profession. He could hardly imagine to train more than two at a time. And two were already at the utmost of his abbility. "And you think I'm the right choice?" "It's upon you. It will get very hard. Along with a physical training comes a hard psychic one. There'll be a time you'll fear it." Luke said in a warning tone. Seth snorted. "There's nothing that could scare me." "Oh, oh." Lukes voice was more gravely, now. "It's already out there and you will fear it." The other man's reaction was the same Luke had shown then on Dagobah. Luke grimaced. "Now let's start your training." The thirtyfour hour day of the planet Terraon was now complete. The three moons were in an exact rectangular position. Around them space was starless. Then suddenly something flashed. Her first thought was that they had been discovered. Then another flicker of light lit up. It looked like the ship or whatever it was, was coming close to the atmosphere. Now, would be a very bad time for taking of. "What's going on?" Anica Lankar called over her shoulder to the bridgecrew. "Seems like a fight. A bulk freighter was attacked by a corellian corvette." Tellon Darts, her second in command answered. "What means 'was' attacked?" "The battle is over and in a few seconds the bulk freighter will enter the atmosphere." Anica nodded and turned back to the viewport. Now, she could figure the shape of the corvette. And infront of that, these lights had to be the freighter. The front lights changed into a huge fireball. Then the fire went out. "Their falling." Anica kept her eyes on the sky. "Where will they crash?" "About hundredandsixty kilometers in the northeast of our position. We can be there in a quarter hour." Darts got her next question along with the first. Well, he was now with the group for five years. A really long time for a mercenary to stay with the same organization for long. But Havrees' orgabization could hardly be called a normal organization. It was more like a military unit. Military ranks, military orders and really good payment. She was with the old general for over ten years now. Although he had thaught her a lot, she'd learned early that he didn't liked to be asked many questions. That is why he never asked for background information. Many of his people were criminals, well in the eyes of either the Empire or New Republic. There were those who got fed up with their normal life at home, with mommy and daddy caring so sincere for them, that there wasn't enough free space to breath. There were times Anica had regretted that she'd left all that, but this life was far better. And of course there were former Imperial officers, like Darts. He did not speak much over his past. He had been a stormtrooper or fleet soldier. "They're down." He reported from behind. "Let's see, if we can help." The modified corellian corvette took off from its hovering position. "Keep it low." she ordered Yevon. "Did you already figure out, who the attackers were?" "Looks like some Imperials and there seem to be more up there." Darts answered shortly. Anica had stopped to wonder what might happen if he ever had to shoot on Imperials. He never hesitated to kill one of them. "Ma'am we've got the freighter's ID-code." the comm officer reported. "It's the Starry Ice. It belongs to, Captain Talon Karrde." As far as Anica knew was Karrde a smuggler. That would explain why Imperials would hunt them down. At the moment the Empire couldn't afford the loss of a single credit. They arrived at the smoking ship. It had broken through the ice surface. The corvette lowered its altitude and came to a hovering position about twenty meters over the ground. It was unusual, if not even strange to use a corvette for a landing operation. Nevertheless it was possibly and the general was known for his strange solutions. He had elevators installed in the landing bay. Cylinders which had room for four fully equipped soldiers were lowered to the ground. So they could go down easily. No transporter was needed. The walls where from duraplexglass. The passengers could look out but no blaster would melt the glass. In full winteroutfit they went down. In at least one hour the Imperials would come down. They had to hurry if they wanted to get the crew and the cargo, if it was worth the expenditure. With cocked weapons they made their way over the slippery, icy ground. The entrance of the freighter was demaged and easy kicked in. Anica covered the left side. Another one the right. She pointed at a soldier right behind her, then the direction he should go to cover the corner. The one besides him was ordered into to the corner on the other side . Then Anica entered and ran quietly to the next door. She didn't assume to be attacked, but such things had happened in the past. The man behind her closed up and opened the door. In the progress he turned behind the wall. Anica's rifle pointed into the room. A tall, stocky man was lying unconscious, maybe dead on the bottom. Infront, at the viewport laid a woman. In the captain's chair another. "Check their pulses. I check their IDs." She hung her rifle to her side and strode over the man. The Computers were still running. "This one is badly wounded, think we better get him to the medic center." Anica nodded and activated her intercom. "I need a medic team down here. There are wounded crewers." The man was now checking the captains pulse. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." he said. "What is it?" Anica demanded. "Look at this one. The general will be pleased to see her." Anica stepped at the side of thr soldier. In the chair laid a beautiful redhead. She was in her midtwenties and exactly the one the General wanted. "You'll be rewarded." Anica said, a bit jealous. She checked the woman's ID. Mara Jade. "Let's get their load and then blow this ship. The Imperials shouldn't get it in one piece." Chapter 3 It was like a stony tunnel she had to creep through. And the stones were very sharp. The way back into consciousness was uncomfortable and hard for Mara Skywalker. Slowly she opened her eyes. Her mouth was dry. It felt like she hadn't drunk anything for a week. There was this unease she knew really good: bacta sickness. Slowly, Mara turned her heavy head. Now she realized a constant, regular bleeping. All over the room were medical instruments and beds. This looked too familiar. It looked like an Imperial sickbay. She streched out to the force. Nothing. The force wasn't there. Mara sat up, too quick. Dizzyness stroke her like an ion-blast and she laid back down. At the bedside table stood a glass of liquid. Mara took it and led it to her mouth. She stopped. It could be poisoned, but no. First rescuing one and then poison her, not likely. She emptied the glass. This felt much better. It would help her to get a clear mind. So, they were blocking her with ysalamiri. Well, Mara knew how to fight without the force, too. At a chair infront of her bed laid her clothes. She looked through the room. No one except her. Quickly she took up her clothes and changed the white sickbay-dress. Shortly after Mara had finished, the door hissed open. She spun around into a defensive position. A white dressed medic entered. "Ah, good to see my patients on their feet again." "Where are my crewers?" Mara demanded. "Faughn, is in her allocated room." "Does that mean we're not arrested?" she asked sceptically. "Why should you? The general will answer your further questions." "The general, huh." The medic nodded. Maybe it was a New Republic outpost. But why in the galaxy would they block her? Maybe Luke had found a new dark Jedi, they didn't know about. But as the medic said, the general will sure answer. "The guards will bring you to him." The door opened again. Two men in black suits with blastarmors entered. They looked almost like Imperial fleet soldiers. They did not wear a helmet, nor did they have Imperial insgnia on their uniforms. Now, Mara was sure not to be on a New Republic outpost. She passed the medic and left the room. It was hot out there. Hotter than in the sick-room. The bright sun dazzled her. She narrowed her eyes to get a clear view. The dusty ground, the tall trees, it looked almost...no this was Myrkr. Exactly, it was Karrde's old base, which they had to leave after Grand Admiral Thrawn had attacked Hyllyard City. So she wasn't blocked with ysalamiri. Mara turned to face the men. "Where is your general?" she asked the guards. No answer. "You're not very communicative, are you?" Still nothing. One pointed to the left. "Ah, yes. Thank you. I think I'll find him myself." Mara turned and started to walk. The guards followed. She arrived at a great room which spread into three other ways. "Now, left." a voice told her from behind. "Oh, you can actually talk." They didn't respond. "Stop." the order came after she had walked twenty meters in the hall. A guard stepped at her side and opened the door at her left. "You'll wait in here, until the general arrives." Mara had just stepped in, as the doors closed. They didn't lock it. They were waiting outside, for sure. Mara was standing in a medium room. The whole frontwall was a single window. She couldn't remember having seen that here before. Infront of that window was a large desk from maybe fijjizj-wood. Unlikely that a simple mercenary could afford this. At the right was a bookshelf. All right, it wouldn't get boring until this general arrived. At the left wall hung a red flag with golden stars forming a circle and an anchor with kind of eagle in the middle. Under this stood a sideboard. A lot of pictures were assembled there. The generals family, maybe. She took one up. It showed a beautyful women. His wife? Another one showed a little girl playing on a green field. Daughter? Maybe granddaughter? Well he was a general and if he wasn't a selfdeclared one he'd be old enough. She put it back. "Like these pictures? Emperor's hand!" The mention of her old self made her blood freeze. Slowly, Mara turned around. She hadn't heard anybody coming in. The general, Mara decided. The old, rough-looking man approached her. The scar on his left cheak from temple to chin added to his dangerous appearence. He was old enough to be a clone-war veteran and he looked like one. How could he know about the Emperor's Hand? How could he possibly have indentified her? The Emperor made it one of his best kept secrets. However she had to say something. "I'm not using this identity anymore." Mara almost stammered. C'mon, be cool, just be cool, she told herself. "And why do you think, should I care?" Point for him. His face was now only a few centimeters away from hers. The generals eyes penetrated her like two grey-green lightsabers. Even without the force she could clearly feel and see the overwhelming hate he felt for her and which he tried to suppress. An unpleasent feeling creeped to her mind. It was the only good explanation. Mara had to make it sure. "What have I done that you hate me so much?" Trying hard not to show her agitation. The general walked around the desk and sat down in the chair. His fingers drumming on the tabletop. His eyes narrowed and they met with hers. Mara wanted to turn her had to avoid the gaze, but she decided to stay steadfast. "What have you done? What have you done?" He shook his head in disbelieving. "You should know your jobs better, Emperor's hand." He said. His fingers now scretching at the table. Mara had never, except one time failed her master's missions. This one time Palpatine had been very angry. Why should it have been otherwise with another job. And if he really had been her target why should he hate her so much. Defenitely not because of that bad healed scar. "What do you want you're still alive." Mara shut back. "I am, yes I am." There was a sigh. "Unfortunately, my wife isn't." The general shouted and jumped up. From one second to the other a blaster was pointed to her face. "One good reason, just one good reason, to leave your head where it is right now." Mara's breath became heavier and faster. "You, you would make the same fault I made once." His expression changed. It showed...compassion. "Wrong answer." He said, smiling viciously. *Click* This was the trigger. There was a rumour saying that the last seconds a man had to live felt like hours. She raised her arms infront of her face to cover her head. The blast would tear her arms apart, a second one would finish her life. The blast never came. Mara lowere her arms. The general fell back into his chair, laughing. "You should see your face, now." Was this all a sick joke. But why would anyone do that? The blaster in his right hand was replaced with a cylindric object. Her lightsaber. The general was now again on his feet. The blue blade hissed into existence. "Maybe it would be more fun to kill you with this." Then he switched out the weapon. "But first we'll play a little question and answer game. "I don't suppose you built it yourself. Where did you get it?" Mara refused to answer. "I'm listening." he demanded. "It was a gift." she said at least. "From who? Palpatine?" "No one you know." "How can you be so sure? Just tell me his name." "I'm not going to tell you anything." The general cocked an eyebrow. "You'd better cooperate. Okay, well. You said something that made me think that you were married." Mara was not going to say anything about Luke. "Your ID says your last name is now Skywalker." Well, he already knew. Why should she hide anything from him. "Somehow I doubt that." he continued. "Why. Do you think I'm not good enough?" "I think that a Rebellion and New Republic hero would never have something with an assassin; and unfortunately the ships ID identified you as Captain Mara Jade." "My boss forgot to change it."The generals expression didn't change. "Please believe me, I have changed." she almost pleaded. "He gave me that lightsaber." The general hit the desk with his fist. He was obviously fed up with this conversation. Mara did not want to die. She had to get up with something really good, really quick "Guards" he shouted to the door. The men came in. "Bring the Emperor's Hand...oh pardon me." he said with a grim smile. "Bring Mrs. Skywalker to her room." Mara nodded and returned the smile. "Thank you, very much." Chapter 4 Tellon Dart's shift was over. He returned to his room and laid on the bed. So this young women had been the emperors personal assassin. Hardly to believe. But that was that made her the perfect choice. How did she wanted to be called? Skywalker? Did that mean he was still alive? What had happened to all the others? Were they dead? This was irrelevant. As long as the voices didn't come back. But why did they disappear, if Skywalker wasn't dead? The emperor wouldn't set a timelimit to his last command. He had to ask her. Tellon stood up. He had to take an unusual way to get to her. No one should figure out who or what he had been. Havrees hadn't put her into an arrest cell. Her door was locked and two guards positioned infront. She wouldn't try to escape through the window. The hangars were heavily guarded and the forests full of predators. Equipped with climbing gears he made his way from the rooftop to her room. If he'd knock she'd probably open. Indeed, she did. "May I eneter?" he asked quietly. "No" came the bitter answer. What did he await. No one would let a complete stranger in. Not when he was knocking at a window on the third storey. "Like you, I've been an Imperial officer, loyal to Palpatine himself." She grabbed his arm and pulled him in. So these were the magic words. She was standing in the darkness, holding a blunt but heavy looking object. "Keep your hand's where I can see them." she ordered. He did as she said. "I just came for one question. If you'd allow that." She nodded. "Did you kill Luke Skywalker?" "Out" she answered gruffly. "Did you marry him? Or sort of that?" "Out, now." she said raising the object a littlebit. So it was true. "I'm disappointed. You are not worthy to be called the emperor's hand." Then he climed back to his room. He couldn't sleep that night. Only one thought was rumbling in his head. Skywalker was alive. She met him and didn't kill him. He was alive. His master's murderer was still alive. 'You will kill Luke Skywalker' Tellon jumped up. "No." He shouted. You will kill Luke Skywalker' "Not again, please." he whimpered. 'You will kill Luke Skywalker' "Please, make it stop." Tellon fell on his knees, holding his head. 'You will kill Luke Skywalker kill Skywalker kill Skywalker kill Skywalker' The words were repeating in his head again and again and again. He fell hard on his back. "These voices, these voices...please stop." he screamed. He pressed his hands against his temples. Almost unconscious, Tellon crawled to his bed and took his blaster from beneath the pillow. There was no other way out. With heavy feet he stood up and stretched. The words were still echoing in his mind. The only way, or these voices would hunt him for the rest of his life. One way and it was just a blaster shoot away. ***** It was in the middle of the night and it was the same woman who kept Jay Havrees awake. Mara Jade. The emperor's hand beeing married to a hero. It sounded so very ridiculous. And even if she was, why would that redeem her fault? Had he become that week over the years. This...bitch had killed Caren. The one person he'd loved more than his life. And that was unforgivable. The next time Havrees would just shoot her or cut her in half. These were plain ideas, yes. From the moment he had looked in her eyes, he'd forgotten all those million plans for a sweet slow death. Whatever he'd do to Jade wouldn't bring Caren back. In the end it was the emperor's fault. He had given her the order to kill him. She couldn't know that he hadn't been on the ship. Maybe it was Havrees' own fault. It was he who hadn't been able to complete his Jedi training, who had been too week to protect his family against the emperor. He sighed. This 'if I had done...then' couldn't change the past. The intercom signal caught his attention. "Havrees" he answered. "Sir, please come to the troop quarters. You better hurry, it's really important." the voice on the other end said shocked. "I'm on my way." Jade. She had escaped. What else could have happened? Havrees took the nearest blaster and checked its charge. Full. He buckled on his holster and put the blaster inside. In a hurry he left the room and ran to the quarters. The building was considerable large and it took two minutes to get there. The nightshift stood next to Jade's door. As they saw Havrees they saluted. He returned the gesture. "What happened?" he asked confused. "Sir?" the guard demanded. "Is Jade still in there?" "Where else?" "I see." he said gruffly. He took his comlink from his belt. "Security, where did you want me to go?" Overreacted. Once more he had made a choice far too quick and hadn't listen closely enough to prevent such. In this case nothing wild had happened, this time. "Troopquarters, Sir." Havrees didn't think on anything else than Jade. Medics called him paranoic and they were right. He disconnected. The troopquarters were on the other side of the building. Havrees arrived breathless from running. Two guards were standing in front of the door. "Sir, please come in." Havrees looked into the room. On the bottom laid a bier with a body on it, covered with a grey blanket. A medic stood beside the dead. A pool of blood strechted out from the bier's place to the wall. Havrees looked away. He'd seen worse things on all those battlefields he'd faught on. Despite that fact it always made him shiver and sick. "Who was this soldier and what happened?" The medic looked at his datapad. "Um, Tellon Darts." Tellon Darts. "In squad leader Lankar's team?" The medic checked the information and nodded. "He took his Blaster set its muzzle in his mouth and pressesd the trigger." the medic saidl. "Why?" If there was no letter from the suicide then the reason mostly stayed in the dark. "He heard voices and couldn't bear that. At least that's what his next neighbour, Sergeant Khar'rec said." "Where is he now?" "Back in his room, I guess." Havrees looked down at the bier a last time. Then back at the medic. "If you find anything interesting, inform me." "Of course, sir." Havrees turned around and walked away. "You guys can bring him to the sickbay, now." the medic called. Suicide. That was new. Sometimes one murdered another, but suicide had never happened in his organization. He knocked at Khar'rec's door. "Who is it?" A gravely, nonhuman voice asked. "It's the general. May I come in?" "Of course you may enter, Jat'vrikh'mir." This was the title a Noghri clan had given to him. It meant great warrior or something like that. The door slid open. The catlike creaure knelt on the bottom. His face toward the bottom. He used to tell them not to do that. He wasn't Vader. After a time he learned Noghri warriors needed to do so. "Rise" he told him. Khar'rec did so. "The medic told me, that you found the body of your neighbour, Tellon Darts." "That is true." came the gravely reply. Many thaught Noghri to be brutal, callous and heartless killermachines. Havrees had learned that most of that was true. They were callous killermachines, sometimes brutal, but they were not without a heart. Superficial Noghri didn't show emotions. If one listened good enough and knew the species, he could hear a special tone sounding with their always gravely voice. Over the years Havrees had learned to make distinctions between the tones. And this guy was shocked. "Sit down, please." he offered Khar'rec. Havrees knew the Noghri would stand before him until he collapsed, if he didn't say anything. He sat down. "The medic also told me that Darts heard voices." Khar'rec nodded. "That is also true." "Did you hear those voices, too?" "No." "How do you know, that he heard anything?" "He was screaming." "Did he scream words or was he just screaming?" "These voices, he always repeated. Then I was to hear a shot and hurried to its direction. I feared he was to run beserk but..." he stopped. "But you found him dead." Havrees completed the sentence. "Yes." The Noghri answered gravely. "Anything else you want to add?" "No, Jat'vrikh'mir." a tone of sadness in the nonhuman voice. "Were you in his squad?" Havrees guessed. He modulated his voice as sympathetic as he could. "Yes." Tomorrow he had to talk with Commander Lankar. "That's all. I thank you Khar'rec. Good night." The Noghri knelt down again. "Have a good night, Jat'vrikh'mir." Well, Havrees would defenitely not have a good night. The door closed behind Havrees. He shook his head. This was confusing and somehow he had the feeling that it had to do with Jade. Chapter 5 It was completely dark in the long hall in which the sleeping-capsule stood, he rested in. Now he was awake again. Memories flashed back in his mind. The destruction of the first Death Star, the Emperor's demand for a second one and his pleading not to built such another thing. Then the destruction of the second Death Star and his master's death. He saw the rebell fighters destroying his space palace and his escape here. They put him almost dead in this green and blue shimmering liquid. He was in here for years, until they needed his knowledge. Until the day they found this sarcophagus. When he was released from the capsule he wasn't completely healed. He inspected the mysterious discovery, then he collapsed and was braught back to the healing liquid. Slowly the large double doors, about fifty meters opposite of the capsule opened. The light came closer and closer to him. Finally it caught his eye. The chnage hurted. A figure appeared in the doors. Its shadow cut the light and began to grow ghostly. The form walked up to the capsule. The man, he could now recognize, was wearing the clothes of an Imperial dignitary. He was carrying a set of clothes. The dignitary pressed some buttons at the capsule and the liquid began to drain into the bottom. The occupants face was now free from the liquid. He began to cough hard and freed his lungs from the fluidity. A few minutes later the capsule was empty and its hatch opened. He fell on his knees, out of the capsule. "Master Tydrjas, my Lord, you are awake." the dignitary greeted him. He'd laid the clothes infront of the capsule and was kneeing some meters behind them. Tydrjas didn't give his servant a single look. He watched up to the black ceiling. His eyes and limbs feeble from the long sleep. He took a deep breath. The air smelled moist and musty. One dream reappeared within his head. It was rather a vision. The same vision he'd had on his master's day of death: Skywalker and his son fighting against each other and then, then Anakin Skywalker returned and Darth Vader died. And Skywalker took revenge on Palpatine. His last command was in Tydrjas mind for such a long time. Were it days, weeks, months or years? However, it felt like centuries. Tydrjas looked down. The servant was still kneeing infront of him. He took the clothes and slipped them on. The dignitary raised his head. He searched his master's gaze and found it. The eyes in the dark Jedis wrinkled and scarred face were expressionless. They seemed like two black holes, which sucked up everything that came too close. Tydrjas pulled the hood of the dark cape over his head and covered the horrifying sight. Still, he wasn't acknowledging his servant. He passed him and left the crypt. To be continued written by Phil Messelken messelken@hotmail.com