Star Wars Deadly Laws ChapterFour-Suspisions Things were quiet this morning on Courascant. Something didn't feel right. Leia gazed at the suns piercing rays from her spot on the balcony where her brother stood several times when he came to visit. She herself ,had never been to the roof of the Palace before, always so busy with the affairs of state and her own family she never didn't have time to enjoy a view like this. Han insisted not to contact him through the Force during the last week. After Han told her about the brawl Luke started in the bar,Leia made her mind up to leave him be. She couldn't do anymore good if she kept smothering him with duties he didn't want. "Oh your highness! Your highness! There you are!" the prissy voice of See Threepio interrupted her thoughts as she heard the soft whining of Threepio joints coming towards her. Beside him, his counterpart whistled excitedly. What in the worlds could they want? "Calm down Artoo before you melt all those internal systems of yours! I will tell her Highness myself since i'm the one who's rehearsed in protocol! Your Highness-" "What is it Threepio." Leia asked, eying both of them wearily. she had a lot to do today and was in no mood to have trouble. "Mistress Leia, Artoo has picked some rather distressing news concerning master Luke" Lea sighed tiredly and took another sip of tea" Threepio, if you're talking about the trouble in the bar last week I'm sure-" Artoo was very close to squealing now and Leia looked down at the spinning droid in concern. "No your Highness, we know nothing of that , Master Luke is in serious danger to himself." When wasn't he? she thought to herself. Not reacting to the droid, she asked calmly "How so?" "According to Tatooine Law when a civilian reaches the standard age of forty and does not have a mate or children to care for, he or she is considered a disgrace to the planet and sentenced to death!" Leia's eyes were wide as she whipped around to face Threepio. "What do you mean, sentenced to death, how?" "According to the law, a citizen is given five doses of poison to claim their life. If the civilian is still alive or the poison isn't strong enough they are hung in a public display as a warning to other citizens" "By the gods.." Leia whispered softly to herself. Covering her mouth, she turned back to Threepio "Where is he now?" Artoo began whistling and beeping frantically to Threepio who patiently took it in before replying " Artoo says Master Luke's ship left Courascant three days ago and hasn't been seen since. Mistress Leia what are we going to do? our poor Master is surrendering himself! surrendering! Oh Your Highness-" "-quiet threepio!" Leia snapped .Walking as calmly as possible to the door. It couldn't be true! It couldn't! Luke was an official member of the New Republic now. He was a hero. He couldn't be going to Tatooine to commit suicide! But feeling his mood before he left Nom charios less than a month ago. He was liable to do anything. **************************************************************************** ******************** "Yes I know the law you're referring to Miss Jade" a woman's voice acknowledged over the comm system. Her voice was smooth and calm and attractive. It was a strong voice and commanded respect without sounding the least bit husky or sultry. Smiling in relief at the system she spoke into the addressing unit again"So is there a chance you can help me" "Luke saved the life of my people a long time ago, now I will help you help him. I have a dwelling outside of Anchorhead where we can talk.I 'll meet you in Mos Eisley in three hours." "All right where ?" "There is a small night club in Mos Eisley where the farmers hang out for social gatherings in the alley west of the Pilots Cantina. Meet me there" "I'll see you then Dariel, Jade out." Mara sat back in her chair and sighed. Why in the heck was she going through with this? Mara never followed anyone's orders except maybe her own and maybe occasionally Karrde's.What was happening to her? was she growing soft? She couldn't sleep, not tonight. She'd tried several times but in nine hours she'd be on another mission, not to save but to claim him, court him and marry him. Marriage! The very word terrified her. Throughout her entire life Mara never got to experience real emotions. The Emporor enslaved her im more ways than one, even after his death. That was, Untill Luke. What was it between them? A strange but brilliant light filled the cabin as Mara slowly lifted her head from the pillow, her fear mounting. What was happening? The light became brighter and closer, and so did a voice. One so gentle and kind that Mara couldn't believe she was hearing it. "Mara...Mara Jade" the voice intoned, hypnotic. Mara tried to make a grab for her blaster but by now the light engulfed her. She was alone in a vast sea of white light and defenseless. Where was she? She couldn't stay here and face this creature or whatever it was without a weapon!She was really out of control here. She had to get her control back! But how? She looked around and gasped as she saw a figure approach her ,dressed in a white robe. The human figure was short and she couldn't make out her features from this distance. But she sensed the woman approaching her meant no harm. Slowly gathering in her breath she tried to relax and drive her suspision away. Hoarsely, as if testing her vocal cords out. She adressed the woman as she came up to her. "Who...who are you?" "Don't be afraid, Mara." the woman said in a feminine, motherly voice. The light around her dimmed and her vision cleared enough to see the womans face clearly. Round, wrinkled a bit and with a dark brown salt and pepper look . Serene and calmeyes almost the same color as Luke's. "This has not been a good day" Mara thought to herself. Unarmed, nowhere to run and placed in a situation where she had no control over she adressed the elderly woman in front of her. "Who are you, Please answer me." "Don't be afrad." the elderly lady said again."I will not harm you. I couldn't harm you." her face broke into a beautiful smile as she reached for her cheek. " I know you are frightened young lady but you are strong. You need to have things explained to you." Mara's normal reaction to such a statement would have been to snap and push the hand away. But her feet refused to move and her eyes were mesmorized by the lady's stare. Was it possible...? "Yes, I am an angel" the woman said softly "And I am here to help you understand and prepare you for this mission that frightens you so." "Why have you come to me?" "Because you need someone in your life. The mother you never had." Mara's eyes filled with tears at the word "mother" and they streamed freely down her cheeks. "No. No! I can't do this! I can't" Mara fell to her knees sobbing. The elderly woman took her trembling body and placed her in a hug. Slowly rocking her back and forth. "Yes, you can Mara. You can do it! Don't be afraid . Luke cares very much for you. He can learn to love you." At that, Mara sat up."No he can't! it's not true! He loves Callista!He loves her! Not me." "Mara....Mara." the woman's voice said softly placing her face in her hands and bringing her to face her...and the truth. "Mara Jade I am about to tell you something very important here. Something to help me and my husband get to where I have to go.If you refuse to listen to me ,you will end up hanging in this limbo forever. Do you understand me." "Yes." "Good." the woman took a deep breathand released her. Standing up and walking around as she spoke. Mara stayed where she was, listening intently to everyword she spoke. "Several years ago My husband and I were married in a simple ceremony. Our life togtether was plain and happy. Except for one thing. My husband bore a grudge against his older brother. He claimed he was too proud of himself to see what he was doing.And in a way ,I guess he was right. But I liked him, he was a good man. someone who wanted to make a difference. or so I thought." "What happened?" "He turned his best friend into a monster. Or so my husband said. What I didn't know is, that he had his own share of monster qualities in him. He and I both. No one knew what happened to him but our galaxy became restless.We were lucky to have escaped the slave herdings. Shortly after, war came." "The clone wars" Mara remembered. "Yes.My husband and I fled to Tatooine and found freedom there. But the War and the role my huband's brother played in it made him bitter for the rest of his days. I still loved him but I wanted something more that he couldn't or didn't want to give me for his own reasons: a child." "A child." Mara echoed. "Mm-hmm. In the early days of our marraige My husband said that he couldn't wait for us to have a large family. That is, after he tried to flee the influence of his brother. While we were fleeing to Tatooine, our ship was hit by a strange kind of radiation. I was the only woman on board the ship at the time and our ship didn't have any shielding. We passed through unharmed but when we reached Tatooine, I found the radiation had affected my reproductive system. I couldn't give my husband the children he wanted. He blamed his brother for the accident and my sterility then went into a silent rage and vowed disownment " "Then a few years later a miracle occured. One I never thought would happen. I finally got my wish fufilled. I would have a child. My husband's brother returned to us with a small bundle in his arms. He explained to me that this child was an orphan and needed to be cared for. But my husband wouldn't hear of it. As far as he was concerned, his brother was bad luck. I finally manged to convice him to take the baby under his wing but only if his brother wouldn't have anything to do with him. My husband agreed to his terms and handed the baby over to us. He wanted to name the child after himself but I disagreed, I would not let the child grow with a mistaken identity. So we called him by his orginal name; Luke Skywalker." Mara gasped in realization as the truth hit her. "You... you're Luke's aunt!" "Yes I am. But please let me finish my story. I was delighted to have won the round on two counts. Getting my wish fufilled and having the child keep his given name. Luke was a happy child and put a good effort into everything he did, I was proud of him and even though Owen wouldn't show it or say so. He was too. It took some time, but Owen began to soften to his nephew and wanted to protect him. But what he and I did to protect him was something I'm not proud of." "What did you do?" "We lied to him. Told him things that never should have been said, but was neccessary at the time. I couldn't bear the thought of having Luke kidnapped or taken away from us by his father who had become Darth Vader and was rousing terror through out the galaxy. So in an effort to delay things and prevent Luke from becoming influenced by the wrong typoe of people, Owen kept Luke at home and arranged for him to have a tutor.I was saddened by all this." "What's the point of all this Beru?" Mara asked, sounding a bit impatient "My point is, that Luke, like my husband Owen, can learn to love. And so can you. If you are willing to take the time for it. And don't. not for second, get too proud of yourself.It carries a heavy price." "How?" "Owen's pride in himself kept him from reconcilling with his brother and telling the truth to Luke. Ben's pride created Darth Vader and created war in this galaxy and your pride in your business, money and freedom keep you from seeing Luke's more human side.Is that not true.?" Mara eyes mometarily filled with anger but realizing it would not do her a bit of good, bowed her head in chastisement. "No I guess not." she whispered. "Mara. Pride is like alchohol, A little is good ,even a cup is okay but after a while it impairs your judgement and blinds you and turns everything out of focus. Don't take too much of it." "Thanks for the story and the talk but I really need to go back. " "And you will my child, just know that I will help you during this mission. And you need not be afraid of it." Mara looked at her a long time and spoke with much more confidence and conviction."I'm not afraid. Not anymore" "Then you are free to go Mara." Beru's voice echoed in her ears and before she knew it Mara was back on the sleeping pallete in her quarters. **************************************************************************** ******************** Star Wars Deadly Laws Chapter five-The ceremony and the Bantha hunt history.. The next two doses of the poison were easier to take for Luke as he waited in his dark cell. Waiting for the terrible end he knew was coming. He was silent and defeated. Over the last two days Luke felt his body becoming weaker and weaker, and he didn't look at all like the healthy blue eyed Jedi Master of recent years. His health and appearance deteriorated in the last several days. His skin paled and his irises dilated to an almost white shade. "Believe in us Luke" his father, Ben, and uncle told him. Bitter sarcasm and anger crept into his thoughts. It wouldn't be long now, he could tell immediatly from the sound of boisterous voices outside an event was starting, an event Luke knew well. The Bantha Hunt celebration. Luke heard the beating of the drums and the sound of footfalls in unison knowing exactly what was going on. Closing his eyes he allowed his mind to drift back to a much more earlier time...... ... the sunlights glare was pale in comparison as six year old Luke Skywalker leaned out eagerly from the back of his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen's speeder. He'd never been to a party this large before and heard endless stories from his Aunt Beru about the three day festivities. Exciting her little nephew to the point where he bounced on her knee. Laughing and squealing in delight and anticipation. "Can I go? Can I go?" he would always ask. And Aunt Beru would shake her head explaining. "Farm boy's can't go until they reach the age of six. it's just a rule . But I can help you prepare for the party and tell you what to expect if you'd like" Her tiny nephew practically flung himself at her squealing in delight "Tell me! tell me! tellme!" he would squeal. Then Beru sat her rambunctious nephew down and told him stories. . Traditionally a dance was held for the Farm boys to welcome them to the festival and to warm them up in preparation for the upcoming hunt. All farm boys were expected to learn it, either at or during the party. Luke was one of the luckier ones,Aunt Beru patiently taught her nephew the steps and the expectations of what happened at the party to prepare him when the event came. Luke learned to love the dancing...then.It was wonderful exercise and it was a dance thatcould be done alone or with a partner if he so wished. Usually he opted to dance it alone, for he was extremely modest and embarrased easily. But Beru promised to keep her nephews hidden talent a secret until he wished it otherwise. Now he was here and it was even better than he ever expected. But before the festivities were to begin, there was a gathering to welcome the newer members to the hunt. Holding his aunt's hand Luke listened to the quiet chanting in Traditional Tusken, their tones solemn and the song sung in a semi somber tone. On this day we welcome the hunt we welcome the hunt we welcome the hunt. Remind us oh suns of our world of the danger, the terrible danger we must face. Out of the sand and the dunes they will come, they will come. Large and foreboding let us not falter or shrivel In this the great Bantha hunt The great bantha, Creature of strength Creature of size We chase thee we hunt thee down Luke knew the rules of the hunt. All farmboy were to spend the next two days strengthening up with rigorous dancing and socializing with friends (should they be hurt or one should not return from the hunt) usually the festivities were held indoors or underground where all of the farm boys would gather.Laughing and bonding and practicing and preparing weapons. In history ,farmboys once used spears and knives to hunt the great creature, as time progressed and blasters were introduced it eventually became the weapon of choice. But the third piece a rope with a noose was always mandatory and Microbinoculars Killing a bantha was not an easy task. Farmers had a rule of stunning Bantha as a sign of mercy to the creature. If a mother Bantha had young with her, farmers were to leave the young alone for the generation to keep on. Orphaned Bantha's or young wounded were usually brought to the farmers house and domesticated until it was old enough to look for a mate. Then it would be released into the wild. Young Farm Boys were to stay with their parents or (in Luke's case) his guardians until he was old enough to hunt on his own. By the age of twelve ,the Age of Choice, as farmboys called it. Boys could choose between hunting on their own or selecting a partner to go with. Luke when he reached the age of choice ended up choosing to go with Biggs Darklighter in their speeder. But also there was another ceremony spooked him one that wasn't pleasant. The ceremony of preservation of the young. Luke knew that ceremony too, usually it happened before the festivities of the Hunt. Men and women who reached the age of Forty, the age of Judgement were brought to the councilto fill out a form. There they were judged. A concept unfamiliar to Luke at the time. "Why must they be judged Uncle?" Luke asked the large man. Owen merely grunted and put his hand around his nephew protectively. "To make room for the next generation and..." Owen's eyes glinted angrilly at some distant memory "to stress the importance of the value of children" Luke opened his eyes and turned his mind back to the present. All his hope was gone. Mara Jade, who'd always wanted to see him dead,would get her dearest wish . She wouldfeel his death through the Force. Maybe then, she would be able to find peace with herself. He never wanted to hurt her intentionally. But his very existence of a jedi seemed to torture her. What a terrible price he'd paid for his Naivete' and foolish beliefs and carefree life. What hopes were possibly left for him now as he approached his day of judgement.? None. None at all. **************************************************************** Mara waited, sipping a rare Tatooine Vintage Gin in the lounge of the night club Dariel said was their Rendezvous spot. Mara's eyes had to adjust to the change of light as she entered the dark Bar.All the farmboys, would be out working, at the festivities of the Bantha hunt or taking an afternoon nap to beat the scorching heat. Which made this the ideal time for her and Dariel to talk. Mara was about to take another sip of her gin when she caught the sight of a tall, brawny but solidly built woman at the entrance to the door. Like herself ,she radiated an aura of confidence and strength. The sun caught on the soft red curls that fell from her head to the edge of her shoulders loose and free. A medium sized but well worn blaster hung from her holsteras she moved smoothly to the Bar. Dariel Anglethorn.It had to be. Putting her drink down, Mara approached the woman in her best business manner ,sizing her up. "Tall, solidly built and intimidating. Looks like you picked a good partner Jade. But can she pull off a good job. " As if sensing what the other woman was thinking, Dariel sat herself down and adressed Mara in a non threatening but purely business like tone." Sit down Miss Jade. I'm here to pay off a debt to a friend. But I have to tell you some rules. the faster you sit down the faster we can get on with this. the Bantha hunt has already begun there isn't much time." Mara sat down. ************************************************************************* Star Wars Fan Fiction Chapter six. Missions "What are you saying Han?" Leia gasped in utter astonishment. Her mouth hanging open. "Exactly what you heard Leia. You're not going on this mission" Han kept his voice firm as he loaded his blaster and gathered a bunch of clothing into an old duffel bag. Leia raced back and forth as he packed, her face a mask of disbelief and shock. "Why am I not going!" she demanded" he's my brother and-" "Your place is here Leia. Tatooine is not meant for you. these aren't politicians or royalty These are struggling people who don't have experience with people like you. Many of them have bigotry against rich people. If you step on their soil you'll get nailed by scavengers ." "You don't have to explain anything to me Han, I've been on Tatooine before!" Leia put her hands on her hips and glared at him. Han glared back. "Stop trying to protect me!" "I'm just pointing out the facts Sweetheart. " Han said backing down. " You can't go on this mission. It's not your world and it's not your law OR the New Republics! This is strictly Tatooine law . I'm only going to say this once so you'd better listen.Stay away from this mission! if you really want to save Luke, take care of the kids and keep the senators at the New Republic meeting from killing each other at the table." Han-"Leia made for another protest But Han cut her off.jabbing a finger in her face, each word deliberate. "You were the one who always said the New Republic should come first or the Rebellion should , Well, now's YOUR chance to prove it!" Han's last comment caught her like the sting of a whip, but before she could say or do anything, he grabbed his duffel bag and was gone. After he disappearred Leia spun on her heel and walked to a window of her apartment, frowning into the glass angrilly. For once, she found herself wishing she hadn't been so dammed dedicated! Han was right. She HAD told Han and Luke The rebellion or the New republic had to come first.On more than one occasion . She never thought she'd hear her own words used against her. But Han was right about another point too, She was not in her element on Tatooine. Han was better at that sort of thing than she was.In so many situations she'd been in control, strong and always knew exactly what to do. But rarely did she ever feel helpless "Mama?" Leia spun around to see her youngest son Anakin watching her. Had she been sending her emotions out again? "Are you okay? where's Uncle Luke?" Leia didn't answer instead she sat down as her youngest son came to her and held her. "Don't be scared Mama. Everything will be all right. we'll have cousins soon." Ignoring the last remark. Leia hugged her son fiercely and gave a single soft sob. **************************************************************************** ******************** "All right first order of business." Dariel said keeping her eyes straight on the woman in front of her. "I need you to be aware of something very important in this law. I'm not an official citizen here. I'm from Beheeboth, Tatooines sister planet. Many of the rules we have here apply to us as well." "So ,what are you planning to do?" "I can give you and Luke santuary at a cabin I own here. It is well guarded and not far " "Wonderfull" Mara said making to stand"let's go-" "Wait Mara, I haven't told you the rest" "and that is-" "I can't give you access to any kind of medical help . If Luke has the will to live, then there is a chance he can have his termination anulled. But it's not been known to happen with others before him." "I understand that Dariel. What else do you have to tell me?" "Second, I can only give you santuary for three months. If I go beyond that I'm prone to punishment as well. When those three months are up, My security teams will have no powerto defend us. There have even been stories of people betraying the condemmed from inside the refuge" "Do you think your men can be trusted?" "I believe so, but I have no desire to find that out differently." "All right,then everythings been taken care of. When do you want me to be ready tommorrow" "Around ten. the ceremony is at high noon, but we have to get there early to get a good seat. " "I'll see you then Dariel. Thanks for everything." Mara headed for the door and as they entered the entrance way Dariel put her hand on Mara's shoulder. "We'll get him tommorrow. I promise." ****************************************************************************