"What?!" Leia screeched in a shrill voice. Wedge gulped hard as he stood at attention in front of the former princess. She had not taken what he said well. "You heard me Your Highness, Your brother didn't make it .I'm sorry." Leia clenched her teeth together and her nostrils flared. He fingers clenched into tight fists and when she spoke her voice was a low growl. "Get out." Paling considerably and trembling a bit ,Wedge exited the room to leave the leader of the New Republic in total shock. Luke was still down on planet amidst gunfire terrorists, thieves, murderers and assassins. She wasn't allowed down on this world, nor was Han. Diplomacy was deteriorating quickly on this world and she was almost at the end of her rope. Without Luke ,what was she to do? She felt like she's been cut in half. With the comfort of her brothers physical and emotional presence they shared in their bond through the Force, cut off,she felt dead. Just as bad as when she'd seen her entire world destroyed by the Empire years ago. Only this time she'd truly lost her last blood relative...forever.