Chapter Two Two men walked carefully through the quiet dusty, dirty streets of the city. Keeping their guns at the ready for anything violent. One of them noticed an unconscious man with light brown hair and dressed all in black which were filthy dirty and torn. His face, half turned from them, was bloody and bruised. But when their first man, who was called Akando Maibe came closer and put his hand to his throat he noticed a pulse and called his companion over. While Akando examined Luke's bruised and battered body, his companion noticed the strange metal device lying near him and began to examine it without turning the saber on.In the night light, they knew not to activate any light for it would reveal their location to their enemies. "Hey 'Kando look at this!" carefully ,he extracted the beautiful green gem from the saber and examined it in awe. His companion called Girvyn Kolinka, whistled and licked his lips greedily. "Oh Man" he whispered. "This guy is loaded. Check out that gem. This'll feed our men for a bloody month and give us a great supply of fire arms. Give it to me! I wanna see it!" "No!" Akando hissed, stuffing the gem into a pocket. "Help me with this guy! I'm taking him with us.!" "We have this stupid gem! We should leave him here to die!" "No he could be useful to us. Let's take him to our hideout then we can decide what to do with him. If he is useful to us, we can have an extra set of hands joining our cause to assault the flagship of the New Republic." Girvyn hoisted the unconscious Jedi over his shoulder and together he and Akando headed into the violent night with the soft cackle of gunfire echoing softly around them. ****************************************************************** The next three days were hell for Leia. She'd sent three teams of men to search for her brother. The first group was gunned down in the streets with no survivors, the second came back empty handed and the third was crushed by a collapsing wall. With each team she sent Leia's anxiety rose. During the night she couldn't contact him nor could she tell if he was even alive. The thought made her blood turn cold. Finally two days and another search team later, they found something. Leia waited in her presidential suite twisting her hands and pacing to the point where she annoyed Han. Then the door knocked and the unlucky member of the search team stepped solemnly forward. In his arm he carried the Black Jedi robes Luke wore. "Minister Leia ?" The soldier handed the ragged and bloodstained clothing to the former princess as she slowly accepted them. The soldier gave a small report to the Chief of state, she barely heard the soldier say a body hadn't been found. But this, the bloodstained clothing ,cut communication, and the report of a missing body was enough to convince her. Jedi didn't leave a corpse behind when they died She'd seen Ben Kenobi die on her rescue from the death star so she knew all the evidence pointed her brother to his death. The soldier quietly left the Chief of state alone as she pressed the precious bundle and his lost lightsaber to her chest. Sinking to the floor she sobbed. Hearing his wife Han came in to comforther ****************************************************************** Several kilometers below, in a sealed underground cavern. Luke Skywalker lay unconscious on a medical bed surrounded by armed men. The two men who'd brought him in re-changed his clothes, kept the Gem and put his original robes back in the spot they found him. If anyone tried to find him all they'd find were his robes and the shell of a useless weapon. They couldn't risk letting him keep the weapon in case this stranger belonged to their enemies. The Red Liars.Besides he was helpless and weak they had a better chance of killing him if he was a traitor. The Doctor reached up and ran his hands through shaggy hair as he checked out the mysterious wounded causality.His small wiry frame wasn't meant to handle the workload pushed on him. Rubbing the exhaustion away from his eyes, he walked into the Terrorist leaders room and felt the room temperature drop. It was fairly chilly in the artificially heated caverns and lit but in Diallo Chatha's presence, the temperature seemed even lower. Sitting at his desk, with a well tanned skin and bullish eyes as dark as his outfit he wore after returning from a succesfull raid. The muscles in his lavishly endowed body tensed and his boxers nose seemed to scrunch up even more as he turned his attention to the Doctor. "Well?" The doctor stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep them warm and to hide his trembling but he couldn't keep the quiver from escaping his lips as he spoke. "He's coming around." Diallo fingered the hilt of his blaster and caresed it lovingly. The gesture always made him feel safe knowing his trusted blaster was in it's holster. The latest bombings had been very succesfull and soon he would be sounding the trumpet of independence soon. "So what'd you find out about this guy we brought in." "Nothing. He's been unconscious for three days .It's like this guy just dropped out of the sky. There isn't any information on him in any of our databases." he didn't mention what Diallo already knew.Their computer systems were badly damaged. Any information found was faulty or out of date and scarce. Technology was worth more than gold on this world. People killed for the metal, as shelter pieces, or as weaponry. Now their patient was slowly moaning and trying to sit up. "Hey ! Hey wake up you!" Slowly the patient opened his eyes, which were the clearest shade of blue Diallo envied. His face turned into a jealous scowl at the attractive good looks, especially his sandy blond hair. "Wha-what...happened?" the strange man asked. He winced in the lighting conditions and tried to get up but fell down again . "We were hoping you could tell us. You were found wounded and badly beaten up by some of the gangs we've got vandalizing the city here. Any of this ring a bell?" The man shut his eyes "No." he shook his head slowly"I don't know what I'm doing here." "Do you remember your name?"the doctor asked propping him up to make him more comfortable."No""Family?" "I can't remember anything about them, or even if I had one." "Okay no Name, no family. If we're going to help you, we have to give you a name. But first of all I have to give you a complete physical. It may take a while. " "That's okay doctor. I feel more confused than hurt anyway." "I'm sure you do. But you're in good hands here."