Chapter Three Rumors flew quickly throughout the capitol city of Courascant. none of them were confirmed but people still talked anyway. "Did you hear..." "They're saying the New Republics mission suffered heavy casualties..." "No they didn't.." "Wedge Antilles got a telling off by the Chief of State herself." "Go read the papers...It's in there" "Nothings been confirmedabout the missions yet. I've heard.." "...People say he's missing...and his fiancee's due here today" "Oh Papa do you think he's gone?.." Nobody knew exactly what was happening. The good citizens knew this latest mission on a terrorist world was very risky and dangerous but many people had turned their backs on the news, bringing back memories of the Old Republic ignorance. But people also had faith in the Jedi too and Luke Skywalkers infamous "Farmboy Luck" left many people calm. "So a Jedi is what?" "Skywalker will be back in a week. Just watch!" "You wanna wager on that?" "I say in three weeks." "Ten credits on him coming home in a week" High above in the palace towers, Mara listened. She'd arrived last night with no news at all about Luke. Their wedding was scheduled for the week, but she'd received some warning in the Force through her dreams. She remained calm as the citizens below whispered but inside,she was more shaken then she cared to admit. Turning away from the window, Mara regarded the quiet entrance of Leia Organa Solo, who looked like she had gotten trampled over a herd of Banthas. Something was very wrong, she could tell that right away. "Leia...what's wrong Luke isn't..." she couldn't bring herself to say theword. "I don't know. I can't feel him in the Force and I've tried to meditate on the answer but I can't find anything.Except this." Mara gasped as she saw the tattered remains of Luke's tunic and lightsaber shell. Feeling a stinging in her eyes Mara took the handle slowly and examined it. "I guess you got what you always wanted Mara." Leia said her voice growing cold. "What are you talking about?" Mara asked. Torment was gnawing at her from the inside. "You really wanted him to suffer didn't you? You couldn't see him dead so instead you chose to make him suffer by accepting his marriage proposal !"Her voice was soft but her tone was alarming. Mara felt a tear fall down her cheek as she recoiled in Shock at Leia words. "By the Gods Leia! you know that's not true! I love him!" "If that was so, why didn't you tell him when he needed to hear it from you?! You never told him! you never proved it to him!" "No!" Mara half denied to the accusation. "Yes.! you got him all happy just to crush him like all the others! Just like Callista ,Gariel Gem and all those other women he's loved before.I swear Mara sometimes you are so-" The former Emperors hand clasped over Leia's mouth to stop the molten flow of angry words."Leia I never menat to hurt you or him like this!Don't you dare say anything because you 'll regret it later. I'm not going to let the Fates be cruel to us the way they were cruel to him before." "Oh really" Leia sneered, glaring laser bolts at Mara "And how do you plan to do that?" "I'm going to find him and bring him home. I intend to prove you wrong Your highness." She clutched Luke's saber to her breast protectively and girding herself with resolve, swept past the princess In a regal pose her aunts would have loved to see. Then she turned and spoke, her voice was intensely Low and very serious. "I love your brother Leia and I intend to prove it to him." ****************************************************************************** Unaware of the grisly discovery made by the New Republic spies, Diallo kept his eyes On their newest addition to their secret Operation. Many suggestions for names came in but finally one was selected for him. Jelani Vela. It gave Luke new meaning. When asked what his name meant one of the soldiers replied. "'Jelani' means mighty one. Something in you seems mighty. Even though I can't figure out for the life of me why." "Mighty one..." Jelani/Luke whispered. Testing the name on his lips once or twice, he was puzzled with himself. The name didn't quite seem to fit him. He paced restlessly around the room . Mulling blurry thoughts feelings and emotions into order. When he couldn't, he sat himself into a chair in total frustration. "Damn! why won't anything come back to me. something in me feels s...comfortable being with you. But I don't know why." "Maybe it's because you were a member in our Legion." a voice rang out from behind him. Luke whipped around to see Diallo standing behind him cradling his gun lovingly in his arms. "What do you mean?" Jelani asked. " Come here Jelani I think it's time I showed you around..." ****************************************************************************** "No Ma'am I haven't seen anyone by that description here." A barman wiped his countertop and regarded the deadly woman in front of him in annoyance.Mara slammed her fist down. She hadn't had that much luck in finding Luke but she knew he was still alive somewhere. She 'd taken the lightsaber hilt with her and upon closer examination found the gem stone missing. Anyone who'd taken the stone would be trying either to sell it or finding a way to trade it in for cash for passage off this world. She'd checked a few trade in shops with no luck and now, here in this bar close to the only spaceport, under heavy guard,she'd been running low on lucktoo. But no matter how long it took she would find the Man she loved. She'd stalked him once for hate for five years and she would do the same thing for love . **************************************************************************** Every day Jelani was shown something new about the underground cause and the government they were fighting. Luke had gone on several small raids involving no bloodshed yet, but Diallo was planning for bigger and betterthings. A week before the attack to the rebel headquarters Diallo summoned the Scientist back to his office. "Yes sir" the wiry man asked knowing what the leader would say was not going to be a request. "Doctor. Our new recruitment was carrying the emblem of The New Republic. I know we can use him as an infiltrate but there is something I need you to do to him first." "Anything you wish sir" "Access his memories. Find things we can use to our advantage. If he has any links spiritual or mental, cut them off. We can't have others interfering in this. He must not remember anything and be completely obedient to us." "How do you want to do that?" "I know there is a surgical technique used to wipe memories away. Perform that procedure on Jelani. Say it's a routine check up to get him in and sedate him well. When he is done, we will test him and make sure he kills well and will obey me without question." "Very good my leader. But you do realize that this technique is not one hundred percent reliable? Short term memory is 80% but long term iswell..." "Then we will just have to make sure that this one time is one hundred percent doctor. Do it now." " I'll have him in my office by this afternoon." ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` After laying out the weapons arsens they'd raided for the "big one" Diallo was preparing for. Jelani was hastily summoned to the surgeons room. "what is it doc? Is something wrong." "Nothing important Jelani, this is a procedure all our men go through before a big mission. It's standard procedure.Take this pill and lie down on the bed. i have to get my equipment." Luke nodded and gulped down the pill. When the doctor returned two minutes later Jelani was asleep. ****************************************************************************** Chapter Four. Han woke in the palace of courascant to the terrible sound of his wife screaming. He'd never seen her like this before, almost a month ago when Luke's robe and saber had been returned she clung to her belief that somewhere her brother was alive. All the barriers of grief she'd put up to protect herself had been broken and all her emotions were rushing out.It was even affecting her children who were whimpering and crying in their beds. Frantic. Han moved quickly and called for security who moved Leia to an emergency stretcher and put her to the Medical centre. Then he moved to comfort the kids. Light-years away, in her own ship, Mara Jade was seized by the same pain and shrieking hysteria as unknowing to either of them at that moment, his link with the force, Leia Mara and Han was surgically removed. It gave both women physical and mental pain similar to when Vader cut of Luke's hand in the shafts of Bespin. **********************************************************