DEADLY LAWS Sharon Beckerle Star Wars Fan Fiction 1997. DEADLY LAWS. Copyright 1997 Lucasfilm limited. Sharon Beckerle.No copyright infringement is intended. This is one of my first attempts at fan fiction, comments and criticism can be reached to me at Your criticism will not be read if foul language is added. Summary: After leaving Nom Charios and approaching his Forties, a deadly Law for all Tatooine citizens comes into effect One that will force Mara Jade to make a decision once and for all... Chapter1-Despair Luke Skywalker tried to hold his grief at bay for the loss going through his whole body as he waited in the aft cabin of the Millennium Falcon The pain washed through him in giant waves, he could no longer detain them. He failed,there was nothing he could do. Trying to breathe through heartbreaking sobs, tears stung his eyes and draining all his strength. Why can't I ever find a woman who will have me?! What am I doing wrong?! Luke brushed his eyes and blew his nose on his handkerchief . Disgusted, he flung it into the recycler. Luke cursed himself for going on so foolish a mission and being naive to believe love could cure anything . He reached under the bed to the small liquor cabinet there staring long and hard at the Tatooine gin bottle, he opened it and took a deep drink off it hoping his pain to go away. As he did so, he heard the door behind him slide open. Immediately ,he turned to see Han standing in the doorway. His expression grim "Can I come in Luke?" he asked. Luke gestured to his bed . Watching him, Han sat down with a seriousness Luke had never seen before.Luke kept the bottle hidden from Han's eyes. "We have to talk" Han stated. "About what?" Luke asked. Did it have to be now? "Luke, I tried talking to you about this before. But I can't hold this back anymore. I"m concerned about you. You acted so much like a Jedi for so long you've forgotten what it means to be human!" "Han I don't want to discuss this-"Luke began, then hiccupped softly and giggled "You're gonna have to admit it sometime Luke!" Han Yelled "The weight on your shoulders is Killing you! It's destroying you inside and out!" "Yeah well, you really should care Han." Luke said with bitter Sarcasm dripping off his voice Han flinched, then threw his hands up in resignation at his brother in laws obstinacy. "Leave me alone Han.Your son's calling you." Han Knew his son had done no such thing but Luke laughed anyway. Annoyed Han slipped out. Bumping into Leia on her way in. "Han-' she began trying to brush past him but Han caught her. "No,Leia." 'But Han Luke is-" "is in pain and needs to be alone.Both of us are going to do more harm than good if we see to him now. Come on,We're going back to Courascant." **************************************************************************** Luke chugged the contents of the first bottle easily. with his force powers, he could easily swallow three bottles before feeling the effects of the alcohol. Already he was starting to feel a bit fuzzy. he snickered. "Fools, fools. "he berated himself, "this wash you only shance at seeing love shlip through those dang fingers of yours. Now this last chance has been lost forever"he giggled at the thought of what was lying ahead of him in the next three weeks...and promptly collapsed onto the deck! **************************************************************************** Several hours later,Luke woke from his unplanned nap. He winced in pain. "oh gods Why in the heck did I do this?" he sat on the edge of his bed and waited for the worst of the pain to subside. Noticing how quiet it was. "Han?" he called No answer. 'Leia?" Slowly, he got up out of bed and walked to the cockpit his footsteps echoing in the loneliness of the deserted ship and looked out.They were indeed on Courascant . Han and Leia must have left hours ago. Glancing at the cockpit again, he disembarked and headed for his quarters. Opening the front door ,he went to the small kitchenette and fixed himself a drink as his answering machine played itself back. There was one message from Mara Jade, saying she was heading out on a private mission for Karrde and would have to cancel her planned arrival to Yavin again. Luke snorted in disgust. Then a trivial message from Lando Calrissian saying how tough his underground housing project was coming and his brand new girlfriends . Boring. But the third one terrified him... **************************************************************************** "Artoo Deeto where are you?" See Threepio Luke's protocol droid exclaimed . A soft whistle and a toot in a corner of the office turned the golden droids head stiffly he walked over with a very annoyed tense in his voice. "Artoo what in the stars of Courascant do you think you're doing? Captain Solo said we have to head over to the Milenium falcon to check on Master Luke. Oh, I do hope our poor master is not ill from a virus going through all the computer systems recently. How dreadful Artoo made a series of whistles beeps and electronic sounds. Threepio whipped his head back to his companion. "Don't you tell me about how to handle our masters mood. Why after he wakes up, he'll be as bright as a sunflower on Yavin! you'll see Artoo. Ah! here we are. Master Luke?" No answer. "Master Luke where are you? " Moving stiffly through the corridors of the ship and calling every few minutes Threepio finally met artoo back in the Cockpit. "Oh dear ,oh dear Artoo! where could have our poor master gone. Mistress leia isn't going to like this one bit. Not one bit!I knew this was all your fault you rustardly overweight blob of grease you!" Artoo let of a series of shrill beeps and whistles and the two droids bantered a great deal the rest of the afternoon. **************************************************************************** Han was getting Jacen ready for a family trip together. He deserved a rest . After Leia's kidnapping Han knew he and Leia needed some time alone. Luke too, needed to get rid of his pain as well, But not with him or his family. A ring at the doorbell startled him, who in the heck was it? He and Leia weren't expecting any kind of company. There standing in the doorway was Luke smiling . Han didn't know exactly what to expect as he slowly opened the door and stepped out to talk to his brother in law. But he had a bad feeling about it. "Hi Han." Luke said good naturedly. "Hi. What's going on? I-I wasn't expecting you to come here." "Yeah well, things happen." he shrugged his shoulders on the matter and got right to the point of why he came. "look Han, I'm sorry I treated you so badly in the falcon. "Luke's tone changed a bit as he spoke the next part. "I want to make it up to you. Let's go out tonight." "Tonight?" "Yes." Luke said softly. his blue eyes innocently stared right at Han's. filling the space between them with a mesmerizing energy. "you do...want to have..a guy's night out...don't you Han?"Luke's tone was coyly innocent and suggestive. Mesmerized by his brother in laws eyes, a wave of fog went through Han's brain. What was he doing on a boring night here? "You...have...some time free? don't you? just a few hours" .Time?free?a few hours. A few hours wouldn't hurt him. he'd be back, Leia wouldn't miss him. shaking his head a bit he slowly headed for the speeder luke parked in front. "Sure...Luke" Han said slowly "let's,go" ******************************************************** The Bar Luke chose for their outing was not sanitary, in fact it was very disgusting. . Han was revolted and anxious at the bizzare assortment of aliens around the room. Many of them were very drunk and unclean. "What in the seven suns of Corellia are we doing here? This is even worse than the Cantina on Tatooine" .Beside him, Luke giggled and laughed deliriously while chugging happily on his beer. Now on his third round Luke was obviously not caring what was going on. 'Luke," Han suggested carefully standing up and trying to take his arm "I think it's best if we went back to the Palace and-' "Palace, scmalace Let me be Han-' Luke waved his arm back and collapsed to the floor,giggling. 'Luke you're acting Like a jerk here can't you see-' 'I can see you've got everything this galaxy has offer Han and I've got none of it!" Luke shrieked. Han flinched, part from the harsh words and part from the brandy. Still sitting on the floor Luke looked hazily around the room, like he was pouting. Slowly his eyes focused on an argument happening on the other side of the room. "Ohh, Han look." he lisped . "Something to have fun with." Luke scrambled to his feet and staggered slowly over to the aliens.Not hearing or paying attention to Han's protests. Luke approached the arguing bonthan and twelik cautiously.listening to the conversation. Shaking his head slowly he tapped the bonthan on the shoulder and smiled. "Hello." Luke said sweetly, knowing full well the bonthan didn't understand him and punched him hard in the face sending him reeling into the table across the room knocking two gammoreans in the process and a barmaid laughed in delight. Angrilly the bothan got to his feet and charged Luke which he easily side stepped making him ram headfirst into the lower part of the bar. 'Ohh, must've hurt!" Luke sneered flinging himself onto another civilians back who drew a knife. Several occupants in the bar were cheering and stamping their heels and clapping. Some for Luke and some for the civilian. Han couldn't believe what was happening here. During the war years he and Luke had gotten into a fair share of brawls in taverns. But this was unacceptable! "Luke!" Han bellowed to luke over the din of the crowd "Stop it!What are you-" but was cut short as luke whalloped him with a hard right to the chin sending him crashing into a nearby table. Luke didn't have time to notice who he'd hit before another twelik came charging at him with a knife drawn. Brabbing the tweliks wrist as another man came from the right side. In one deft move, Luke stabbed the tweliks knife into the mans stomach and bashed both their heads together. Stepping back with a bit of a stagger. Luke suyveyed the damage merrily. "That was fun."he said walking over to Han and pulled his brother in Law to his feet.who'd gained some consiousness. After Han had regained his legs back and was in good enough conditon to drive back home he got both of them in the nearby speeder. Both men were very quiet as they headed back to the palace. Han suspected something was very very wrong. But couldn't figure out what. Luke just kept quiet keeping his eyes on the road ahead. Not seeing it or Han either. He stared out to the darkness ahead of them. Luke's silence sparkled in the air like static electricity. There was something very wrong and very secret building up in that mind of his. Something was bound to cut loose sooner or later. But Han knew he couldn't say anything to him. Not now. But he wasn't sure if he weren't making a bigger mistake by letting his brother in law go home alone without talking things over. Which would do the worser damage. Finally ,they pulled up to the front of the palace. It was close to one in the morning. Their evening out had been much longer than either one expected. Han glanced over At Luke and both men got out. Luke walked with Han to the door as he quietly opened it. Luke had his eyes downcast and an expression of genuine sorrow was on his face. "Come on in?" Han asked softly gesturing. But Luke, his voice low and surprisingly strong said."No. I can't. You have a vacation to go on with your family tommorrow.I-I have some business of my own to take care of myself. Han, I,I"m sorry for what I did back there I don't know what came over me. Tell Leia it wasn't my intention to keep you out so late." "I'll tell her." "Good. and Han?" "yes?" "give my best to the kids. Tell them I'll be thinking of them. Okay?" "Okay." "Well. I'll see you later then Han." he paused and added with a shake in his voice. "Have fun" then he turned and ran back before Han could chase after him. ****************************************************************** The next morning, after quietly watching Han and Leia leave in the falcon from the balcony. Luke made a hasty departure in a un-marked shuttle to Tattoine. ****************************************************************************