Chapter Seven Atonement.. Large tents were propped up in the town square of Mos Eisley where the Ceremony was scheduled to be held. Many weeks of preparation were placed upon this ceremony and the importance was very evident as thousands of citizens flocked in the small marketplace with an open podium for all citizens to see. The entire area was enclosed by a wall except for one or two openings with a gate for people to come and go as they wished. Security was tight as Thieves and Jawas were known to sneak in, and this was no exception. Security had gotten the hang of pushing the Jawas out but pickpockets were still a problem. Moving causally through the crowd, ignoring the cries and barters of salesmen and Con artists, was Dariel Anglethorn and Mara Jade. Both women were dressed in Tatooine loose fitting garbs, complete with a head covering and goggles to disguise and protect their semi-delicate complexions from the scorching suns rays. But Inside, Mara, strong anxious emotions began the swell. Beside her, removing the goggles to get a better view of the nearby podium and the surroundings, Dariel quietly observed Mara, the podium and did a quick scan of the guards. Eighteen at least. Five on the podium. Nine of them were close to a concealed alleyway, behind which their sand skimmer was waiting for them complete with a driver. To get to it ,she would have to first fight the crowd and the guards once they got Luke under her wing. Dariel grabbed Mara's arm gently and they made their way to the front of the podium which seemed to be getting crowded more quicker than usual. Obviously this was the big attraction coming up and everyone seemed to not want to miss it. A series of hard steady drumbeats began as a high priest emerged from a door at the side. Making his way to the middle of the stage. Slowly the crowds, including the loud and annoying vendors fell silent as the priest raised his arms and spoke in a loud demanding voice. "Citizens of Tatooine. Let it be Heard that on this day, a very special and sacred day. We Come together to rejoice in our worlds future and our worlds past. We welcome a tradition passed down from our grandfathers. We welcome the great bantha hunt!" The crowd broke into loud cheers and joyous waving. After a moment the priest spoke again. "We the Citizens of Tatooine, Take pride in our work. We take great pride in our worlds future. We do not let anything stand in the way of that future, We have learned to survive here.When our grandfathers landed people once said reproduction and new life was impossible to establish here. But we, we have made it happen here. Here on this world we have survived war with this atmosphere and one with a mighty Empire! let us resume our future as we dispose of our past!" the crowd cheered again even louder and the priest brought his arm up and gestured to the door behind him. "Bring them out!" he called over the roar of the din. Instantly Five men were dragged out. All were very pale and looked extremely unhealthy. The crowd booed and hissed maliciously at the men and some even jeered. Wincing in the sunlight and their own private pains, the men had their hands bound in front of them.One of them glared and spit in the face of the high priest. In the crowd, Mara felt her heart leap into her chest as the last man in the line she recognized as Luke! The priest held his hand up again, and the crowd quieted somewhat. He spoke in a condescending manner to the men and gave a warning edge for the young people in the crowd. "Let it be heard and seen that these men, all having reached the age of forty and not having conceived or bred a spouse or child for the next generation of our people,are considered an embarrasment and a disgrace to us! We, the people of this world offer these men as a last chance for redemption and mercy. Which of you will atone for any of them? Anyone for this one?" he grabbed the first man in line by the neck roughly and the crowd booed and hissed and threw raw vegetables. A moment later the high priest shoved him aside and another man led him off the podium to a back door. The door of death to receive the final dose of poison. Or to be hung by the neck.The same fate was met by all the others. Finally the priest reached for the last man in line. Swallowing hard and trembling some, Luke was grabbed in the same fashion as the other men and again the priest asked "We the citizens of Tatooine offer you Luke Skywalker a last chance at redemption and mercy. Who here will atone for this man?" a strong series of jeers hisses and shouts rose from the crowd.... ... then strong and demanding to be heard a voice cried out."Mercy! Mercy! Mercy to this man!" Luke gasped. Who was speaking for his behalf? The crowd fell silent as a woman came to the front of the podium. Speaking above the jeers so the crowd fell silent.Reaching the priest she repeated again "Mercy my lord. I request to take this man under my wing and give him sanctuary." "On what grounds?" "He is a good man who helped me once. I wish to take him to my grounds under conditions number 9572. Payment and restoration services." "Are you aware of the risks you are placing yourself under ?" "Yes I am. I wish not to have my identity revealed now." Luke turned his head to the high priest, waiting to see his reaction. A moment later he shoved Luke into the woman's arms and adressed the crowd again. "Let it be heard that this woman here ,has put in a plead of Mercy and atonement for this this man's life. His life, as it is, is in your hands mystery woman. You have a maximum of ninety days to restore him to our standards of pride. If there is no physical evidence in that ninety day period, you will be prone to our punishment of death!" the priest stepped down from the podium but adressed his next word softly to luke as he walked by. The anger in his eyes were clear. "She is your saviour Former Farmboy. Respect it and her." then he stormed out. All around him Luke could hear the soft whispers of various people in the crowd. "..stupid ignorant farmboy..." "...should have known this would happen..." "...why in the heck would she choose a savage like him..." "...that girl need eyeglasses..." Luke stepped off the podium slowly and looked at his saviour suspiously. Even through the Tatooine covering he could tell it was a woman who saved him. She was a good half head taller than him and with a strong build. Slowly she removed her goggles to reveal strong round brown eyes. She grabbed his still bound hands and began to pull him through the crowd.He ignored the whispers of the upper class folk. He'd heard all the insults before. "Come on we have to get you out of here!" she said in a familiar voice, one he'd heard before but it didn't belong to Leia or Mara, if it wasn't them then who...? ...a hand grabbed Luke roughly and spun him around, Luke struggled momentarily as the farmers who grabbed him menacingly began to run his hands over Luke upper torso. "Mind if we check out the merchandise?" he asked coldly rousing Luke's anger. With an angry growl, Luke slammed his elbow into the farmers face sending him flying into Dariel and sprawling them both into a nearby vendors tent. Customers yelled and scrambled to get out of the way as another farmer came up to luke from in front another from behind. The one behind him, grabbed Luke and pinned his arms to his side. as the man in front began to charge with a knife drawn Before he could stab him luke's strong leg came up and gave him a hard karate kick to the solar plexus sending him to his knees. Dariel in the meantime, quickly stood up and angrily grabbed the man holding Luke giving him a hard punch into his face, knocking him unconscious with a bleeding nose. Luke looked up at Dariel with an admiring look on his face. "Thanks." he said simply allowing her to undo his manacles. Once free, she took him by the elbow and led him through the vendors once again. Punching at anyone who tried to harras Luke and yanking one young lady by the hair as she tried to approach them. Luke couldn't make out much of what Dariel whispered but he remembered her whispering"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." then a few seconds later the woman left looking like she was ready to scream and run for her life. Luke smiled as he followed the woman to the outer gates. This woman whoever she was, definitely knew what she was doing.And she did it really well. a smile of amusement played across his lips as she spoke to the guards for a moment then gestured to him to follow her.Smiling he did as he was told. Once past the outer gates Luke walked quietly and without comment past the Wall Of death. where someone was carving in the names of the four previous victims before him. His eyes caught sight of two names on the wall that caused a momentary pain to come to his chest, but he said nothing. Owen and Beru Lars. **************************************************************** Once outside, Luke saw they had made their way to a side entrance where a speeder was waiting. next to it another woman stood waiting. she too had tatooine garb covering her eyes and head as he gazed at the other woman next to the speeder his rescuer begin to remove the coverings from her face, as she did so he began to speak. Okay, now that we're out here would you mind telling me where we are going and who you are?" "You mean you don't recognize me Luke?" the woman said turning around and allowing him to get a clear view of her. His eyes went a little wider in recognition. "Dariel? Dariel Anglethorn?" "Yes Luke." she smiled gently. Luke gave a small laugh and came forward pulling her into a strong hug of greeting. Pulling away to look at the second woman he smiled politely to her. Not removing her goggles, she gestured for Luke to climb into the speeder. Shrugging in confusion at this woman's apparent coolness, Luke got in as she sat down next to him, and he blinked, she seemed familiar to him but without the force it was impossible to tell how or who right now. "Better then to find out later" he thought to himself as Dariel fired up the speeder and they skimmed lightly over the sand into the north-east. ****************************************************************** Deadly Laws-Chapter 8-At the fair and in the speeder. Han licked dry lips that were not entirely cracked by the sun. For once this Correlian's luck was running low. He'd gone around the underground sections of the city asking questions and not gotten any answers of The depressed Jedi's whereabouts. He checked three bars and around Mos Eisley without much succes. Where could he be? Suddenly his mind went to the events happening around town and to what Threepio said. There was only one place left for Luke to be! ******************************************************* Han scanned the now bare podium with people scurrying around. Han gasped in horror as he saw four corpses hanging on ropes ,their heads covered. People still scurried around, gossiping and bartering from the vendors. After a couple of hasty questions Han was relieved to recieve the information that he so desperately needed. Luke had been a prisoner here, or rather a sacrificial victim. He'd come to die in accordance of the law, as Han suspected. But when it came to the question of who saved him. No one seemed to know. "Where did they go?" Han asked a civilian vendor. "North East. But no one is allowed to see him." "Why not?" "Are you family?" the vendor asked. "Yes." "Then you can't see him." "Why not?!" Han demanded, his tone becoming more threatening. "Family is not allowed to inturrupt the ceromony of preservation of the young. Only a woman unrelated to the condemmed can set him free. She must win his heart to keep it beating for the rest of his days alive if he is to remain that way" "Are you saying that my brother-in law has to be married to stay alive." "That's the sum of it. It's a tradition going back thousands of years. We know the value of family. Any man who is single at their age of forty is considereed dishonerable to our standards and a disgrace to our world. They are lesson material for the men of this planet" "Cruel examples" Han snapped "It isn't your place to judge us Captain Solo.!" The vendor shot back."You're not of this world! Your arrogance has gotten you into a fair share of trouble but you were fortunate to latch to a princess to provide for you and give you your future. It seems your brother in law has run out of his infamous farmboy luck civilians say they are supposed to have. Strange you should have given him some of his martial luck when you had the chance. From what I understand, he's had hardly any kind of luck when it comes to the ladies. How many relationships has he had so far?" the vendor sneered in comtempt at Luke's history "Three ?and none of them worked out. Surely after all that, you'd think he'd have learned something. He must have some kind of curse from that uncle of his or that wizard teacher who twisted him around so much. Maybe Papa Darth gave him a curse considering he came from him." That was the breaking point for Han. He couldn't stand it anymore. With an angry cry, Han grabbed the vendor and slammed him into the wall behind them. when he spoke his voice was in a furious whisper. "Don't you dare speak that way of my brother in law!!If I ever bump into you again and hear you insult him like that you'll find a blaster burn in you stomach faster than you can blink!" Drawing in a deep breath, he released the vendor. Luke was alive and in safe hands he hoped.He might as well leave thie area, despite the heat a chill went up his spine. ****************************************************************** Sitting in the speeder feeling the wind whipping through his hair and bringing back a thousand bittersweet memories Luke gazed with narrow suspicious eyes at the two women who saved him. "All right now that we're out of Mos Eisley and we're not being followed, would you mind telling me what's going on here?" "Nothing's 'going on' Luke as you think. " Dariel answered him sincerely. inclining her head a bit "We're here to help you. Nothing more, nothing less." Luke's eyes held a 'you -don't -expect -me -to -believe that' look. Remembering what happened with Callista . They were obviously taking him to a moisture farm. He knew the open country of this planet well. What was Dariel trying to pull here? "Yeah well, before you get any ideas in your head my girl" he spat the word out like an insult. "I have absolutely no interest in staying here. You can try to help me if you wish but I won't accept it! You'll be the ones who will need the luck when it comes to keeping me here. it'll only be a matter of time before some kind of tragedy strikes you. I'm not a good luck charm you're bringing home." "No you're not" Dariel shot back smoothly, setting her jaw determindly as the wind whipped through her hair. "I don't believe in curses. And I'm not afraid of taking this gamble on you Luke." "You will Dariel" Luke said his voice rising half an octive and sounding more upset than threatening "You will. just wait and see!I know what I'm talking about." "and I know you're just upset and tired Luke! People in your position aren't usually in a good mood after they've recieved four doses of poison and told they're supposed to die because they're not married and considered discgracefull. Well I think you're worth a lot more. Both of us here" she gestured to Mara who's eyes smiled through the goggles. "Now hush up and calm down. We're almost home." Luke slumped back in his seat and did as he was told. It was true. He was tired, tired of everything that happened to him. He needed time to grieve and a place to lick his wounds in private. With the New Republic that would have been Impossible.. Leia wouldn't cry but he never had her strength. He needed to cry and to heal. Up ahead, a larger than the average farmhouse started to show. It was lovely and twice the size of the house he'd grown up in. Luke couldn't help but let out a gasp of surprise at the dwelling in front of him In the tatooine sun, the building seemed to have open arms and to be saying to him "Come in! come in! you are welcome!" He couldn't believe it. the house was so beautiful and so well kept. looking at Dariel he said quietly "This is where we'll be staying?" Dariel smiled her brown eyes warm. "Yes it's my rent out cottage. Your place of santuary. I wanted to make sure it was prepared for your visit." She stopped the speeder aand the three of them clambered out. "Well you certainly did an excellent job of that" he gasped. Gaping at his surroundings. He wasn't quite sure what to believe yet. Sensing his uncertainty, Dariel gave an easygoing laugh and took his arm gently. "Come inside Luke and I can show you both to your quarters" ************************************************************************** Deadly Laws Chapter Nine Sanctuary The first four weeks passed by lazily for Luke at Dariels rent out cottage. Nothing seemed to be happening on the outside. Inside the minds of Luke, Dariel and Mara was another question. On the first day he arrived on the farm., Luke went through a routine he knew was necessary to keep him alive. Dariel placed six small skinny tattoos on him. A precaution and a mark to other citizens to leave him alone. There were six tattoos in all, two went on his wrist and bicep, the other went on his right ear and the other went on his chest. He didn't object to them, they weren't permanent, large, or unattractive. But his stay on the farm itself, was another thing. Luke remained hard, cold and distant to Mara and Dariel. He was distrustfull of them. His eyes were always holding a scrutinizing gaze on them, as if he were searching for fault in them. If he wasn't suspicious of them he seemed to be anticipating something. Luke's lack of trust was irritating to both women. At first they thought Luke would warm up to them, but now, nearly a month since his rescue, Dariel and Mara were beginning to become downright angry. Wasn't he gratefull for all they were doing for him? "All right Mara, We have to discuss this" Dariel said on the beginning of the second month of their stay. "I know we do, Luke isn't improving here. He doesn't trust us. I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you this but now I see it will be necessary for you to know more about him if you really want to help him. " "Yes I do want to help him, why is he like this? When I knew him, he was much more confident and cheerful. How could he become so moody?" "It's not an easy story to tell you, but he's changed a lot since the last time you saw him." Mara needed to be selective about this. But unlike Ben Kenobi Or Uncle Owen she would not lie to her. Only tell her what she needed to know. And she did. She spilled the story about Luke and Callista's perilous, passionate and very forbidden romance to her. Told her about Callista's love of power and abadonment of him and his desperate unsuccefull search for her on Nom Charios. Dariel listened to the story and she gave a look of sympathy. "Poor creature. No wonder he doesn't want anybody close to him." she stood up and walked to the window thinking. Mara joined her. "It's not just Callista he lost .He's been in various other traumatic situations that he lost too. He lost a former lover of his twice and I think in more ways than one he feels responsible." "Isn't there somebody he can talk to about everything he's been through?" "Yes he has a sister." Mara paused a moment but decided not to mention Leia's name "But she has a family of her own to take care of. Two boys and a girl." "Yeah, and with everything he's been through, I wouldn't want to go to someone who had everything I wanted in a relationship and failed to get. Too much pain." Mara cocked her head, piqued in the turn of conversation "You've been married?" "Yes. Twice." Mara turned back to her, her questions more eager. Dariels staement intrigued her. Maybe she could help Luke in understanding his grief and pain in a way Leia couldn't. "Who,..who were they?" she kept her tone soft, for she did not wish to hurt her. Dariel smiled and gazed out at the dessert, remebering things from a long distant time ago. "My first husband was a joker, someone who made me laugh all the time. With an intelligence to match, he was a geologist who loved traveling. Six months after we were married he was killed when his shuttle was gunned down by a small band of renegade Tie-fighter pilots." Mara was about to apologize but Dariel waved it off, continuing her story. " I was angry for what they did to my husband but eventually I knew he would want me to go on. I moved to this rent out cottage here and even though it reminded me of home, it held enough interesting differences for me to heal and move forward. that's how I met my second husband." "Where is he?" "I don't know. he's been missing for almost a year now. the last time I saw him he said he was going out on a regular day of work but he never made it." She had to fight her own battle of personal restarint as the memories flooded through her. " I waited and waited for him for a week then a month. Neighbors have gone searching for him but so far nothings come of it." "Dariel I-" "No Mara, Don't say anything, you wanted to know well, now you do. I don't want your pity and now that I know where Luke's coming from-" she set her jaw in a determined expression "-I'm going to see that both of us knock some sense into that farmboy head of his or die trying!" ********************************************************************** Sleeping in his quarters that Dariel assigned to him, Mara crept up to Luke's bed and for a long moment, watched him peacefully sleep. Without the Force she didn't have to worry about him waking up or sensing her. Mara watched his peacefull breathing as she stroked his lovely sandy-blond hair, The Former Jedi stirred but did not waken. She crept to his room every night for the last week to send him a little bit of healing power through the Force as he slept. Luke and Dariel were under orders not to do anything about his illness and after everything she considered, this was the first gift she could give to him. But she had to make sure it remained secret. She'd talked with the Jedi healer Cighal at the academey and read the books on healing but had never applied it to anyone before. Now she had to use it. A few moments later, after sending him some warm healing thoughts to him through the force, Luke's face slowly broke into a sweet smile as if he were telling her he recieved her dosage of healing power. Then he slowly rolled onto his back. Gazing into the still sleeping Jedi she found her thoughts tenderly reaching to him "Don't leave me Luke! I've come so far with you! You're the only real friend I've ever had. I need you." Slowly she moved closer to him and very tenderly brushed his lips to hers before stealing away into her quarters. The Farmboy turned Jedi slept on, oblivious to what Mara had done. ***************************************************************************