Courascant "it's not fair!" Leia screamed throwing a vase across the room and shattering it. Grateful the kids were at school and not witnessing their mother's temper tantrum. " I want to see him! and they've turned me away three times! three times! they can't do this to me!" "Apparently they can, Leia." Han said calmly knowing this discussion very well indeed. "I told you before, Rank is not important to them. They don't care about you being the Chief of State for the New Republic. This is a law you can't do anything about. Only Mara Jade can help him now." "Mara Jade!"Leia screeched "She can't do anything for him, she wants to kill him!" "Leia" Han said angrily, standing up with a menacing tone in his voice she'd never heard before. He didn't want to have it come to this, but now he had no choice. "Stop being so self-righteous! You're acting like a spoiled brat and you know better. Just because you're the head of the New Republic doesn't make you a goddess or responsible for running people's lives! Especially your own brothers" His voice was cold and lashing and Leia's rebellious anger rose another notch.Angrily she stamped towards him. "Han don't you dare speak to me like-" But Han's hand came up quickly to place a stinging slap on her cheek. Leia gasped and recoiled in shock. Han stood up and towered over her with his most intimidating gaze.When he spoke, his voice was cold and level. "I didn't slap you for me Leia I slapped you for Luke! I can't see you treat him like this anymore. I won't let you ruin him again! you don't deserve to be the leader of the New Republic if you can't give your own brother the freedom to make his own choices! " Leia rubbed her cheek and fought back tears of shock "Han-" "No I want you to listen to me just once Leia. I know some things about Luke and Mara you will never understand. I know you won't let him get close to anyone because you're afraid of losing him like you lost everyone on Alderaan Isn't it?" Leia didn't answer. Han stepped forward and repeated louder "Isn't It!!" Cowering, she whispered "Yes" Han had her now. He had to get the message across. "You play to win at getting everything in the government and family life Leia. Well I won't let you win this round now. Not this time. Luke is a human being and he deserves to be happy with Mara Jade . He's gotten over what she was ten years in the past but you haven't. Your self righteousness keeps you from forgiving and forgetting people. Even...your own father!" "Han! Don't" "I'm not talking about Vader Leia. I'm talking about Bail." "Leia's eyes were full of panic at that. "what- what do you mean Han" she whispered. "I mean I know about how your so called adopted father felt about the people less fortunate than himself.He was the one who made the law of peace and beauty on Alderaan true at the cost of several people on your world. He never acknowledged the poor and the needy people of Tatooine to visit his world. He told your people to turn their back on them. Ignore them because he didn't want to have anything to do with them." "No-No that's not true Han" "Isn't it? You know I visited Alderaan a long time ago and got to study their records. Well honeybun, it's time you spilled the beans to him." "Han please-" Leia began to sob now. Han spoke his next words with absolutely no-nonsense. "If you don't tell him Leia then I will!!" ********************************************************************** Deadly Laws- Chapter Eleven-In the Caverns. "This is it?" Luke gasped in wonder at the gigantic cavern they arrived to. It was beautiful.There was a small lake centered in the middle of the cavern with four chambers clearly marked and well-stocked with supplies.Coming closer ,Luke could see the engraved writing to label the chambers. KITCHEN CHAMBER, SUPPLY CHAMBER, WATER CHAMBER and BEDROOMS. Luke couldn't help but smile in delight at his new surroundings. It was magnificent where they were staying in a romantic hidden kind of way.And the feeling of total privacy was very appealing. Luke walked down the corridor that held the bedroom chambers to unpack. Choosing one near the end. It was very large. One probably meant for a family. On the small raised platform was a king size bed freshly made and a dressing table with a mirror. On the ends of the bed, placed in attractive glass protectors ,were candles. Walking down three steps decorated by a sandrail cement. Luke sat on the large soft plush currant coloured sofa near a fire circle hole. Putting his box down on the dresser beside him, he examined it for a long time. "Do I really want to know what's in here?" "Yes I think you should open it." Luke whipped his head around to find Mara at the entrance to his room. With a gentle look in her eyes she came forward and sat down beside him as he idly ran his hand along the smooth surface. "Well?' she asked with a warm smile. Luke looked uneasily at her and trembled a little. 'I-I-I'm not sure I can do this." he whispered, trembling a little bit . Mara saw this and put her small warm hands on his shoulders to steady him. "Why Luke? What are you afraid of?I know You've been afraid since we first placed you on the farm. Why are you so afraid?" Luke's expression grew wistful as he regarded the box again. Mara knew he was going to tell her something important. "I never told anyone this before Mara. But I can't keep this inside forever. I would have told..." he swallowed hard and fought back his grief "..Callista if she stayed with me." "But she didn't" Mara said simply ,never wavering her gaze from him and his eyes began to fill with pain again. " But now I have to. Now after everything you've done. You deserve to know." Mara put he hand gently on top of his and he continued . "I've had to make myself forget so much during and after this bloody war. Ben, Yoda and Leia have told me never to look back and focus on the task at hand. But it's cost me. It's cost me so much." "What? what has it cost you Luke?" Mara asked softly. "I never got to say goodbye To my aunt or Callista. I should have done something to help them more." "And you've never forgiven yourself for that?" "No. But when I found Dariel I saw a chance to make amends with my past. Maybe even add things to my life that my aunt and Uncle would approve of. I see bits and pieces of both of them in Dariel. I..I..I' he gasped and felt the long buried tears of grief start to come. He hunched forward and started to cry but Mara came forward to hold him in a comforting embrace. "I didn't want.....Dariel to... die... the..way they...did." he cried sobbing hard now. "I help her.. but I..wasn't good enough...why?..why wasn't I good enough?" he continued crying and crying.Mara just held him. She couldn't think of anything comforting to say and she knew words were not needed. Finally, Luke wiped his eyes and slowly raised his head. He looked sadly at the metal box still in his lap. Mara smiled and gave him a small prybar. "We'll open it together.' she whispered.and slowly together they cracked the box open. Luke gasped in wonder as he reached inside the box. "What is it?" Mara whispered. Slowly Luke pulled out a beautiful crystal music box. "Oh gods. I had no idea..." he whispered. Winding the box slowly and playing it. The tiny chimes sounded through the room like small drops of water, filling Luke's head with memories long forgotten. It was the same tune Dariel played on her sandharp. "Tell me about the music box Luke" she whispered, moving closer to him. "This was my aunts favorite music box." Luke began cradling it gently as the song slowed down. "She used to play it to me at night when I couldn't sleep. She had the most beautiful voice as she sang the lullaby to me.When I was little, she held me in her lap on a rocker and would sing me to sleep." "That's a lovely memory Luke" Mara whispered. "What happened next isn't. When I was seven, I brought some of my friends over to play tag in the house. My uncle always forbade me running in the house but my aunt usually let me. Anyway, I got really excited and got caught up in the game and in my excitement I knocked over the music box...just as my uncle came in the door." "Oh no." "All my friends were terrified, they raced out of the house with me facing my uncles wrath. He slapped me, just once not very hard but I saw my aunt come into the room behind me. I guess she heard my uncle yelling at me and wanted to explain what happened but my uncle was so angry he wouldn't give her or me a chance to explain. Shortly after, I was sent to work in the fields everyday. I think my uncle knew how valuable and rare that music box was and punished me for breaking it. I never saw it again...Until now." 'She fixed it." Mara said softly. Luke nodded. "This music box is a rare thing, it's hard to get pure glass like this anywhere on Tatooine. I wanted to fix it but I couldn't. My uncle claimed he threw it away. But I guess somewhere my aunt retrieved it and fixed it herself." "Maybe it's her way of telling you something that happened wasn't your fault. Maybe that's why she kept it." Luke gave a small sniff "Yeah...maybe. Always maybe" Luke pulled out a few more items from the box. Inside there was a beautiful vivid green silk scarf and wrapped inside was a beautiful gold chain with emeralds . Mara's eyes widened at the beautiful piece of jewelry.Giving her a sheepish look, he slowly held the necklace to her. "Mara, this was my aunts only piece of jewellery she ever had.If-if you don't mind...I 'd like you to wear it." Mara smiled warmly "I'd be honored Luke." he slowly came closer and put the necklace on her. It accentuated her beautiful neck and seemed to fit as though it had been made for her. "It's beautiful Luke, I shall wear it always." Luke froze again as he was mesmerized by her eyes again. He was within kissing distance of her face and the way she was looking at him sent shivers up his spine. Mara sensed his uncertainty slowly moved forward and gently brushed a sweet kiss on his lips. He almost recoiled in shock as she kissed him lightly again and again filling his lips with her sweetness.Slowly he pulled her closer and began slowly to kiss her back. Mara smiled and sighed as she pulled him gently into her embrace. "Don't reject me Luke. Not now.' she whispered, nibbling on his ear as he began to plant soft feather light kisses on her neck, sending a stream of delight through her. She giggled softly. "I "ve wanted this for so long Luke"she whispered kissing his neck and pulling his collar down."Let me make you mine, my Darling Luke. Let me love you," she grabbed him and started to kiss his lips again deepening it , but the words slowly registered into Luke's brain. "Love her...Love her?! Holy hell what Am I doing?" Giving an angry cry, he pushed her away again. "No we can't do this. It isn't...right." he stood up and moved away from her as she sat on the couch watching him intently. she slammed her fist down on the armrest. "Damn you Luke." she spat." I won't have you give into that despair again Luke!I won't! I know what you feel for me." "Do you?" Luke asked, his voice turning cold, even though part of him didn't want to. Mara stood up and came right up to him. She took his hand and placed it on her heart. "I know you want to have someone love you with all the passion and fury of the cosmos Luke. I know you want to feel the beating of a womans heart next to yours. I am that woman Luke. Deep in your heart, you know this. I know you do." Mara moved his large hand from her heart to her face. Her soft skin sent a wave of desire and terror through him. He was weakening and she knew it. She pulled him closer again and put her arms around his neck slowly. "Say you love me Luke. Say you want to be with me. I want to hear you say it." Luke tried to shake his head and deny everything but, looking into her eyes, he could see she was dead on to rights. He did feel attracted to her and he did want her. Mara pulled herself up to him and smothered his mouth with hers again. Feeling her smile of victory, Luke felt his control slipping more and more as she continued kissing him over and over again, making his thoughts whirl incoherently "Oh gods this can't be happening! this can't be happening!" Luke thought to himself as her hands pulled away his top, revealing his undershirt and pulling him onto the king size bed with her. Quickly she tossed her lightsaber away and guided his hands over her thighs. She placed sweet burning kisses over his throat and shoulders. Luke moaned and gasped in sheer Mara brought his hands back to her breasts. "Mara...please." he whispered,trying to pull away. But she rolled him over and straddled him. Pinning him down, and planting a long firm demanding bold kiss that marked him as hers forever. With a moan he found himself surrendering to it. Mara planted soft feather light kisses on his chest as slowly she caressed his chest with her hands and lips. Gasping for air, Luke was only vaguely aware of the soft slow ripping of his undershirt as his hands went to the small of her back and slowly using the Force,she allowed her top buttons to come undone.With a soft groan that slowly turned into a growl, Luke's hands slid across her belly and fondled her beutifull firm soft breasts and his mouth went gently to he soft pink nipples. Feeling his body becoming hotter and his desire increasing as his body cried out for more. "Yes my Love" Mara whispered to him as they rolled over again knowing what would happen next was inevitable. "I'm yours. Now and Forever and you are mine." Delirious on the needs of his love starved body Luke felt himself growing more and more hungry for what he knew would be a dangerous step. But when he looked into her eyes again he knew instinctively that she was ready for him. Ready for what they needed to do. Giving a small cry, he surrendered himself completely to her. ******************************************************************** Dariel Anglethorn waited, crouching in a well hidden sand dune . She'd survived getting through the worst of the raiding parties angry shouts, fists and dodging a stray laser blast. But she couldn't have survived if Luke and Mara were with her. She had to see to their safety first. They were her guests on what once had been her property but now the main house had been siezed and sections of it burned. It wasn't completely destroyed, but now the land her family had once owned was no longer hers. The eviction left her abandoned. Three days had passed and she'd been able to get into some of the hidden emergency rations her father put in the desert. She scurried around at night and retrieved them, avoiding the angry sound of Tusken raiders and the cold Tatooine night winds. She had to meet up with Luke and Mara in the caverns to let them know she was all right. She couldn't forget the look in Luke's eyes as she ran out to fight the evictors.It was a look that said to her "Don't leave me!" and Luke needed to know he was in no way responsible for what happened to her property. He needed to know he hadn't lost another friend. ************************************************************************ He and Mara Jade made love. At least that's what it felt like, it couldn't have been real. Mara wasn't in love with him. He was an idiot, a loser when it came to women. He'd always lost them, in one form or another. What he experienced last night had to be a very vivid dream. like the kind he'd had with Callista the first moments he... was hard to remember those last few moments. all the memories of what he shared with Callista seemed untouchable now, as tender as a bubble that shattered before his eyes. In his mind he recalled the soft sweet kisses she'd given him. the desire that first restrained him then suddenly released itself like a blooming rose. He remebered the pounding of his heart as she pushed her hot beautiful skin next to him and the wonderfull ecstacy as his body became one with hers. The speed and tempo of their bodies moving together to reach an explosive glorious climax together. Oh gods would he ever forget? Slowly he opened his eyes to realize that last night hadn't been a dream. Mara Jade was still laying beside him. Terrified Luke quickly went into his bathroom chambers to wash up and dress himself. He needed to figure things out. An inner torment began to gnaw at him again as he poured a cup of coffee for himself and prepared breakfast. He hadn't meant for last night to happen or end the way it did. He thought he was in better control than that. Maybe if Mara hadn't been so determined, things might have been different. But it was to late to change what happened now. He tried to sort through the barrage of confused feelings into some kind of order. But he couldn't. He was halfway through his coffee when he heard the sound of an echoing footstep in the corridor and saw the outline of a shadow. Putting the cup down, he cautiously leaned against the side wall as the steps came closer. When the figure was close enough, Luke gave a hard shove to the intruder and slammed her against the counter, placing a knife to her neck as he reconized the face of his intruder."Dariel!" She grabbed his wrist and pushed the knife away as Luke got off her. 'Nice to see you too Luke. I take it you're not satisfied with the room service here.' Luke put the knife down and gave a smile of relief. "No nothing of that sort. This place is excellent. I just thought you were somebody else is all. What happened to you?You look like you got run over by a bantha stampede." " That's what it felt like but there isn't much to tell. My farms, both of them, got evicted violently." "Evicted? you mean..." "Yes. the farm I owned is destroyed. I don't have anyplace to go now. except here. Nobody knows of this caverns except you and Mara.It was the safest place I could think of to put you for another two weeks until you go back." "I'm glad you got us to come here Dariel I think-" "Hey Luke! can't you pour the ladies some coffee?" Luke turned around to find that Mara had arrived and was standing in the kitchen chamber dressed in a lovely silken robe the billowed gently out before her as a soft breeze flowed through the doorway. "Oh. Uh..." he looked at Mara and Dariel and back again then motioned for them to sit down "sure I'll get you your coffee. Why don't you sit down?" *********************************************************************** The next week passed by fairly comfortably. Mara didn't mention to Dariel about the night they shared together but Luke suspected Dariel knew. Mara didn't come into his chambers either after that first time,and he was grateful. he didn't want to embarrass himself anymore than what he already had. Finally three days before he was due back at the podium,things came to a shocking change. Luke had finished a nice refrashing swim in the underground lake cavern. He'd gone in his pants and undershirt and had wrapped himself in his cloak to dry himself off, when he heard Mara approach him. She sat down beside him with a look of lethal calmness and dead seriousness. For a moment, nothing was said betwen them. Luke glanced back at her as she made like she was about to say something to him. Running his hands through his damp hair, Luke finally assumed the initiative to start the conversation. "Was there something you came here to tell me Mara?" "Well...yes there is. It's..very important."she clunched and unclenched her hands nervously, trying mentally to prepare herself for what she was going to say. She'd gone through the scenario hundreds of times, now that it was here, she didn't know how to tell him. "Really ?Does it concern Dariels home situation, I've been giving it a lot of thought and maybe-' "Never mind Dariels home search right now Luke" Mara said taking his hands in hers grasping it so he couldn't get free."There's something I have to say to you." Luke's blue eyes met Mara's green ones and what he saw there made his heartbeat quicken. She moved closer to him. "Luke from the first moment I laid my eyes on you on that podium I realized how much you meant to me. I know you've been hurt during this last year but I've kept a secret of my own from you. Something I didn't want to say because I was afraid. But now I know if you die on that podium, so will I.' Lukes brows drew together in confusion. "Mara what are you trying to-" "I love you Luke!" she blurted. "I love you with all my heart. I loved you for years but I was such a stupid fool I didn't know it." A twinge of excitement surged through him at Mara's words but he pushed it down. He needed to make her understand. "Mara Please you musn't say such things." "It's true Luke! I love you! I love You! I didn't realize how much until now. I don't want you to die on that podium. I want to spend our lives together!" Lukes eyes went wide in shock. 'What did you say!" "Dammit Luke you heard me! I want to marry you, I want to spend the rest of my days beside you as your wife!I love you with all my heart Skywalker and I always will. Say yes!" she was pratically begging now and tears were filling her eyes, anticipating his response. For a full minute, Luke's eyes remained wide with shock and the cavern was filled in a brittle silence as he felt a cold breeze grab his arms. With a determined effort, he released her and grabbed his cloak to wrap it around him. Swallowing his despair and speaking in a low tormented voice, he whispered. "I can't Mara. I'm so sorry." *********************************************************************** A few minutes later Mara came to the Dining chamber to eat but instead found a lone Dariel Anglethorn. "Where's Luke" she asked looking around. "I thought he was with you? didn't you say you were going to talk to him" "Yes I was but-" 'But what? Mara did you say something to upset him?"Dariel's eyes searched her face,trying to find a clue what happened between them. Disconcerted ,Mara crossed her arms and looked pointedly away.Then Dariel realized it; they reached the point where their relationship had to be resolved and she told him how she felt. Sighing she come to Mara and put her arms around her as tears filled her eyes. 'Oh Gods Mara, you did." Tears flowed down her chheks." Oh Dariel" she gasped in-between sobs "What did I do wrong?" "Absolutely Nothing. You told him the truth." she said giving her a handkerchief to blow her nose and wipe her eyes. "But where is he? You don't think he-" "No he isn't. But I know part of him is considering it Mara. But he won't" She filled her voice with certainty on this last fact. Mara looked up in wonder at Dariel."How-How do you know that?' she asked very softly. "Because I've seen the love he has for you Mara. He loves you so much it frightens him. His love for you excites him and is the kind he wouldn't admit to feel...even to himself. Farmboys are somewhat blind to that kind of love but he knows. When he finds your love for him is real, he will respond to your proposal." "Are you sure of that?" "Believe me, Mara he won't die. He loves you and he will come to realize it. I know part of what he's been through." the two women looked at each other and smiled in earnest. "Come on Mara, we have to get back to town. while we're going there I have some instructions on how to recite the wedding vows..." "Wedding vows?! now wait a minute..." Mara protested in the speeder halfway into town. ***************************************************************************** Tatooine- detention cell. Luke paced in his dark cell, holding in his hands a single bottle of poison but making no effort to drink it. Tommorrow would be his day. His day of Judgement. The day he would give his final answer to the punishment the law allowed for him. But now everything was different. He paced his room and even though the room itself was dark, thoughts swirled and flowed faster and clearer for him. He'd lived this last three months a a simple human being with all it's frustrations and fears and joys. Leia and the rest of the New Republic might have thought of him as a Jedi but in so many ways it was more fuLLfilling just to be human. During the last three months he'd found real comfort and healing with the two of them. Dariel didn't see him as a hero.She saw him as a person and so did Mara. Being treated as an equal was ten times more rewarding than being treated like a god. The thought was an awakening experience that left his sense reeling. Leia had become so self-righteous in her own quest to become a leader and a senator she'd left all her emotions behind her. He'd been suckered into believing that gaining power was the path to gaining love. but with Dariel, Mara and Han It was different. They loved him for who he was, not by his rank or heroic deeds . They loved him because he made mistakes and cried for friends and had vulnerabilities. They weren't faults They were part of who he was. The room seemed to grow lighter as more understanding came rushing to him. He'd been clinging to one fantasy after another with Leia, Callista and the New Republic that he'd forgotten what was real. Mara's love for him was real!the night they shared together had been real and there was still a chance for the two of them to have that life she yearned for. One he could provide for. Looking at the vial in his hand with sudden contempt, he hurled it to the wall and it shattered . He was going to live! He was going to live his life to the fullest with Mara Jade. Whether Leia welcomed Mara into her family or not. He knew with more clarity than ever what he was going to do tommorrow. Tommorrow, where there was always hope and always fresh and memories could be wiped clean. And Callista was the memory he would wipe clean. It was the right way to heal himself and gain some semblence of his personal justice and freedom. ************************************************************************** Deadly Laws- Chapter Twelve-Back On the Podium:Final choice. . Luke stood at attention as he stood on the podium again with the noose around his neck, waiting for his final choice and judgement. The same high priest adressed the crowd and him. "We, the people of Tatooine have arrived to oversee the progress of Sanctuary and to verify the fate of the man who stands before us." He paused then turned to speak to Luke. "Luke skywalker, three months ago a plea of mercy was placed on this podium for your life. In that three month period ,have you come to a decision about the fate that awaits you?" "I have High priest" Luke said in a clear voice. It didn't seem possible but he looked taller. "What is your decision then Man?" "I wish to live high priest. I have my intended here with me today and I wish to begin my life with her." A thunderous roar rang through the crowd. standing Nearby the podium Mara felt her eyes fill with tears of Joy. A minute later, the priest raised his arm and the crowd fell silent. "You have made a good choice. Commander and Jedi Skywalker. Before we ask your intended to take her vows with you, I must request if you have a witness.?" "Yes I do. I wish to bring forth Dariel Anglethorn to verify and witness our marraige vows and union." Both Dariel and Mara came forward as the priest removed the noose from his neck and Luke stepped off the trapdoor to meet Mara. Her eyes were shining as she took his hand. Smiling ,Luke and Mara turned towards the priest. "Mara Jade does your heart beat for this man and for him only? Will you honour, cherish and protect him as your husband for the rest of your days.?" "It does and I will." Mara said softly repeating the words Dariel instructed her to say "He is the air I breathe and the blood in my veins, My heart is his now and forever." The priest smiled and adressed Luke. 'Luke Skywalker, does your heart beat for this woman who stands before you, does it beat for her only? will you love, cherish and protect her for the rest of your days?" "It does and I will" Luke said with an enigmatic smile. "She is the airI breathe and the blood in my veins. My heart is hers now and forever." The priest then spoke to Dariel. "Miss Anglethorn ,as the word of a friend to this couple, can you verify that the words they have spoken are true? Have you seen and witnessed the love between them they have spoken of?" "The words they have spoken are as real as the twin suns guarding this world .May their love endure as long as they have." "Because they have spoken these words and said these vows. the termination law is now officially annulled!" Another round of happy cheers went through the crowd. as they cheered Luke could hear the priests words to them. "Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker may you walk together in happiness and Joy. Let your years together be blessed with happy healthy children. May you never part from the love you have discovered and Fate has nearly taken from you. Be wise in your decisions and pass it down to your young ones. With this blessing I give you your freedom back." the priest walked away, going back into the door and Luke and Mara stepped down from the podium. at the bottom of the stairs they kissed. Feeling their intermingled joy at the future that lay ahead of them. ************************************************************************ The End. Epilogue. Luke and Mara returned to Corascant three days Later. Dariel came with them. Luke went to the royal Palace of Courascant to try and talk to his sister about his marraige to Mara but her stubborn pride kept her from listening to him. after a quiet farewell toHan Luke left for their Honeymoon Dariel covered for Mara in the smuggling and trade operations while they were gone becoming Mara's assistant and good friend to both her and Karrde . Eventually she earned enough money to buy a ship of her own and win a seat and a home with the New Republic. Six months after being seperated from her brother Leia slowly began to realize the cruelty and pain she caused him and humbly asked her brother to forgive her . Which he joyously did. A few days later another joyous message came to the Solo Family. Mara Jade was with child and less than a year later, gave birth to a beautiful girl. Luke and Mara lived the remainder of their days in hapiness. They passed their wisdom down to their biological and adopted children and lived to see another generation together.They made the best choice either one could ask for. S.B-1998. I'd like to thank everyone who's complimented me on this story and helped to encourage me during my times I got stuck. You know who you are. I hope this story was entertaining and you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it!