Hi, uhm Mara,

Unfortunately I've already deleted his answers.
I'll try to reconstruct my comments or complaints
or however you wanna call it and his according
answers (as far as he has answered).

First of all I wrote the first letter late night
and didn't expect him to write back, so I was, let's
say a little bit impolite or rude as he called my
letter. Maybe I was, but rude is such a stretchable
word, ain't it?

I started with:

"Dear Mr. Anderson,

this is not one of the glorfying letters you don't
receive."(I love that line--MJ)

 This could be interpreted as rude, OK.

Then I told him, that his books were everything else
but Star Wars.
I said they were lack of any deeper meaning and stuff,
which could be found in the movies or in Zahns books.

He was sorry, that I didn't like his books.
"Lucasfilm was very 'happy' with what he has written."
According to him he has written 54 Star Wars books.

 I'm not so fluent in how many SW books there are and who
 wrote them. Maybe you know.
 Does George know what KJA has written? Hope he doesn't.

Furthermore he claimed that Darksaber was
the fan favorite Star Wars book.

 I did not read it. Is it really that good?
 The plot doesn't sound very well.

I asked him if he'd only wrote them for profit.

He said it wasn't only for money.

On my question whether he thought before writing his
books or inventing the Jedi Academy he answered that
he'd put much time and hard work into them.

 Really? Hard work would be to menage that with only
 one student, I think.

The second letter I wrote, was meant to be an apology,
titled 'sorry'.
Even though I drifted off and came to the point that
his books weren't a continuation of Zahns books or the
original trilogy but something different which could be
done without Star Wars. Well, that's not exactly what I
wrote but if you read between the lines you get this out
of it. Maybe I asked to much of him because he didn't 
answer this part. Or at least he wrote something that we
all love Star Wars and so on.
Then I remembered, that this mail should be an apology, not 
another expression of my opinion.
So I told him what he has done pretty good.
Daala was a cool character. (Yes, of course!)
The maw installation was good, too. (This time I meant it)

He didn't acknowledge my apology. At least he didn't tell me.
I don't remember if he said something about the continuation
point. I don't think he did.

Then I got back to my opinions, though I didn't wanted to.
Luke appears to be a priest in his novels which he isn't in
the movies or books.
It was obvious what should have happened after Thrawns death
and the withdrawal of the fleet.
I asked where Mara, Karrde and Pellaeon had gone and if he
didn't got the point that there would be something more
intimate between Luke and Mara.

 I should have included that Thrawn might be still alive.

He said these characters were made under strict guidelines
from Lucasfilm.

 So why don't he use them, then?

I told him that I've only read his Jedi Academy trilogy and
that I think there needn't be a superweapon in every book.

Outraged he answered that I make heavy generalizations in my
comments or complaints because only 5% of his books had a
superweapon and that there were plenty much books to keep 
me busy.

 I never wanted to be kept busy. I don't even read so much 
 books. I just told him what I expect from Star Wars.

I also told him what I had liked to see in his books.
Lucas had many comparisons with WWII in the movies. Even Zahn had
some. I wrote that in my opinion a superior starfighter would
have been better than another death star.

He left these points unanswered.

It sounds like you were making grand generalizations in your
 comments and complaints -- "there doesn't have to be a 
superweapon in every novel!" Well, like I said, I have done 54 
SW projects, and I believe there have been three 
"superweapons" -- that's about 5% of my stories...hardly what I'd 
call "every" one. And Pellaeon and Mara Jade are vital 
characters in DARKSABER, so I don't know what you mean by 
complaining that I have dropped them. As for the character
directions of Luke and Mara and Talon Karrde, these were done
 under the careful guidance of Lucasfilm *and* Tim Zahn, with a 
lot of their input and suggestions. Again, I'm sorry if you didn't like 
they way they went, but it wasn't only my decision. If you want to try one of my other books, read DARKSABER, or read some of 
the other SW novels. There's plenty to keep you busy. You don't 
have to like every one, just remember that we all love SW and 
some of us got different things out of it than you did. Keep 
reading, Kevin J. Anderson 

***Reflections by Peter****

That's all, I think.
I admit I was sometimes pretty offending (replace sometimes with
always, if you think so).
But as far as I can remember he was, too.
If someone had written such a letter to me I hadn't even answered
it or at least not in the same "rude" tone.

I could ask him if he can send me the letters again.
The first one was more or less depressive, it made me think,
that maybe he was right.
The second one was so funny because it sounded so whiningly to me
that I came to the resolution that he's not.

Try it, mock him, it's fun.

In the letters he seemed to be very arrogant. I don't want to say
he is, because I don't want to say something about him that is
maybe not true. A guy who's probably gonna make an interview with 
him will tell me what kind of person he is.

**note**I can not be held responsible for the consequences of 
hatemailing anyone, whose addy I supply.  Thanks

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