Dear Mr. Stackpole, I've been meaning to contact you for some time now as I've not only enjoyed all the Star Wars books you've written, but I also liked your choice of "replacement author" Aaron Allston for the X-Wing series. I just finished "I, Jedi" and it may have displaced "Heir to the Empire" as my single favorite Star wars novel. I found the first person perspective interesting and was especially pleased to see my favorite character, Mara Jade, brought back into the stroylines as too many of the lesser authors have allowed her to fade into the background. I thought that there was a special tension between her and Luke right from the beginning of the Thrawn Trilogy and was disappointed that they never became a couple in subsequent books. I recently petitioned Tim Zahn regarding these two and he informed me that he had just sent the manuscript to Lucasfilm for editing and that no changes were possible even IF he was so inclined. I am particulary impressed with "I, Jedi's" showing on the New York Times Bestseller List and although the numbers are not spectacular in and of themselves, they ARE impressive when you take into account the lackluster promotional efforts put forth by Bantam-Spectra. Now that is a company which should be ashamed of itself IF it understood the concept! I knew something was wrong when the discounters Walmart and K-Mart in this area did not carry your book. As of today (Sunday) I see it is still hanging in at #31 after having spent 4 weeks on the list. I attribute this long lasting performance to excellent word-of-mouth promotion of the book among readers. Raking in the money from a run-away bestseller is nice but I'm sure it's these fans which you had in mind when actually writing the manuscript. One thing I especially appreciate is the fact that you come from a military history background. As a World War II buff, I think it was this somewhat (for lack of a better term) "realistic" gritty, military-feel that Star Wars has and nearly all other Sci-Fi lacks which sets it so far apart. Sincerely, Bror Jace PS - Is there any chance we'll see Bror Jace again? Perhaps we will if either the Rogues or Wraiths run into money problems and need to visit their old "friend" again, hat in hand. I'm curious to know if Bror's bloated ego was genuine or merely part of his cover while he was with the squadron. *********************************************************************** >Bror, > > Thanks for your letter. I appreciate it very much. > > Yes, I, JEDI has been doing pretty well and eventhough it didn't >crack the NYT top 15, I'm pleased. Since I did that book for a flat fee, >the sales numbers don't mean that much, but it's nice to know folks are >reading the book and the response to it has been overwhelmingly positive. > > and Just wait until you get VISION OF THE FUTURE from Tim Zahn. >You'll see how well we made things mesh between his last two books and mine. > > I'm starting in on ISard's Revenge (X-wing 8) right now, but I"m >not sure if Bror Jace will show up or not. > > And thanks for crediting me with picking Aaron Allston as my >replacement, but that's not true. I just introduced him to Bantam, they're >the ones who tapped him to do the Wraith Squadron books. > >Best, >Mike Stackpole > > >