Dear Mr. Zahn,
First of all I would like to tell you how much I have enjoyed each of your four Star Wars novels. I received Heir to the Empire as a gift and have since read nearly all the Star Wars books published by Bantam-Spectra. Your novels are my favorite with the work by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston following close behind.

I especially love your character Mara Jade who has become my favorite in the entire Star Wars universe, movies included. I noticed a special chemistry between her and Luke since the first book and I anticipated that the two would be a couple by the trilogy's conclusion. I was more than a little disappointed, however, that Last Command ended without Luke and Mara even sharing a kiss but I assumed that their relationship would progress in subsequent books. Well, Mara Jade's treatment in these books has not pleased me at all. I would also hazard a guess that you also have not been satisfied with the follow-on material that has been written and the secondary, lonely role into which she has been cast. Feeling that it is not too late, I'm writing you at this time to request that the two become romantically involved before the conclusion of Vision of the Future. This seems the only proper way to conclude what you started seven years ago. I look forward to the day Vision hits the book stores this fall. --edited---

Most Sincerely,
"Bror Jace"

Timothy Zahn's Response:
April 22, 1998

Dear "Bror Jace",
Thank you for your recent letter, and for your kind comments on my Star Wars books.
I'm glad you particularly like Mara Jade, as she's a favorite of mine as well. Actually, I did not plan for her and Luke to become a couple---at least not romantically --at the end of The Last Command. It seemed to me too soon for a relationship of that sort, and thought it more reasonable that they would be working toward a friendship at that point. I will concede that what happened to Mara's character in subsequent books was not exactly as I had envisioned her life developing. Among other things, given the worries Luke had in the Thrawn trilogy about teaching, I would have given Mara the gift of teaching and made her a major Jedi instructor.
However, now with the Hand of Thrawn duology, I have one last chance to bring Mara (and Luke, Han, Leia, and everyone else) back to my original vision oh how they would develop. Hopefully, you will agree with (or at least accept and appreciate) the various decisions I've made.
Regardless, the manuscript is finished and (mostly) approved by Lucasfilm, so any changes are indeed impossible at this point. However, your comments are noted and definitely appreciated.
Thanks again for writing.
Best wishes,
Timothy Zahn 1
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