
In an attempt to encourage the proliferation and development of Undertow, I have decided to abandon any legal recourse I have in legal matters pertaining to the independent customization, distribution, as well as any derivative works based upon Undertow. This means that while being almost universally recognized as the sole owner of Undertow and having the final say on all works related to it, I have opted to give you, the fan, the opportunity to experiment with it on your own, put up mirror sites, create your own works of fiction or even actual substance for the background, rules, or other aspects of the game, all without fear of any legal retaliation on my part. This has come about for several reasons;

1) I no longer believe that it is necessary or even proper that, even though I have created these unique settings, characters, and other aspects of Undertow, I continue to hold as my sole property this idea. You can't 'steal' this, because I (and others, but I don't tend to speak for them) know how much I worked and what I created for this most special of projects. Your ownership of this without pay doesn't rob me of any funds I would have normally had, nor does its distribution steal from me the copies of it I have on the web, on my hard disk, or on my mind. In the words of Jefferson, "it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

2) I for one no longer hold any true hope of making money off of this endeavor. I honestly don't think it's ever been about me, rather its a creative outlet that I've had very much fun in developing and still do. On the other hand, if you like what I've done, and you want to show your thanks, feel free to voluntarily send me whatever monetary amount you feel is right.

3) The world of Undertow is far too vast to ever be completed by me or my staff on our own for numerous reasons. Time, motivation, and even creative capability are lacking to fully do this exciting story and setting justice.

This, by the way, does not mean that I or others will give up the further development of this game or others on the way. Far from it, this merely opens up the threshold to a far superior product and a more enjoyable experience over all. However, at my discretion as creator, I hold the sole ability for determining what is 'canon'; i.e. in the true intended scope and character of the game I envisioned, and what is otherwise official or less-than so. This really serves no real distinction other than serving to spotlight Undertow's original intent.

Consequently, I will also not speak for others currently on the staff. If they wish to so let their works also be built upon and freely distributed as such, it is their prerogative entirely. If they want to hold their ideas as their own property and even sell that product, I also leave it up to them. So far, the following people have signed on to this agreement:

The only thing I ask in return is to give me or one of the other creators the credit for our work and if you would do us the honor, acknowledge us for helping to inspire you on your endeavors. I would also like if you contacted me and informed me, or any of the other creators, of any of your creations so we can read them, consider them for various levels of officiality, and promote them. I would also appreciate this because I have numerous partially completed files and bits of info I could send along to help you. One thing you may not do, however, is exploit Undertow or derivative works for financial gain, as it is contrary to all of the creator's wishes, who's main goal is to spread the messages inherent in Undertow far and wide.

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