The Omen Log

Omen of the Week for 8/11/97

Bird Warns of Nuclear Holocaust

This is a new experimental section of The Unknown, called Omen of the Week, every week I'll will interpret and omen and reveal an inner meaning to share with you all.

This week's omen was given to me from a friend, Marianne, who told me of a very strange occurance at her house, which we believe may mean something important. She went out to her back porch the other day where she found a bird, flying around. The doors had been locked, so how did it get it in? Just one of the perplexing pieces of this most enigmatic omen. The bird had been flying around for escape (a key phrase there), and had frantically been hitting walls and windows to get out, repeatedly, in a hurry, and in a fashion of emergency. When Marianne stepped out, the bird flew at her, (and scaring her), but instead of running into her or anthing, the bird landed on her, a plea for help?

Well, I see things symbolically (as you must to interpret things and give them meaning), so I believe that the bird symbolizes the human race in an effort to escape the world (the porch). I could be wrong here, but what could make us want to flee the Earth? Well, maybe nuclear winter, complete horror scaring us enough to make us move first, think later (the bird was flying into things). Well, maybe I'm wrong here, but I think the message behind this week's omen is: Build a rocketship and leave the planet early, so as to not get caught in the confusion of mass terror.

Omen of the week of 8/4/97

Westerners are going to die first

This is a new experimental section of The Unknown, called Omen of the Week, every week I'll will interpret and omen and reveal an inner meaning to share with you all.

This week's omen is that westerners are going to die first. That is in 6 months when the end of the world is coming. The origin of this strange and bold statement? Well, I was at a grocery store browsing through the tabloids as usual, when I saw one that read the "...end of the world is near...", another similar headline declared that it would happen, or at least begin within the next six months. Well, that alone isn't much of an omen - it's a couple attempts for the money of gullible people (i.e. me).

What about the westerner part? Why are they to die first? And why should I have believed the end is near? Well, on the way home, we were at an intersection and were turning left. Right in front of us as we turned, their was an old man right in front of us, on a bike, riding towards us, and as he swerved slowly to the left into the dirt, his face remained motionless. He was old and without feeling, an apparition of sorts, and he had on a cowboy hat. Now, if something otherwordly wanted to symbolize the west, what is most commonly associated with it? Well, to me, which is who the omen occured to, it's cowboys, which is why the hat was meant to symbolize the west, and since we almost hit him, and after reading the tabloids, I only think it's a reasonable assumption that if this was in fact an omen from a supernatural realm, the message may be: "When the end of the world does come, and however it comes, the west is going first" The moral of the story? Move east. That's all for now, another omen interpreted next week.

Do you have an odd occurance, perhaps an omen, which you feel means something worth bringing attention to? Email me!

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