Character and Player Profiles

Cadet Thomas Dryder
Player: Mr. Nice Guy
Ex-CS Grunt and Cadet Platoon Leader
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry Platoon Leader (Non-Com)

Cadet Jeremy Ryan
Player: Stephan Bent
Bounty Hunter and Cadet Squad Leader
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry Squad Leader

Cadet Niceros
Player: Dr. Chan
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry

Cadet Anthrax
Player: Logan Speakman
Robot Intelligence and Headhunter
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry

Cadet Thadius Sky-Eyes
Player: No Beard Pete
Wolfen Mind-Melter
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry

Cadet Ann Schwitz
Player: Keeper of the Squish
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Pilot and Communications

Cadet Maximillian Baron
Player: J.Caliber
Rouge Scholar
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Interpreter and Foreign Relations
Background: Max joined Arzno simply because he had no where else to go. Here was one of the few places he could be useful and at the same time, recieve that which he most desires... Revenge! Max can speak to and fix machines, write a book, tell you the history of Thor, navigate a Death's Head Transport, patch a sucking chest wound, search for a lost city, and do vector math... but most importantly, he can teach you to do it all too...

Cadet Dustin
Player: Chris
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry

Cadet Samson
Player: Andrew Clark
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry

Cadet Father Walker, a.k.a. the "Fearless Father"
John Stevens
Priest and Doctor
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Morale Officer and Field Medic
Background: Father Walker is a front lines kinda guy who'll pull bodys out from amongst entire hoards of vampires weilding only his faith and a cross. The two large .45 revolvers Father Walker carries on his belt are a testament to his resolve, in order to save a life he is willing to put his own on the line.

Cadet Jason "The Ghost" Corwin
Player: NPC
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry
Background: After a failed attempt at temporary CO of the Holy Rollers, Corwin has found contentment as just another grunt and is looking forward to using his great psychic abilities in real combat.

Stecca the Mad
Player: NPC
Wild Psi-Stalker
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry
Background: Despite his nickname, Stecca is an extraordinary soldier with a cool head. He already had this "title" as he calls it when he joined the AMC, so nobody is really sure exactly what it means. Stecca came to Arzno to cash in on their promises of adventure and excitement, tired of roaming about with his brethren.

Susan "Calamity" Buleman
Player: NPC
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry
Background: Susan came to the AMC with a six-month commitment and hopes that she could learn to better defend her family's ranch from the various supernatural predators that constantly plauge them. Thus far she has proven to be a good soldier, unbothered by the fact that she's only one of two women in the outfit.

Player: NPC
Experience Level: 1
Assignment: Infantry
Background: Bruno escaped from the CS shortly after learning that a former fellow dog soldier had joined the higher ranks of the AMC. Having seen the vampire threat up close from his position on a recon squad, Bruno went AWOL after troops from Arzno rescued the remainder of his battered team and extended him an invitation to enlist.

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