Arzno- city of magic.

Arzno is located in city in what is now just on the north side of the Grand Canyon. All records lost of this territory save a single battered sign, it has been renamed Arzno. It is a large, walled city that is home to many practitioners of magic of all races, especially Techno-Wizards.

The leader and protector of the city is a True Atlantean Techno-Wizard named Lanis. He, like all Atlanteans, hates Vampires with a passion and has vowed to wipe them off the face of the earth. Unlike his brethren Undead Slayers, he has decided that the way to go about destroying this menace is to set up a station to help innocents defend themselves and heroes defeat these unnatural beasts. Enter Arzno. This city full of mages was an answer to a prayer for Lanis. He entered into an agreement with the city elders and Arzno Weapons Manufacturing was born. Quickly, Lanis became popular and was elected to the Council of Elders the next year. Production is booming and AWM has expanded to include an advance sales post in pre-Rifts Flagstaff. Both the city and post have an excellent availability of any item they manufacture at any time, although virtually all equipment is manufactured at Arzno.

There is a constant, however mediocre supply of Arzno weaponry throughout the Mexican border territories. All TW equipment described in Rifts and Vampire Kingdoms is available at 60% the listed price. Profit is not the ultimate goal of this organization.

AWM sponsors a small merc organization known as the Arzno Mercenary Corps led by a Weapon Mage, Mage Onra III. They lead a band of anti-Vamp infantry who roam the borders and lead expeditions into Mexico. Among the members of the group are a Werejaguar, an Undead Slayer, other Techno-Wizards, and Line Walkesr. Newly added to their ranks is an aged and highly experienced Cyber-Knight they found confronting a hoard of Vamps. He claims to be Sir Tyrone, the former protector of Erin Tarn who disappeared 25 years. Regardless of these "wild" claims, he has temporarily become an asset to the team. (Now that Erin has returned to North America, he will stay only a short while longer before he goes to seek her out.)

 Lanis plans for AWM to grow strong and become a dominant force in the sale of magic weapons. He is not power hungry and knows his bounds, and would never do anything REALLY stupid (like invade Mexico).

There are currently 50 Techno-Wizards and 250 technicians employed by AWM. These numbers has leveled off and is only increasing by about 5-10 per year.

The AMC consists of about 50 members, including the officers.


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