For further information see Onra and Xavier

Xavier sat on his stone-carved throne deep within the network of caves that he had known as home for the past 5 years. He tried to think back on his former life, but remembered little of the details. What was that image? A parade? A battle? Something like that. "Oh, well," he thought. "It matters little now." He allowed himself to leave his contemplative state and gaze around the room. There were weapons, armor, gems, credits and other miscellaneous junk lining the walls. Still as he watched, more of his minions were forming up for inspection before they left for the night. Most of them were able to hold their composure, but those in the ever-growing throng that were less... less civilized had trouble standing still. This seemed to bother something deep down within him, this lack of focus and order. It happened frequently, and his master said it was unusual for one of his creations to be so orderly.

Yet wasn't that why he was chosen by his master intelligence? Because he was different? Special?

Xavier stood and looked over his minions that were on the floor about ten feet below his plateau. His lieutenants were in front, several wearing the same costume as their master: the breastplate and leggings of that pitch-black skeletal armor with the skull insignia on the shoulder. Two stood beside motorcycles, both bearing the Death's Head logo.

In ways he envied these Secondaries. They remembered far more of their past than he did. They frequently had to remind him that he had once been like the ones they hunted, a human member of this Coalition. Funny enough, a good-sized patrol had been lured into their territory that night. In a few hours they would return, having already feasted on the warm blood of victims, no... casualties, that had fallen so easily.

As he was looking over his company of the fallen, he heard the human Cana the Blind saunter into the chamber. It was only then that Xavier remembered the most important thing to take place that night. He dismissed the troops and turned and faced the middle-aged human. "Yes, Slave?"

Cana glared back at the Vampire, ignoring the comment. He could see perfectly fine, but was given his name because of his "twisted" vision. He was one of the few Grey Seers who turned to darkness and evil. Reverently, he bowed. "Master Xavier, I have located and sent for him."

"Good work, Human. When should he arrive?"

"He already has."

Xavier was taken aback, an unusual occurrence. "When did you call him?"

"Only an hour ago. Don't ask me how he made it all that way in such a time."

Xavier was immediately collected. "Very well. Show him in."

Moments later, Cana returned with a tall humanoid with full, black hair, and an undeniable air of confidence and goodness. The sharp contradiction to this was the armor that he wore. Though it was pearl white with trim of gold, it bore at least fifty silver blades from his feet to the helmet, now in his hand. On his side was a massive broadsword which jingled on its belt when he walked. A huge rifle, obviously modified by an expert Techno-Wizard was slung over his monstrous shoulder. His uncovered hands revealed tattoos and with them his heritage.

"Master, I present Mage Onra the Third," said the Seer. There was an uncomfortable silence for a long while before the Atlantean spoke.

"Yes, Demon?"

Xavier sat down in his throne. "Which of us looks more like the demon? The one in the throne? Or perhaps the one standing below him covered in spikes?"

"What do you want?" asked Onra, unresponsive.

"I know of your reputation. My master has told me much about you and your activities in this area." He made eye contact. "You have quite a reputation." Onra remained unimpressed. "Anyway, I have brought you here to ask that you leave me and my soldiers alone."

Onra showed emotion for the first time and chuckled to himself. "Why would I do that?"

The fact that he was dismissed disturbed Xavier. Who was this that could come deep into his sanctuary, stare the Master in the eyes and laugh? What his lord had said was true. Onra really had no fear. Still, he had a legitimate point to make. "I don't think you fully appreciate our position here, Mortal. With that damned human collaboration so near us in the East, this Coalition, both our peoples are in danger here. I have been brought here for the specific purpose of eliminating that threat." Onra continued his empty stare. At least he was listening. "As a result of my rebirth I remember little about my former life. Images, really. Not unlike snapshots. Distant memories. But my master and many of my men tell me that I was once a member of this Coalition, a relatively high-ranking one so it seems. I believe that it must be true, since I remember a great deal about them, especially their tactics. You see, they wronged me and I hate them for it. That much I remember." He paused for dramatic effect, but to no avail. He then stood up and walked down to the Mage. "I am the ultimate weapon my master has against these inferior humans and I will not let my people be destroyed by these animals! I will be the death dealer, not them. By staying out of my way, we both prosper. I destroy them and they stop hunting all non-humans, and stop expanding into our homes."

Onra's gaze never left that of the vampire. "Are you through?"

"Yes," the demon hissed.

"Good." Onra started out the way he came. He turned back, showing his limited emotions for the second time. "You don't remember, but you wronged me in a way I will never forgive. In the name of Atlantis, humanity, and especially my now deceased beloved... I will kill you with my own blade."

"I can't allow that," Xavier sneered.

"Then it begins." With those words he strode out of the chamber.

Xavier turned to Cana. "He's a liar, you know. It has already begun."

The Seer was confused. "How so?"

"That attack group we just sent out. They walked into a trap. There was no CS patrol. They're all dead. What did you gather from him."

"I read our deaths in his eyes."

"I didn't even need your eyes to see that, Slave."

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