The AE-X10 armor conversion

Adds a neural link via a bionic implant in the base of the neck to most any

PA and any ONE person. It increases response time considerably. It also

has some side effects.


Bonuses: +2 attacks, +2 initiative, +3 strike, parry, dodge; rolls do not

need to be made for operation, read sensory equip., etc.


Penalties: Addiction and possibly insanity. Every time the character uses

the armor in a combat situation, he must roll vs. non-lethal poison to keep

from getting addicted. Every time used ncreases the chance of addiction by

1. After addicted, the character must wear the suit at least 10 hours a day

or be subject to possible insanity. The base chance of obsession:possess

armor is 50%, add 5% every time the suit is used for an hour or in combat.

After that insanity, it is easy for the character to fall for other

obsessions, ie power, crime fighting, crime, fights, etc.


Cost: Currently N/A, but would cost about 1 to 1.2 million with bionics and all.

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