Arzno Mercenary Corps Roster


Lanis- head of AWM (sponsor)

Galahad- Commander or AMC

Psythe- Second in command of AMC

Captains (squad leaders)

Sir Tyrone - Intelligence

Brandon Marshall - Infantry

Rumble - Borg, head of Artillery

****** - TW in charge of upkeep as well as operation of all fleet vehicles

Alina (F)- Water warlock head of newly-formed magic infantry, a sub-division of Infantry

Other members of note

Emory Reins - Infantry

Samantha - Intelligence

Patria - Infantry

Other Personnel

5 Techno-Wizards, levels 4-6 (serve as maintenance and combat)

8 Ley-Line Walkers, levels 4-7

2 Mystics, levels 4 and 6

5 Wilderness Scouts, levels 3-6

8 Power Armor soldiers (1 is a TW, 2 are RPA elite, and others are Headhunters and Bounty Hunters), levels 4-8

2 Borgs (1 Full, 1 Partial), levels 5 and 7

3 Cyber-Knights, levels 4, 5, and 7

3 Psi-Stalkers, levels 5-6

6 Dog Boys, levels 4-7

2 Crazies, both level 5

1 Juicer (what kind?), level 4

8 Soldiers with tactics and military training (i.e. Special Forces, CS Tech Officer, etc.), levels 5-8

Any additional 2-10 at any given time, mostly 1st and 2nd level vagabonds/headhunters/pilots

Up to 20 tech and other personnel are ever on the road and an additional 40 at the headquarters. Members of the AMC are not allowed to take any family on the road with them and generally maintain their own equipment and cook their own food. This group includes 5 Operators who can fight in severe need and typically pilot vehicles.

The AWC is 40% Atlantean, 45% human or near-human, 3% mutant animals and animal dee-bees, and 12% other. 45% of the troops are at least minor psychics.


Standard Equipment

Standard issue armor for linemen is TWA-900 light armor (30 MDC and 30 MDC force field), a silver knife, two silver frag or steam grenades and a standard water rifle. Officers wear TWA-1250 Imitator or TWA-1600 Exterminator Armor and carry a silver knife, water pistol and water rifle or other weapon of choice. Reconnaisance squads always wear Imitator armor and Infantry always wears Exterminator and carries silver or wood rail guns.

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