The Arzno Mercenary Corps


  1. Sponsorship: Government and Company (Arnzno and AWM) 0 Points
  2. Outfits: Specialty Clothing 20 points
  3. Equipment: Magic Technology 40 Points
  4. Electronic and Good Gear 5 Points

  5. Vehicles: Combat Cars 20 Points
  6. Weapons, Power Armor, and Bots: Basic Weaponry 10 Points
  7. Communications: Basic Services 2 Points
  8. Internal Security: Tight 10 Points
  9. Permanent Bases: Fortified Headquarters 20 Points
  10. Intelligence: Scout Detatchment 5 Points
  11. Special Budget: Small Potatoes 15 Points
  12. General Alignment: Unprincipaled and Scrupulous 7 Points
  13. Criminal Activity: None 0 Points
  14. Reputation: Known 10 Points
  15. Salary: Good 10 Points

Total Points Spent: 174 Points

Size & Orientation: Minor Company


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