Dune Equipment



Fremen Armor

Wierding Module

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The stillsuit is the only real survival tool needed in the deep desert. It reclaims lost body moisture and recycles it with such efficiency that only about one milliliter of water is lost per day of desert exposure. A stillsuit is made of black rubber and is totally self-sufficient. Walking and breathing provide the pumping action through the filters. It has several catch-pockets in the upper torso that stores the water, which can be taken through tubes. Cheap knockoffs are available, but they will lose about 6 milliliters or more a day and frequently are improperly made.

Weight: 7 lbs.

SDC: Stillsuits aren't meant to offer protection. They have only about 40 SDC. The only reason they have that much is to let them to survive sandstorms.

Cost: 450 credits.

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A two-person, lightweight tent that collects body moisture given off while sleeping (not in the stillsuit). It has catch-pockets in the walls.

Weight: 5 lbs.

SDC: They offer virtually no protection, but are protected from sand storms and the like by being small and designed to flex under the wind. 10 SDC.

Cost: 200 credits

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Spice-plastic Armor

A very lightweight armor worn over a stillsuit and made out of a plastic derived from the spice.

Weight: 20 lbs

Penalties: None

MDC: 50

Additional properties: Many warriors have Techno-Wizard improvements put on their armor, most usually those involving stealth.

Cost: On the black market, unaltered armor would run about 60,000 credits.

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Wierding Module

The secret TW device of the Fremen, the wierding module is incredibly powerful and deadly. It has three modes of operation for maximum versatility. It operates on voice commands through a remote unit strapped around the neck. The gun actually looks more like a glove that covers the whole hand up to the wrist. (Note there is no trigger device.)

PPE battery: 50

Weight: 3 lbs.


Setting 1: Incapacitation

Word: No-pa

Spell: Magic Net

Damage: Incapacitates victim for 4 minutes

PPE: 12

Setting 2: Damage/Knock-down

Word: Ko-zaraw

Spell: Telekinesis

Damage: 4D6 plus 50% chance of knockdown

PPE: 6

Setting 3: Lethal

Word: Muad-Dib

Spell: Fireball

Damage: 1D6x10

PPE: 10

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