In order to insure that the CS invasion of Tolkeen and liberation of Quebec are successful there are some "independent variables" which have to be eliminated before proceeding as planned. These variables are those profiteering guns-for-hire; mercenaries. Any direct attacks by the Coalition States would prematurely launch the content into war, it was therefore deemed necessary by the Military High Command and the Executive Counsel that the only way to counteract these unpredictable variables was to eliminate them; without alerting the world to CS involvement. The situation was given to heads of the Coalition States Intelligence Division (CSID) and the Department of Special Divisions (DSD) with orders to solve the problem using "whatever means necessary". The two divisions combined their resources and brain-stormed for a solution. It was determined that with the treaty between the CS, Northern Gun and the Manstique Imperium, the major powers have all taken a side, with the smaller unallied kingdoms most likely running to the traitors of humanity in Tolkeen, and hiring mercenaries to bolster their tiny defenses. However, each mercenary group is a well trained and viable army thus, there seemed to be no way to assault these travelling mercs without beginning a large scale conflict. It was then put forward that, a group of operatives from the special forces divisions and the intelligence community could be given sufficient funds to discreetly recruit a small private army of their own which could engage in intelligence gathering and surgical strikes. In order to maintain the illusion of no CS involvement the operatives were to hire themselves out as hunter's of the supernatural to the very kingdoms they were to spy on, and commit acts of sabotage and urban guerilla warfare in an inconspicuous manner.

An elaborate scheme was enacted similar to the defection of Col. Larsen. The story was that Huddy disobeyed a direct order from the Emperor and managed to corrupt a small number of officers and there men to band with him and steal some Coalition hardware and venture off into the arms of the enemy. He has been labeled a traitor to the state and has had his citizenship revoked and his family imprisoned (actually he has no

family, and this is just a really convincing cover). When Huddy came knocking on the doors of the smaller kingdoms, they welcomed him with open arms under the premise; "An enemy of the Coalition is a friend of ours".

Thus it began, a small team of loyal and dedicated officers were assembled and given the necessary resources to begin a small mercenary unit. Under Lt. Col. James Huddy the unit adhered to military discipline both on and off the battlefield quickly earning them a sterling reputation. Their first few engagements were handled expediently and with deadly force. Small kingdoms were impressed and the unit became known as able and competent anti-supernatural unit, that has repelled Xiticic raids, tracked located and terminated bands of demons, and other less Herculean efforts which still amount to an impressive resume.

The unit has been divided into two platoons of 40 members, and each platoon is subdivided again into 4 squads of ten. Outside the regular command structure of these two platoons is the squad known as "The Merry Men", they are under the direct command of Lt. Col. Huddy. "The Merry Men" are responsible for the acts of terrorism that the unit must discreetly perform, these acts usually include (but are not limited to) bombings, assassinations, murder, blackmail, bribery, and other destructive purposes. The rest of the unit are dedicated supernatural hunters. First Platoon is dedicated solely to finding and tracking supernatural threats and engaging them with hit and run or guerilla tactics, while Second Platoon contains most of the heavy fire power and is responsible for conducting raids, pacification, strategic assaults and fire support for First Platoon. Thus the First Platoon finds and marks the targets, Second Platoon moves in and destroys the target. And all the while "The Merry Men" are off in some distant place planting car bombs, and attempting to collapse governments.

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