Some people have it all, brains, good looks, and enough psychic power to level a small city. One evening Cara was laying in her crib peaceful as could be, suddenly she awoke and started crying, as she awoke objects in the room began to float and fly around as her fit of anger became more intense the objects were smashed against the floors and walls. Her parents were in a panic and called the PRP Agents to come in and investigate what had happened. The PRP informed Cara's parents that their child possessed an unusually high level of psychic energy. It was deemed in the best interests of Cara and her parents that Cara become a ward of the state and learn to contain her psychic abilities and be taught to use them to become "dedicated to making the Coalition States a safe place". Realizing that the government knew best Cara's parents relinquished her to the state, she was placed in a school for powerful psychics and taught to use her powers to for the betterment of society. Unknown to the psychics who were training her Cara had no desire for such skills, she was possessed with a unearthly anger towards an unknown source and being a powerful psychic she was able to mask this from others. Over the years the aggression has built to such a point that Cara will often up and blindly lash out physically and mentally at the source of her anger, no amount of pleading will calm her, she won't rest until the feeling passes or the victim is dead. The CS began to recognize this trait and wanted to put such a volatile demeanor in an environment where her behavior would go unnoticed. Amongst the brigands and cutthroats that Huddy deals with on a daily basis Cara was seen as an excellent "Enforcer" of Huddy's will, this position also gave her an opportunity to routinely torture and kill. Cara is in charge of First Platoon and the chief interrogator for the unit, she enjoys her role and thinks Huddy is worthy of her respect so she obeys him, for now.


Name: Cara DeMoss Aliases: Moss, She Devil, Satan's Sweetheart

Alignment: Diabolic Species: Human

O.C.C.: Psi-Net Agent Sex: Female

R.C.C.: Mind Melter Age: 22

Rank: Captain Height: 5'8"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Hair: Blond Build: Stacked

Eyes: Green Skin: Fair


Personal Quote: "Most women would slap you for coming on to them,

I'd rather just rip your lungs out and feed them to ya."


Description: Medium height, blond hair green eyes. Very good looking, and knows it, walks tall and proud and always has an innocent look or smile on her face.


Disposition: Ever see that movie Psycho? She smiles and flirts with men, to gain their trust and confidence, relaxes them with good looks and sweet words, then either pumps them for information or kills them. She is simply insane and has totally bought the propaganda that the CS produces, she is a fanatic and will stop at nothing to get the job done.


Inanities: Semi-functional, mindless aggression, is likely to go into a berserk rage if angered or upset (and sometimes just for fun). She will lash out at the source of her anger and not rest until it has been killed/confined. It will usually take 3-18 minutes for her to calm done.



I.Q.: 19 M.E.: 22 M.A.: 17 P.S.: 12

P.P.: 17 P.E.: 10 P.B.: 21 Spd.: 15 Exp. Level: 6



Skill Bonus: +5%

vs Horror Factor: +2 H.P. 28

Trust/Intimidate: 70 % S.D.C. 36

Charm/Impress: 55 % I.S.P.:222

Perception Bonus: +2

vs Psionics: +5

vs Possession: +1

Strike, Parry, & Dodge Bonus: +1


Natural/Special Powers, Abilities, and Vulnerabilities:

Psionics; Alter Aura(2), See Aura(6), Sixth Sense(2), Mind Block(4),

Detect Psionics(6), Bio-Regeneration(6), Resist Fatigue(4), Telepathy(4),

Clairvoyance(4), Object Read(6), Ectoplasm(varies), Telekinesis(varies),

Summon Inner Strength(4), Telekinetic Force Field(30), Empathic Transmission(6)

Telekinesis Super (10+), Sense Magic(3), Empathy(4), Mind Block Auto Defense,

Speed Reading(2), Total Recall(2), Mind Bond(10), Psi-Sword(30), PPE Shield(10)

Hypnotic Suggestion(6), Mentally Possess Other(30), Mind Wipe(special)


O.C.C./R.C.C. Skills:

Basic Math 95%, Radio:Basic 90%, Streetwise 55%, Interrogation Techniques 70%,

Intelligence 67%, Surveillance Systems 70%, Land Navigation 76%,

Lore-Psychic 75%, Acrobatics, WP Blunt, WP Energy Pistol, WP Semi/fully Auto,

HTH Expert


MOS: "Spotter"

Camouflage 60%, Detect Ambush 75%, Detect Concealment 65%, Find Contraband Weapons & Cybernetics 65%, Recognize Weapon Quality 65%, Lore-Magic 55%, Recognize Runes, Wards, and Circles 45%, Recognize Enchantment 40%


O.C.C./R.C.C. Related Skills:

Cryptography 65%, Pilot:Hovercraft 85%, Pilot:Mototrcycle 90%, Literacy 70%,

Lore-Demos & Monsters 65%, Weapons Systems 55%, Swimming 65%


Secondary Skills:

Gymnastics, Sense Of Balance 90%, Walk Tightrope & Highwire 80%, Work Parallel Bars & Rings 80%, Climb Rope 95%, Backflip 98%, Prowl 65%, Climbing 92%/82%, Athletics(general), WP Knife


Ancient WP's Strike Parry

WP Knife +1 +1

WP Blunt +2 +2


Modern WP's Aimed Burst

WP Energy Pistol +5 +3

WP Semi/Fully Auto +5 +3


HTH: Expert

5 attacks Notes: Kick 2D4, Critical Strike 18,19,20,

+3 strike

+5 parry

+5 dodge

+7 roll/fall

+1 initiative


Armor: Crusader

Weight: 11 lbs.

MDC: 55

Prowl Penalty: none




1. CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol

Range: 600 ft.

Weight: 4 lbs.

Damage: 2D4 MD per single blast 4D6 MD for 3 pulse burst

Rate of Fire: As HTH

Payload: 30 shots


2. 5.56mm M16A1 Assault Rifle

Range: 1200 ft.

Weight: 6.5 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 SDC per round

Rate of Fire: Standard

Payload: 30

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