James Huddy was an impressionable youth whose mind was molded and shaped by years of CS propaganda. Exposed to the pro-human sentiments of the Coalition States and watching films glorifying the soldier as the savior of the State, James dreamed of one day joining the army and becoming a builder of the brave new world, which the CS was trying to create. It turned out James was better than his peers at being a soldier and with some string pulling by his rich father James found himself at the Officer's Academy training to a special operative, the best of the best. James was trained and conditioned to operate under unusual circumstances, to improvise but to always understand the "big picture". James' understanding of the grand scheme of things has won him favor with the higher ups who believe that James will make an excellent member of the general staff one day. It is because of his favor among the Military High Command that James was trusted with the duty of leading a sensitive mission, which could blow up in everyone's face and see some heads on the chopping block.


Name: James Huddy Aliases:

Alignment: Aberrant Species: Human

O.C.C.: CS Special Forces Sex: Male

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Weight: 180 lbs. Height: 6'0"

Money: Has personal funds of Age: 32

about 25,000 credits. Company Skin: Weathered

funds of about 200,000 Build: Stocky

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown


Personal Quote: "There's no such thing as an innocent Dbee"


Description: Has a stern weather beaten face that is crowned with thinning brown hair. His left arm was replaced with bionics after he used it to block a bite from an oncoming supernatural creature.


Disposition: Direct. A no holds barred conversationalist who says what he means. He has a ridged code of military discipline and a high regard for human life (the lives of "undesirables" hold no value to him). Huddy was chosen to lead this mission because he will not become corrupted by inhuman ideals and has a excellent grasp of "the big picture".


I.Q.: 17 M.E.: 15 M.A.: 22 P.S.: 18

P.P.: 19 P.E.: 17 P.B.: 10 Spd.: 20 Exp. Level: 8



Skill Bonus: + 3%

vs Horror Factor: + 3 H.P. 46

Trust/Intimidate: 65% S.D.C. 49

vs Magic: + 1

Perception Bonus: + 1

vs Poison/Toxin: + 1

vs Coma/Death: + 5%

Strike, Parry, & Dodge Bonus: + 2



O.C.C./R.C.C. Skills:

Basic Math 98%, Radio:Basic 98%, Radio:Scrambler 83%, Language: American 98%,

Dragonese/Elf 98%, Land Navigation 77%, Intelligence 73%, Streetwise 67%, Lore-Demons & Monsters 73%, Pilot:Hovercraft 98%, Wilderness Survival 83%, Pilot:Robots & Power Armor 87%, Power Armor Combat Elite: Special Forces SAMAS, Climbing 93%/83%, Prowl 78%, Running, Boxing, WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle, WP Sword, WP Heavy Energy, HTH Commando


MOS: Espionage

Detect Ambush 83%, Disguise 78%, Tracking 78%, Forgery 73%


O.C.C./R.C.C. Related Skills:

Surveillance Systems 78%, Military Etiquette 88%, Weapons Systems 68%, Recognize Weapon Quality 63%, Imitate Voices/Impersonation 51%/34%, Interrogation Techniques 38%


Secondary Skills:

Sniper, Cryptography 63%, Literacy: American 68%, WP Archery & Targeting, WP Automatic Pistol, WP Sub-Machinegun, Photography 43%, Writing 33%

Ancient WP's Strike Parry

Sword +3 +3


Archery & Targeting WP's Strike Parry Range Rate of Fire

Modern Crossbow +4 +1 860 ft 6 per melee

Modern WP's Aimed Burst

Energy Pistol/Rifle +5/+7 +3

Heavy Energy +5 +3

Automatic Pistol +4 +2

Sub-Machinegun +4 +2


HTH Commando

7 attacks

+4 strike Special: Paired Weapons, Body flip/throw, Body block/tackle,

+8 parry Karate Kick (2d6 Damage), Disarm, Jump Kick, Backwards Sweep Kick

+9 dodge

+5 Auto Dodge

+5 roll/fall

+5 pull punch

+3 flip/throw

+9 initiative (cybernetic hearing)

+4 damage


Cybernetics & Bionics

Clock calendar, gyro compass, radar detector, oxygen storage cell,

type AA-1 Cyber Disguise, Amplified Hearing, Sound Filtration,

Universal Headjack & Ear Implant with Radio receiver/transmitter,

Bionic Arm (PS 20, PP 18), Finger Camera, Knuckle Spikes (+1D6 SDC),

Retractable Vibro-Blades (2D6 MD)


Armor: Gladiator

Weight: 21 lbs.

M.D.C.: 70

Prowl Penalty: -5%


Armor: CA-7 Special Forces Body Armor

Weight: 20 lbs.

Mobility: -5% to climb, -20% prowl

MDC: Head/Helmet 75, Arms 60 each, Legs 80 each, Main Body 100

1. Retractable Forearm Vibro-Blades(2): 1D6 MD

2. Garrote Cord in left Wrist(1)



1.NG-P7 Particle Beam Gun

Damage: 1D4X10 MD

Weight: 14

Range: 1600 ft

Payload: 8

Rate of Fire: Modern


2. MP-23A Caseless SMG

Damage: 4D6 SDC single, 2D6X10 SDC 20 round burst

Weight: 3 lbs.

Range: 1800 ft

Payload: 100

Rate of Fire: Modern


HTH Power Armor Combat: Special Forces SAMAS

8 attacks

+7 strike(HTH)

+4 strike(plus any WP bonuses)

+9 parry

+10 dodge

+13 dodge while flying

+8 roll/fall

+4 initiative

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