
You wanted it, you got it, a complete rambling on about myself. My name is John Edosn Stevens, I was born on May 27, 1979 in the Grace Maternity Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (that hospital now happens to be a monthly parking lot). I always had a fascination with role playing games, when I was twelve I played some AD&D with friends from school (until my mom found out and accused me of devil worship). So I found something new to play, Robotech was my first Palladium RPG, then TMNT, and followed quickly by Rifts. It took my friends and me a long time to figure out the rules but we kept plugging along. By the time I got to high school I had a pretty good grasp of how to be a player, but seeing as most of my other players didn't quite make it to high school with me (i.e. failed, moved away), I had to find and train a new set of players. This meant that I had to the GM, at first I didn't like it, I couldn't control the players they kept doing stupid and unpredictable things. I got around it eventually, I love being a GM, and I like to tell a story. It makes me feel like a director/producer trying to cope with spoiled actors who don't want to stick to the script. I have to ad-lib and be spontaneous and creative (I honestly believe in order to be a good GM you gotta be willing to work hard, and more than a bit nuts).

Now, however, I have no players left they've all moved on to out of province universities, been left behind in high school, and to compact it all I've moved to Dartmouth (Halifax's sister city, just across the harbor). So I turned to the internet, there are thousands of players and GMs out there for me talk with, share ideas and RPG anecdotes with... What I would like, however, is to have my own group to GM again (maybe via IRC, but I refuse to PBeM its too slow, and messes up the rhythm of the game).

That pretty much it about me. Right now I'm working for a moving company on a per job basis meaning I'm home alot. In the fall I'll be going to University at St. Mary's (in Halifax) and getting my degree in commerce (maybe I can get I job in the marketing department at Palladium



There you go,


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