Scenario Introduction

As the ancient Chiang-Ku awoke, he stretched and wondered what this day would bring. It was a day he had long awaited. He had known the exact date and time his journey would begin many years before. He counted under his breath and reached the sum of 1740 years or so. Roughly 180 mortal lifetimes. As he thought of these things, he exited his hut and walked out onto the waters that ran by his home at the Avon river. He then cast his eyes to the distance where he could barely see the outline of his protectorate city, Camelot. He muttered, "Oh, what will befall ye this day, my King", under his breath.

The sudden flash of light behind him startled him into turning around. He faced the goddess Glorina in all her infinite goodness. "Come, Shol Ra" she said with a voice that rang clearer than silver bells. "We’ve much to do." She beckoned toward the glimmering blue mass behind her.

"I’m coming," he said. He grabbed his small bag and stepped through the portal. "Here we go again," he thought.


Getting Started

"A Legend Fulfilled" is an adventure for a group of characters (preferably of basically good alignment) in Rifts. A player or NPC with Temporal Magic are recommended, although are not imperative (the provided NPC’s could be enough).

The basic plot of the campaign is the completion of the Arthurian legend. It is frequently written that King Arthur of Camelot did not die, but was taken into the vale of Avalon to await his coming again at the proper time and place. That time is 105 PA and the place is Rifts England. It is the mission of the characters to: 1) go back in time and ensure that the original events stay intact and 2) come back to the present time and help Arthur in regaining his throne. This campaign is divided into those two, distinct parts.

This adventure is relatively complicated, due to the fact that it involves time travel, which means that the characters and NPC’s are frequently in more than one place at a time, or even exist simultaneously in the same place. The following is my advice on how to handle this fun, but complicated method of gaming.


Playing Time Travel

Time travel, though at first appearing complicated, is actually simple if you think of it in terms of natural time to the characters. This would be best explained in an example.

George #1 the time traveler is fighting what he doesn’t realize is a werebeast. By the time he realizes it, he is already severely wounded and definitely on the losing end of the battle. Wouldn’t you know it...George doesn’t have a silver knife. He is defenseless. All of a sudden, a future version of himself appears and hands George #1 a knife. So, then George #2 leaves and George #1 has his weapon. Several minutes later, the werebeast is dead and George #1 is alive. At some point in George #1’s life, he MUST travel back in time and give himself the knife (becoming George #2). If he does not, George #1 might lose, and therefore the time-stream is altered and George #2 ceases to exist.

Okay, now that you’re confused, read in again and imagine that YOU are George. It makes more sense when you put it into real-life terms. Now, on with the adventure.

I’ve decided that rather than writing the whole thing out; I will present this campaign as several HLS setups. This way you can adapt it to your group, its power level and experience.


HLS #1: A Calling- (this is not necessary if the players are already in England, but the encounters with Glorina need to happen.)

Hook: The PC’s can be anywhere. Chances are, they are going about their usual business when something odd happens, like a throng of people they don’t even know start greeting them by name and cheering (or jeering) them as long as they are in sight. Another possibility is that while in a fight (preferably losing) a duplicate of one of the PC’s (actually one from the future who has come back to help) hands his duplicate a special magic or TW weapon of some sort that turns the tide in the battle.

Line: Whatever the situation, people are acting strangely, usually just acting as if they know them. This is because the future selves of the PC’s have already been there once and done something heroic or possibly stupid. Great things will happen like having a luxury suite already reserved for them when they go to a hotel, people showering them with gifts or just offering free taxi rides. The players should be suspicious, but enjoy the luck.

Sinker: Ultimately the players will be confronted by themselves and/or an old albino man who seems to mysteriously appear from nowhere. The PC’s will be given instructions to be at such-and-such place at so-and-so time. At the set time and place, the Goddess of Light, Glorina, will appear to the group and explain their mission. They will be transported to New Camelot, Rifts England, year 105 PA.


HLS #2: The Beginning

Hook: The PC’s are in England, 105 PA with Glorina.

Line: The PC’s meet with Key NPC’s such as Churla, the albino, Prrcyval, Shol Ra and others. They begin to be prepared for their journey by receiving some magic arrows from Churla and much advice from the albino. Ideally to intro Churla you will have him save the PC’s from a threat (I had Churla kill a dozen hungry werewolves from about 300 yards off).

Sinker: The PC’s start to grasp the scope of this operation on the fate of the world and make key alliances. At the end, the players, Prrcyval, and Shol Ra will be transported back to before King Arthur’s birth.

 From here on out, I’d go by the timeline supplied. Change what you want and use this opportunity to tell some great the stories and get "behind the scenes" of one of the greatest stories ever written.

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