The Nog Henge sequence of events (in practical time)

*Practical time is the time that is experienced by a person

*Real time is the natural progression of time in sequence (linear time)

1) 142 PA- three Nog Henge dragons (Shol Ra, Marc Tol, and Jem Lo) leave England and travel back to 823 AD (here on referred to as "the three".)

2) 823 AD- the three dragons station themselves as soldiers and help protect Uther Pendragon in battle. This is the night in which Uther conceived Arthur under disguise as a rival king so that he could have an affair with his enemy’s wife, who he lusted after. The dragons knew that Mrrlyn would certainly kill the baby if he discovered it, so, in disguise, Marc Tol persuades her to give her son to him upon his birth. In exchange, the dragons would hide and protect her during her pregnancy. The three live naturally until Arthur’s birth.

3) 824 AD- Arthur is born, and the three deliver him off to live with Sir Ector, a knight of high standing who would teach Arthur well. Also, Ector had a son four years older than Arthur named Kay, whose constant pestering and abuse would build great character for a noble king. Also, in this same year, Uther fell to the swords of the Celts shortly before Easter. On Easter of 824 AD, during the funeral mass held in London in Uther’s honor, there appeared in the church courtyard a large marble stone, on top of which was an anvil. Through both of these were sheathed the fair sword Excalibur. The inscription in gold on the stone read "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of England." (Sidebar: the sword was created as explained in the section explaining the legends. Its entrapment in the stone and anvil was by magic enchantment and (it could only be pulled by the one the sword was attuned to, in this case, Arthur.) The sword could not be pulled, and as the years passed, it became forgotten. After this event, the three (who had been disguised as knights) jumped forward to the year 840 AD.

 4) 840 AD- The three arrive at the Easter tournament in London. The first order of business is to steal Sir Kay’s sword. They are aware that Arthur (known to all as Wart) will be sent to fetch a new one. After Shol Ra steals the sword (note: he keeps this sword for quite some time, later to return it to Arthur as an inauguration present) and the tournament begins. Kay realizes that his sword is missing and sends the young Arthur to find a new one. (This is the critical part of the plan. If used as a campaign, this is one of many times that the characters, as well as the three, will hide themselves and keep Arthur from being disturbed. In this case, Jem Lo is forced to restrain a friar from intervening in the churchyard.) Arthur sees Excalibur, and being the naive child he was, simply took it from the stone. Upon this feat, a radiant light is plainly seen by Arthur as well as any of the player characters or the Chiang-Ku watching him. All hear the sounds of a choir from the clouds explode into joyous "Alleluia" choruses. (It is interesting to note that it was neither the Nog Henge nor Glorina who did this miraculous feat. It MIGHT lead one to believe there was another, more divine influence as well... or perhaps it was just coincidence.) We all know the rest of the story. Arthur returns the sword to Kay who recognizes it and claims it as his own. Thanks to a Words of Truth spell cast by the sword, Kay confesses. Immediately the tournament is halted and all watch as Arthur places the sword back in the stone (which had healed) and pull it out again (after which the stone healed again). He repeated this miracle 5 times. Arthur was that very day crowned king of all England. Many of those who opposed, especially the Celts, walked out and declared war. I will not go into the immediate war, for it is of little importance. I’ll only say that, through intervention by the Nog Henge (5 were present at the battle...this is also the young Prrcyvel’s first battle) and Glorina (20 lesser fragments similar to the supreme nexus knights) as well as Mrrlyn’s ghost knights (about 30 at the time) turned the battle and won decisively.

 At this point, Arthur feels extremely powerful and is quite nearly bent to Mrrlyn’s whims. In a conversation overheard by Shol Ra and some of his companions, Mrrlyn invited Arthur to drop a rock from the castle wall and kill a peasant sitting below. He justified this by saying "you’re one can say anything about it." Arthur considered, but suddenly stopped and playfully threw the rock at Mrrlyn, knocking off the wizard’s hat. Shortly afterward, Arthur develops the idea for the round table and his philosophy of "Might for Right." This simply says that might does not make right, but should defend it.

 5) 841 AD- Arthur receives the sheath of Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake while adventuring with Prrcyvel. At this time (841-843), many of the other legends take place, such as many of Arthur’s battles with the black and green knights, and Arthur’s meeting Guinevere and Lancelot. Arthur marries Guinevere in 843.

 Prrcyvel stays behind to guard Arthur and becomes good friends with him. The three leave and go to 845 AD.

 6) 845 AD- Mrrlyn possesses Arthur’s half-sister Morgan and makes her cast a spell on Arthur to make her have a son by him. He is born 9 months later and is named Mordred.

 In a massive magical battle between Mrrlyn and his Nexus Knights and Glorina and the Nog Henge with the Knights of Light takes place. The good guys win and Mrrlyn is entrapped in a magical crystal cave within a Millenium tree.

 7) 855 AD- the three and the majority of the Nog Henge are present at, but do not interfere with, Arthur’s last stand versus Mordred on the plains near Stonehenge. Arthur has regained Excalibur after leaving it when he found Lancelot and Guinevere together and Mordred has stolen the sheath. The only three men left from the battle are Arthur, Mordred, and Sir Bedivere. Arthur charged Mordred and ran him through, but at the same time was struck in the head by Mordred’s blade. Mordred died, and Arthur was near death. Arthur commanded Bedivere to throw Excalibur and its sheath into a small pool nearby. Bedivere did not, but claimed to have. Three times Arthur told him to, and on the third time, Bedivere really did throw in the sword and sheath. The hand of the Lady of the Lake retrieved them, and pulled them under the water. Bedivere then took Arthur to the edge of the sea. There was a barge, draped in black, with three women on it. One was Morgan le Fay, Arthur’s sister, who was released from Mrrlyn's enchantment. The second and third were Nog Henge dragons, both Shol Ra... one just a hatchling and the other the ancient one of the original three. (I know that's confusing, but just bear with me.) The other two plus 4 others (these can be your PC’s) row the barge. When out of sight of the shore, they are teleported by Shol Ra to Avalon. After Arthur’s fall, Prrcyvel stays on Earth and is instructed to await the coming of the child of Arthur and to protect him. Guinevere is also brought to Avalon, where Arthur forgives her (since he has learned of Mrrlyn's deception) and they live happily. After staying what seemed like 50 years in the three jump ahead in time with a healed Arthur (who has spent those 50 years learning, resting, and waiting) to 82 PA (here you can interject any number of adventures into modern Earth, other dimensions, etc.) for Arthur to become aquatinted with the new Earth and to learn some more. Also, during this short time on Earth, Arthur’s son, Ar’thuu (born of Guinevere) is taken and left at the doorstep of a woman in the South Forest. Then the final preparations are made and the three, as well as Arthur go to the year 105 PA to claim the throne of England.

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