Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

This NPC, once again late (don't you all love english essays?) is the second of three Mystic China characters revolving around Xing Chen the insane Jian Shih and his quest for power and prestige. Beyond the Supernatural, Mystic China and Nightspawn are all excellent settings for this trio, though I'm sure with some work they could be adapted to most other settings in the Palladium Megaverse too.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The Overlord
Xing Chen's Demonic Sponsor
    "This is the third in as many years Bai. I am very displeased with you."
    "Yes Yen Lo Wang. I have failed you. I am sorry."
    "What shall I do with you Bai?"
    "Please Wang. I have already begun to repair the damage. At this very moment a mortal man offers himself to my service, he is a strong man, more than sufficient to replace that sloth Zi Qiao."
    "You are certain?"
    "I am Wang."
    "Very well then, but be warned. If you should fail I shall see to it that you are tickled to the very brink of death!"
    "Yes Wang."

    Of all the Infernal Overlords in the service of the Yema Kings, Bai Dong is the least effective. Under the rule of Yen Lo Wang, Bai has been involved deeply in the affairs of mortals over the past century but has failed to accomplish half that was expected of him. It is not that Bai is incompetent, indeed Bai is one of the oldest, most intelligent and most powerful Overlords in all of the Ten Hells. The problem that faces Bai Dong is that he gets no respect from anyone.
    Normally any powerful Infernal like an Overlord or Horned Usher evokes tremendous fear and awe in his underlings. Not so for Bai Dong. As an Infernal Bai Dong is not only small, but also not terribly intimidating. As hard as he tries Bai Dong cannot elicit the fear amongst his ranks that he needs to keep them under control. Some of the demons have even begun to call him "pretty boy" behind his back in reference to his high P.B. (for a demon anyway). As a result Bai Dong's troops are a wild and disorganized lot who ignore orders and spend the majority of their time playing games and getting drunk. This lack of discipline has even resulted in several "defections" as Infernals under Bai's command turn away from their demonic lives and become Reformed Demons. In the past three years Bai Dong has lost three demons to "enlightenment", the highest rate amongst all the Overlords in the Ten Hells.
    Bai Dong hates the lack of attention and respect he gets and hates even more the poor reputation he's earned with the Yema Kings. It is one of his ambitions to be able to one day join the Yema Kings as rulers of the underworld, but for the moment his reputation makes him little more than a laughing stock to the Yema Kings and an embarrassment to his master Yen Lo Wang. Bai Dong wants to regain his prestige and build up a reputation as a great commander but has been totally unable to do so. Xing Chen's request to become a Damned Immortal couldn't have come at a better time.
    Bai Dong had just suffered another humiliation at the hands of his underlings when one of them left his charge to become a Reformed Demon. Yen Lo Wang summoned Bai Dong to his castle to confront Bai Dong about the loss of yet another Infernal, threatening him with years of torture if he lost any more. Bai Dong decided to take advantage of Xing's enthusiasm and apparent respect and decided to grant him his wish to become an Infernal, at least in a fashion.
    Xing's integrity, skills and admiration of Bai Dong made him much more valuable than any one of Bai Dong's Infernals. With sufficient training and conditioning Xing would make an excellent addition to Bai's forces and may even be able to help him bring the other Infernals in line. Bai Dong has sent Xing on a variety of missions that his own Infernals are either to lazy or too incompetent to do as a way of testing his mantle and ability. Thus far Bai is happy with Xing's performance and has no regrets for recruiting him. The loss of three Infernals now seems like a minor problem with such a powerful and dedicated man under his control.
    None-the less Bai Dong, in an attempt to rebuild his standing with the Yema Kings and to avoid the punishment of Yen Lo Wang continues to actively hound the three traitors that dared to try and join the world of man. In particular Bai is keeping his eyes on Zi Qiao, the Infernal who decided to seek enlightenment just this past year. Bai is endlessly vigilant watching Zi at every moment either in person or with his few loyal servants. He would consider it a double victory if he could return Zi to the fold and keep Xing under his command as well.

Note: Items in parenthesis apply only when in demonic form.

Real Name: Bai Dong
Alignment: Diabolic
Hit Points: See S.D.C.    S.D.C.: None. Infernals are made of pure Negative Chi. However, Infernals can convert their Chi into S.D.C. and/or hit points when they assume a physical form (1 S.D.C./H.P. per 1 Negative Chi point). 40 in demonic form, 120 in human or animal form.
A.R.: 17 in demonic form, 10 in human or animal form.
P.P.E.: None. But can convert Chi to P.P.E. and vice versa, 1 Chi = 6 P.P.E.
I.S.P.: N/A    Negative Chi: 201
Attributes: I.Q.: 34, M.E.: 9(11), M.A.: 5, P.S.: 26(36), P.P.: 22(28), P.E.: 33(41), P.B.: 12, Spd.: 19(25).
Horror Factor: 16
Experience: 15th level Infernal
Weight: 452 lbs.    Height: 8 feet, 7 inches      Sex: Male    Age: 1631
Disposition: Bitter and resentful for so many reasons. He's jealous of the Yema Kings and wishes he had the power and respect they did. He's upset with his demon underlings for being lazy sloths who give him next to no respect, and he hates humanity for ignoring his own kind. Bai Dong is always in a bad mood and would be the cause of a great deal of wanton destruction and death if he didn't have to restrain himself as an Infernal Overlord.
Powers & Abilities: All the standard Infernal abilities as listed in Mystic China pg. 143, including all Negative Chi Mastery Abilities, assume Demonic and Other forms, see the invisible, see aura and detect concealment. Infernal Strengths: Chi Mask, Extra Negative Chi and of course Possession of Servants in the World of Mortals. Special Powers: All "Negative and Positive" Chi Mastery Abilities, Natural Chi Zoshiki (Mystical Invisibility). All bonuses already added to stats.
Chi Mastery Abilities: All Negative Chi abilities in addition to all "Positive and Negative" Chi abilities.
Magic: Chi Mask.
Psionics: None.
Combat: 6 attacks per melee. +4 on initiative, +6(9) to strike, +6(9) to parry, +6(9) to dodge, +17(27) to damage.
Bonuses: +10 vs magic, +6 vs pain, +6 vs horror factor, +30% vs coma/death.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Very ticklish and unpopular with other demons.
Skills of Note: Chinese Language: Stage 4/Classical Chinese Literacy=98%, Tiao Qi=98%, Xiang Qi=98%, Wei Qi=98%.
Allies of Note: Xing Chen is more of a pawn but could be considered an ally. Bai has command over ten thousand demons of various types.
Enemies: Zi Qiao, a Reformed Demon trying to stop Xing and show him the error of his ways (NPC of the Week next).
Weapons & Equipment of Note: Robes and a staff.
Money: None.

HLS style adventure

Hook: The players are on the trail of a criminal cartel in Hong Kong. They have discovered one of the cartel's illegal underground casinos tucked away in the maze of buildings and streets in the massive city.

Line: Before the characters even arrive there's something of a commotion in the casino. One man is lying on a table, twitching and moaning incredibly loudly and is obviously extremely drunk. Another at a table just next to the first can be heard having a loud argument with another patron who has bested him in a game. The strange thing being that the loud man is making ridiculous threats such as saying he'll torture the other gambler for years and a number of other equally bizarre things. As the characters are trying to decide what to do an old man from another table walks over and confronts the arguer.

Sinker: The two unusual men in the casino are really a pair of Infernals under the command of Bai Dong. The Infernals were ordered by Bai Dong to intimidate the cartel leader and try to enlist his help. Unfortunately for Bai Dong they don't take him seriously and have decided to go off on their own and have some fun at others' expense. Bai Dong is furious and has come in person as the old man to punish them and force them to complete their assigned mission.

<grin> I'll be honest. Being in such a rush to get Bai Dong out I haven't been able to think of any more good HLS style adventures for him (damn writer's block). So if you have any ideas please send them on. If I like them I'll include them in the repost and the web-site version of the character. You'll also have my thanks and can ask for anything from me within reason (my reason).

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
Zi Qiao [Mystic China] - The Reformed Demon trying to get Xing to change his ways.

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Lord VorTEx
"Trust me mortals. If you provoke me I will not
hold back my wrath until you are destroyed to
the last. Xing is mine by his own choice, do not
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