Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

This week's NPC of the Week was once again designed for a Rifts New West style campaign. He can also be modified for a Nightspawn campaign fairly easily. The Rattlesnake was designed to present a significant challenge to those smart-ass gunslingers who think they can handle anything. Take note that this NPC and all of my NPCs are created without the 2 automatic attacks per melee rule. If you want to adapt them simply add 2 attacks.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The Rattlesnake
Supernatural Town Hero

     Bradley was adopted by a rancher and his wife in 1985 when Bradley was only six years old. He spent the majority of his childhood working on the family ranch in rural Alberta, tending to the animals, helping around the house and learning to do the things that are done on a ranch. He learned to ride horses, brand cattle, deliver animal babies, fend off predators and a variety of other duties under the guidance of his foster father. As he got older Bradley began to show an interest in the rodeo and the competitions that took place there. He worked hard at cattle roping and bull riding for several years on the ranch before he got a chance to get into a real life competition.
     In July of 1999 Bradley entered the rodeo competition at the world famous Calgary Stampede in hopes of winning some great prizes or at the very least get the chance to rub shoulders with some of the world's greatest cowboys. Bradley did well and advanced to the second round in bull riding along with some of the cowboy community's greats. Suddenly Bradley was struck with an incredible wave of nervousness, he realized just how serious and important the next round was and that thousands of people were watching him! Not only that but the bull that had been brought in for the second round was well known for being a very rambunctious and powerful brute.
     Only three seconds into his ride Bradley's nerves gave out on him and he froze up. He was thrown from the bull's back and landed on the ground hard. Still shaking and now quite scared Bradley was slow getting up and couldn't move in time before the bull's horns ripped into his flesh.
     The damage of being crushed under the weight of a thousand pound bull would severely injure or kill most people, but not Bradley. As the bull tramped over Bradley's body like a rag doll he suddenly felt a strange rush of strength and energy pouring through his body. Moments later spectators screamed and began to flee in panic as a seven foot snake man with ram's horns rose up from the ground and attacked the bull with the bloody stumps of flesh it had for hands tipped with one inch gun barrels. Within seconds the bull lie dead in a pool of mud and its own blood.
     Bradley looked down, terrified at what he had done he suddenly noticed his hands, or rather his revolvers sticking out of his scaled flesh where his hands should be. He joined the crowd in panic and fled the arena screaming a shrill scream running into the park adjacent to the Stampede grounds. For an hour he sat in the woods by the river listening to the yells of joy and the sounds of barkers in the fair grounds. He managed to will himself back into human form but remained afraid to leave the stillness of the park. He watched the nightly fireworks show from the side of the water and decided that he had to deal with what had happened. He tried transforming back into his monstrous form and looked into the clear glacier fed waters.
     At first he was startled by his appearance. After a few moments he regained his composure and was able to inspect himself. His body was covered in yellow and brown scales and he had the head and tail of a rattlesnake. If that weren't strange enough a pair of ram's horns protruded from his forehead and oversized old-fashioned six-shooters looked as though they had forced their way out of his arms. Bradley shuddered and returned to his human form.
     The next morning Bradley got himself up and wandered into the downtown core. He was too afraid to return to the fair grounds for fear that people might remember him. He didn't want to return home for fear that he might be a danger to his adoptive family. He decided to live on the streets of Calgary along with society's other less desirables. It was here that Bradley met the person who would change the course of his life forever.
     Another person like himself who could change shape into an inhuman monster named Ed lived on the street as well. He introduced Bradley to yet another such man, this one not only able to change his form but also to manipulate reality with nothing more than the spoken word. He claimed to be a sorcerer and explained to Bradley that he was what was called a Nightspawn. The sorcerer who called himself Caliban also revealed to Bradley that there were thousands of Nightspawn throughout the world and a dozen here in the city alone. Bradley eventually met most of these other "Nightspawn" and learned more about himself and how to use his
newfound abilities.
     One night Caliban called all of the Nightspawn in the city together to a meeting. Most of the cities' Nightspawn attended. Caliban revealed that in a matter of days something terrible would happen. Something that would change the world forever. A group of beings calling themselves the Nightlords from another dimension planned to invade the earth and eradicate all of humanity and the Nightspawn. Caliban insisted that they join him in fleeing this world and follow him to another where the Nightlords did not exist. Most didn't believe him and of those who did only Bradley and two others agreed to follow Caliban. The next night in a magical ritual Caliban transported the four of them to another world, far from the grips of the evil Nightlords. Less than a week later the world was terrified as dark day arrived and the sun did not shine. In the weeks that followed almost all of the Nightspawn in the city who did not leave with Caliban were killed.
     Bradley and his companions found themselves in a strange new world ravaged by some terrible disaster. Humanity was in ruins with only a few pockets of civilization left. Monsters stalked the land and the powers of magic and psychics were commonplace. Caliban was ecstatic to find his magical powers increased ten-fold, the rest were not so pleased. After a few weeks the Nightspawn decided to go their separate ways, arguments and fights had raised tensions and forced the group apart. Caliban went east to a place he had heard of called Tolkeen where magic was commonplace. Bradley ventured into the american west in hopes of
finding some sanity in this insane world.
     Eventually Bradley found a small community of hard working humans with next to no protection from the bandits and monsters that periodically plagued their community. Bradley became their protector and used his powers to oust the corrupt government and scare away the bandits that wreaked havoc in their streets. Over the next two years under Bradley's protection the town has grown and prospered, Bradley has been able to fight off all possible threats and keep the town in some sense of order. The people have come to accept his dual nature and have nothing but respect and admiration for the man who has become their hero.

Note: All attributes and stats in brackets are available to the character only in his Nightspawn morphus form.

Real Name: Bradley Morgan
Alignment: Aberrant
Hit Points: 24      S.D.C.: 58     M.D.C.: 186
P.P.E.: 143           I.S.P.: N/A
Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 14, M.A.: 13, P.S.: 16(29), P.P.: 17(24), P.E.: 12(24), P.B.: 6, Spd.: 20(30).
Horror Factor: 17
Experience: 4th level Nightspawn Cowboy
Weight: 167lbs.    Height: 6 feet, 1 inch    Sex: Male    Age: 22
Disposition: An angry but rational youth Bradley believes in dealing with problems directly and quickly. He won't give anyone any slack and doesn't expect any in return. He has come to believe in his own harsh justice having had to deal with so many unscrupulous brigands and criminals. He's a traditional gruff westerner who believes in hard work and strength.
Natural Abilities:

Morphus: Appears to be a humanoid snake with yellow and brown scales about seven feet tall with ram's horns and large revolvers sticking out of bloody stumps on the ends of his arms.
Talents: Darksong(his rattle) and Swarm Self.
Psionics: None.
Magic: None.
Combat: Facade: Hand to Hand: Basic. 3 attacks per melee, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll, +2 to pull punch, +1 to disarm. Morphus: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. 3 attacks per melee plus one from prehensile tail, +1 initiative, +9 to strike, +11 to parry, +11 to dodge, +7 to roll, +2 to pull punch, +1 to disarm, +14 damage. Head butt inflicts normal punch damage plus 3D6 M.D., bite inflicts 2D6 M.D. and injects 3D6 M.D. venom, the hand guns fire BigBore revolver bullets (1D6 M.D.+knockdown).
Bonuses: Facade: +2 vs. Magic, +1 vs. Disease, +3 vs. Horror Factor. Morphus: +9 vs. Magic, +3 vs. Psionics, +5 vs. Poison, +3 vs. Disease, +5 vs. Horror Factor, +18% vs. Coma/Death.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None.
Skills of Note: Language: American=98%, Literacy: American=55%, Math: Basic=75%, Radio Basic=70%, Branding=85%, Herding Cattle=65%, Roping=65%(+1 to strike/ensnare), Land Navigation=+20%, Lore: Cattle/Animals=65%, Horsemanship: Cowboy, Climbing=65%/55%, Athletics, Play:
Guitar (professional quality)=60%, W.P. Revolver, W.P. Energy Pistol and W.P. Shotgun.
Allies of Note: The people of Nampa (southwestern Idaho) though poor and untrained in combat will stand by Bradley's side and help him in any way they can. Bradley would also like to consider the Nightspawn Sorcerer Caliban who brought him here an ally as well but he hasn't seen him in two years, things may have changed.
Enemies: Many local bandits and gunslingers despise the Rattlesnake for ruining their activities around Nampa. Bradley may also be in danger from some of the other Nightspawn he came to Rifts earth with, they did not part of the best of terms.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: Colt .45 Revolver, Wilk's 330 Laser Pistol, BigBore Shotgun, and a live horse "Silver". He tends to rely on his natural abilities rather than things. Has access to all the town's resources if need be. Lives in a large ranch house at the south end of town.
Money: 62'000 credits, 8800 in trade goods.

Shadow Slinger
HLS style adventure

Hook: Characters are in a small western town with no apparent law enforcement or protection from outside forces. Strangely enough the town seems peaceful and orderly with no signs of recent bandit or d-bee raids.

Line: Somehow the characters either get into trouble or get embroiled in somebody else's trouble. That's when the town's "protector" makes himself known.
     He seems like little more than your typical run of the mill saddle tramp. No big threat, but he talks tough and will call out anyone who provokes him.

Sinker: This man is much more than any old saddle tramp. In reality he's a creature known as a Nightbane who has two forms, one of a normal human, the other a super powerful monster like creature.
     As the showdown begins he will transform into his monster form and taking advantage of a likely horror factor on his opponent will shoot them down with his built-in revolvers.

Take no Prisoners
HLS style adventure

Hook: The players are wandering in the wilderness of the New West when word begins to circulate that a Coalition recon squad type C (1 Spider-Skull Walker, 1D4 SAMAS and 2-4 light infantry) is headed their way.

Line: The communities in the area are all very small and have little to defend themselves with. Many have d-bees and psionics amongst their number and all are ripe targets to be pillaged. The few defenders/protectors in these towns are frightened and many are taking to the hills leaving their communities to fend for themselves.

Sinker: The one man who may be able to convince the rest to stay and fight is the infamous Rattlesnake. The players will need to find the Rattlesnake and then convince him to help them. He will be resistant to leave his town unprotected and the townsfolk will be frightened if he leaves them. Bandits are also taking advantage of the situation and are pillaging the countryside.

Duty Calls
HLS style adventure

Hook #1: The players are traveling the wilds of the west and encounter an strange man in his late 30's. He wears only the lightest armor and carries no weapons. He insists on speaking to the characters about something of great importance. He asks if they know of anyone matching the description of the Rattlesnake in either form. If so he'd like them to lead him to them. If not he'd still appreciate their assistance on his search.

Hook #2: The players are staying in or close to the town that the Rattlesnake is protecting when a strange man in his late 30's with little in the way of equipment arrives asking for "Bradley".

Line: The strange man reveals himself to be Caliban, the Nightspawn Sorcerer who brought Bradley and the others to Rifts earth in the first place. He's come from Tolkeen where he has been for the past two years hoping to recruit Bradley and the other Nightspawn he brought with him to the besieged nation's cause against the Coalition.

Sinker: Caliban won't take no for an answer. He is a powerful Nightspawn and Sorcerer in his own right (8th level Sorcerer) and will be extremely persistent. The townsfolk won't want Bradley to leave, nor will he desire to.
    In addition Caliban also wants to find the other two Nightspawn that were transported here as well. They could be anywhere on the north american continent, perhaps farther. Searching for them and convincing them to come could lead to even more adventures.
    Lastly is their actual recieval and role at Tolkeen. Are they respected? Are they treated like fodder in the upcoming conflict? Do the Nightspawn agree with Tolkeen's policies? The possibilities are endless.

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
Fear Master [Beyond the Supernatural] - A halloween special. Are you afraid of the dark?

Lord VorTEx
"He's quicker than a
toilet stop in rattlesnake
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