Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

This NPC, late like the previous two NPCs (this time you can thank my history prof.) finishes the Mystic China trio. I hope you've enjoyed it thus far (hint: comment you... parasites). Zi Qiao, or The Enlightened is the character that the players are most likely to interact with rather than fight amongst the three. With him added a vicious triangle is created amongst these NPCs that can only spell trouble for anyone stupid enough (read: the PCs) to get mixed up with them. Let your players have it!

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The Enlightened
Reformed Demon

    Zi Qiao was never a very impressive demon, even before his reformation process began. He was always the smallest, or the slowest or the weakest in any group that he worked with. He spent years trying to improve himself, he worked at learning new skills but never had the brains or the patience to keep any of them up. Other demons laughed at him and called him a weakling, and although stronger almost any mortal Zi took their rejection harshly. Amidst a constant barrage of jokes and insults Zi Qiao secluded himself from the rest of his fellow demons.
    In his solitude he found time to think about a great many things, formost about himself and his place in the world. When summonned for missions to the world of mortals Zi made it his priority to learn more about mortals and their culture in an attempt to better understand himself. As a side effect however he rarely completed his missions to his superiors' satisfaction. His preferance for working alone was looked upon poorly but Zi Qiao didn't care. Even a warning from his Infernal Overlord did little to change him, he had met humans more intimidating than the old demon.
    Due to his poor record in his earthly assignments and the contempt of his fellow demons Zi's superiors stopped calling upon him for further assignments. Denied his outlet to learn more about humanity and chances to explore his own thoughts and feelings Zi withdrew even further into himself. For the next hundred years Zi brooded in isolation, wandering the tenth hell, avoiding the other demons whenever possible. Eventually Zi simply snapped. The tedium and lack of respect was just too much. He flew in the face of his superiors' orders and left for the world of mortals without permission. Hunted by Bai Dong's demonic minions throughout China Zi finally found refuge and safetey at a small out of the way monestary of monks.
    The monks may or may not have known of Zi's true identity as a demon. If they did they didn't seem to care. They treated him like nobody else ever had, they respected him, they listened to him and they offered their advice. For the short time that he was there the direction that he had been searching for for centuries finally became clear. He forsought his past and his demonic superiors. He broke all ties to the realms of hell and became a Reformed Demon, enlightened by his own willingness to explore and question the world around him.
    Since his dramatic change Zi has wandered mainland China trying to figure out how to complete his journey. Reformation was only one step along a long path that lie before him. He is pestered and watched by Bai Dong and his minions at all times. Zi has come to accept their presence as normal and doesn't worry himself with them. He seeks ultimate enlightenment and hopes to spread what he has learned to others. Should he every meet Xing Chen (and he will) he will be horrified by the man's foolishness and ignorance, at least as he sees it. Zi can't understand why anyone would chose the existance that he spent so long in escaping.

Note: Items in parenthesis apply only when in demonic form.

Real Name: Zi Qiao
Alignment: Unprincipled
Hit Points: See S.D.C.    S.D.C.: None. Infernals are made of pure Negative Chi. However, Infernals can convert their Chi into S.D.C. and/or hit points when they assume a physical form (1 S.D.C./H.P. per 1 Negative Chi point). 40 in demonic form, 30 in human form.
A.R.: 16 in demonic form.
P.P.E.: None. But can convert Chi to P.P.E. and vice versa, 1 Chi = 6 P.P.E.
I.S.P.: N/A    Negative Chi: 104
Attributes: I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 13(15), M.A.: 9, P.S.: 12(22), P.P.: 10(16), P.E.: 9(17), P.B.: 11, Spd.: 9(15).
Horror Factor: 12
Experience: 4th level Reformed Demon
Weight:  507lbs.    Height:  7 feet,  5 inches      Sex: Male    Age: 4867
Disposition: High spirited and philosophical. Zi is a very internally foused being intensely interested in complex philosophical issues. He is constantly seeking his path in life and is willing to help others to find theirs. Despite his high morals and philosophical outlook on life however Zi still retains the habits and thoughts of a demon, things that he works hard to repress. His temper is a terrible thing to behold and his manners and language are still quite peculiar even after almost a year in human society. Thousands of years living in the ten hells teaches habits that are difficult to forget.
Powers & Abilities: Demon Form, Human Form and form of Pure Negative Chi.
Chi Mastery Abilities: All Negative Chi Abilities (including advanced), plus Find Weakness and Hardened Chi (Shi Jin).
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Combat: 5 attacks per melee. +1 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to roll, +2 to kick, +2 to palm strike, +3 to shoulder ram, +2 to gore/double gore, +2(9) to damage, critical strike on a natural 19-20.
Bonuses: +5 vs horror factor, +3 vs possession. +1 vs poison and magic as well as +5% vs coma/death when in demon form.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: If he is caught disobeying the Rules of Hell in even the tiniest degree Bai Dong will see to it that he is returned to the Yema Kings and never sees the light of the earth again.
Skills of Note: Chinese Language: Stage 4/Classical Literacy=98%, Tiao Qi=+15%, Xiang Qi=+10%, Wei Qi=+5%, W.P. Axe, Torment, Taoism=76%, Meditation, Tracking=45%, Detect Ambush=55%.
Allies of Note: None. Zi is still adapting to life in human society and consequently has trouble making or keeping human friends.
Enemies: His previous master the Infernal Overlord Bai Dong is a constant threat to him and his newfound freedom. Xing Chen while not considered an enemy is of great concern to Zi.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: Nothing but the clothes on his back to start Zi will show interest in a variety of human tools and objects. Over time he may feel the need to aquire an axe if he finds himself in combat frequently.
Money: None.

HLS style adventure

Hook: The players' attention is caught by a series of violent crimes against some of the few pure Taoists who live and work in the area. They decide to investigate these and other seemingly related incidents.

Line: Eventually they manage to arrive on the scene of one of these crimes just as it is about to happen. A young, but obviously very angry man is wielding; a sword - gonna murder someone, or a gas can - planning arson, etc. Just as they confront the man another figure in dirty and worn clothes enters the scene demanding that the young man put the item down and recount his evil ways or suffer his wrath!

Sinker: The young man has been goaded into commiting these crimes by Bai Dong in the hopes of inciting Zi Qiao to anger and hopefully cause him to break one of the Rules of Hell. Some other disguised Infernals are hidden in the area in order to help along and/or witness the infraction. The man in the dirty clothes confronting the younger man is of course Zi Qiao who is extremely angry. If the players don't intervene Zi Qiao is quite likely to attack the man and perhaps torture him as he has been lead to believe he is only one of many. If that happens Zi will be attacked by the demons present and dragged back to Bai Dong.

The Ill Fated Meeting
HLS style adventure

Hook: One way or another Zi Qiao has joined the player group and is now travelling and adventuring with them. Eventually they meet up with Xing Chen.

Line: Over the course of their encounters and contacts Zi Qiao is able to figure out who Xing is working for. Xing himself is likely to boast of his new abilities and how he will soon be a powerful demon.

Sinker: Bai Dong has been hoping this would never happen. He's tried very hard to keep these two apart, but fate has brought them together. Zi will be horrified and discusted by Xing's plans and Xing will be stunned that a demon would ever wish to be a mear mortal. Consequently they'll both take an instant dislike to eachother and are likely to get Bai Dong involved as well!

HLS style adventure

Hook: Zi Qiao as a member of the party has met or heard about Xing Chen and his insane plan to become an Infernal.

Line: Whether the players agree or not Zi will go in search of Xing Chen in an attempt to change his mind. If the characters accompany him they'll be there when things start to heat up. Otherwise they'll have to either be coaxed into coming or deal with the aftermath.

Sinker: Zi Qiao simply wants to talke to Xing Chen and talk him out of doing what he's doing. Xing doesn't want anything to do with "the derranged demon" and will either flee or threaten Zi Qiao. As the two quarrel things may get out of hand. If they players are present and chose to involve themselves they may be able to calm the situation. Zi Qiao's response will depend on what transpires and what is said, if Xing refuses to believe Zi or simply ignores him Zi may either accept him as a lost cause or try to destroy him!

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
The Swordswoman [Nightspwan] - An interesting Sword Bearer with a detailed history and short fanfic. Which unfortunately means it'll probably be late too (got another goddam essay).

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Lord VorTEx
"I have been there Xing! You think you will find glory?
You think you will be strong enough to be different?
You will become no more than a pawn in their games!"
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