Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

Like to play mind games with your players? Like to psyche people out without ever really doing anything? Well here's an NPC for just that purpose. As it has been said people's imaginations can create worse evils and catastrophes then could ever truly happen. The insane genius, just the way I like 'em. If you've seen Patlabour 2 you might recognize the basic idea but I think I've improved on it, or at least done it differently.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The General
Ex-Coalition Officer
    Very few people had ever achieved the rank of Colonel by the age of 31, and ever fewer had done it in so short a time period from the time they had joined the Coalition military. Rudgard Wilcock was by every measure a most extraordinary man. He was also an extremely unconventional one. The vast majority of the Coalition's citizens, even those in its upper class, the so called highbrows were largely uneducated and ignorant. Exactly as Karl and Joseph Prosek liked them for it made them easier to control. Rudgard however was not only an intelligent but also an ambitious man and the idea of control or more precisely the nature of people's thoughts and behaviors fascinated him.
    Early in his life Rudgard was rated as having a significantly higher than average intelligence and the government saw great potential in the youth. Over the years Rudgard was fortunate enough to be educated by the Coalition's best, all expenses paid by the state. His parents were extremely proud and had great hopes for their son, as did the government. Over time Rudgard's interests turned more and more heavily towards the area of thought, behavior and personalities, he was as it is said "a student of humanity". His government observers and tutors saw this interest and his skill in the area and decided that he would benefit the Coalition most with a role in the propaganda department in shaping the minds of the nation.
    Rudgard was transferred to the department of propaganda for additional training when he was barely twenty years old. For the next six years Rudgard dedicated himself to learning all he could about the nature of human thought and behavior until he could manipulate others with nothing but words and ideas. Words and ideas that more often than not were complete lies. Despite this however Rudgard felt unfulfilled. His sheltered life in the upper levels of Chi-Town afforded him safety and luxury but lacked the thrill and the value of being able to make observations and use his knowledge in the real world. Theory and simple manipulation of the public as a whole to believe such deep rooted lies as were told in the Coalition was hardly a task worthy of his talents. So later that year Rudgard requested a transfer into the Coalition military, a request that was reluctantly granted.
    While the initial shock of real combat and life and death situations hit Rudgard hard he quickly adapted to his new role and all the new opportunities for observation it provided. The soldier he found lived a life of such wild variations that the human mind developed some truly amazing creations to deal with them. Combat became almost like a field trip for him as he gained the chance to watch the men around him as they were overcome by emotions of fear, hatred, hopelessness and despair.
    As an upper-class citizen Rudgard was automatically made an officer and enjoyed the added security and benefits that came with that position allowing him to concentrate on the cerebral aspects of the battlefield rather than simply staying alive. In some ways this detached him from the soldiers under his command and those that he worked with, a requirement to make proper observations, but he also came to understand and appreciate the needs, desires and thoughts of the man in the field. The more he saw and experienced the more he came to understand not only his troops but also the enemy and how war worked on both sides. It was the conclusions that he drew from these observations that would put him on the path to greatness.
    Rudgard began to apply his knowledge of anthropology and psychology to his command, and given time determined exactly how to outsmart and intimidate his opponents. Within a short time Rudgard's victories stacked up and he was promoted time and time again taking on larger and larger tasks with more and more troops under his command. His ability to read the enemies thoughts and to influence their thoughts won him numerous victories in situations that would have seemed hopeless. With a sufficiently detailed psychological profile on his enemies he believed he could achieve any results he desired. He became a master of intimidation and mis-information. Nothing good ever lasts forever however and Rudgard's ivory towers were about to take a major blow in P.A. 101.
    Rudgard was in command of a company of Coalition troops to oust a large group of d-bees that had established themselves too close to Coalition territories for comfort. After a series of small skirmishes with the d-bee forces who equaled the company in number Rudgard decided that he had enough information to put his knowledge to work. Mounting an assault on the d-bees' primary stronghold while simultaneously sending a smaller force into their civilian settlement he hoped to create the illusion that there were more troops then he really had and use that belief to pull a double bluff later on, hopefully creating a sense of panic in the enemy causing them to make mistakes. Everything went as planned until suddenly the d-bees withdrew all of their forces from the civilian sector to face the decoy group at the stronghold.
    Rudgard had made a fatal error in his judgment of the new d-bees. Their thought processes, priorities and views on life were far different from what Rudgard had believed. He misread what he assumed to be signals of a strong regard for the lives of the civilians when in reality it was not the case. In a moment of desperation Rudgard ordered an all out assault by all of his forces in the hopes that he could surprise the enemy by attacking from multiple directions, he radioed to Chi-Town for air assistance and was assured that a Death's Head and several bombers were on their way.
    As the battle raged on casualties mounted on both sides and Rudgard was forced to order a retreat. The enemy pursued and virtually the entire company was wiped out. By the time the Death's Head and bombers arrived it was too late. The d-bee forces were mercilessly destroyed but almost none of Rudgard's company remained. Rudgard himself was presumed dead, his Mark V APC mangled almost beyond recognition by missiles and energy weapons, its hull melted to slag. Rudgard was officially reported as Missing In Action but there was little doubt amongst those who inspected the wreckage that his was one of the many charred and unrecognizable bodies that laid strewn about the landscape.
    Rudgard watched the remainder of his command slaughtered by the d-bees and waited for the Death's Head transport and other air support to arrive. He stood silently in a patch of forest near the battlefield holding his limp blood-stained left arm in his hand watching as the transport offloaded its foot soldiers and robot vehicles, too late to make any difference or save any of those under his command. He questioned his cybernetic clock calendar. Thirty-six minutes had passed since he had sent the request for reinforcements. The transports could have arrived earlier, ten, even fifteen minutes earlier if they had been prepared, and why shouldn't they have been? Rudgard looked on as the grunts dispersed looking for survivors and the UAR Enforcers gathered up debris and loaded in into the transports to be salvaged.
    Rudgard contemplated what had happened for a moment. He thought about what difference it would have made if this had been a real emergency, if the military had been so lax if this had been a full-fledged invasion, what would the loss be then? As it was almost a hundred men had lost their lives. Was it his fault? Only partially he thought. Had these men been trained and prepared. Had command given him more troops or at least more bots the tables would have been distinctly in his favor. Then he wondered as the APC he had ridden in was dragged into the Death's Head; What if I were dead? What difference would it make?
    The grunts searching for their comrades in arms or d-bees to destroy drew closer to where Rudgard was standing. Looking down at his uniform Rudgard made up his mind. He tore the Coalition logo off his shoulder and threw it to the ground. Taking one last look at the scene before him he vowed to show them just how vulnerable they were before he turned around and ran into the woods.
    Years have passed since Rudgard's apparent death and he's enjoyed the freedom that his status gives him. He has taken this opportunity to continue his studies and to try and discover how he could have misread the d-bees as badly as he did. He has taken it upon himself to study a variety of people and races in both their everyday life and in combat situations. He believes he has gained new insight and perfected the art of war to a precise and exact science.
    To fund his experiments and other needs Rudgard has used his knowledge of people to charm and intimidate others into giving him what he wants. To this end he has enlisted the aid of various underground figures such as hackers, smugglers and forgers both within and outside of the Coalition. He has also lent out his services on occasion to mercenary companies in the form of advice but prefers not to get involved too much in such things that might influence his other interests. His more recent and ambitious behavioral experiments have necessitated that he create his own situations and environments that have also significantly tapped his finances. Despite this he has managed to accumulate a significant amount of funds to build his own hidden stronghold just outside of the Coalition States and to enlist the services of a small but experienced mercenary company that does most of his dirty work.

Real Name: Rudgard Wilcock
Aliases: All of his mercenary employees and suppliers know him as nothing more than The General. His alias when visiting Coalition territories is Matthew Carver, a wealthy merchant from the Coalition State of Missouri.
Alignment: Diabolic
Hit Points: 52    S.D.C.: 25
P.P.E.: 5             I.S.P.: N/A
Attributes: I.Q.: 20, M.E.: 12, M.A.: 22, P.S.: 13, P.P.: 13, P.E.: 11, P.B.: 11, Spd.: 17.
Experience: 10th level Coalition Military Specialist
Weight: 158 lbs.    Height: 5 feet, 9 inches      Sex: Male    Age: 37
Disposition: Utterly insane and psychotic. He's gotten himself to believe that he's doing some sort of good for the world through his "experiments". He can change his personality and attitude like a switch to whatever the situation demands but is generally cold, direct and to the point - he gets most of what he wants through intimidation. He sees everyone as nothing more than specimens to be studied.
Insanity: He has become fascinated with death, destruction and mayhem, particularly as it relates to the military and takes great pleasure in observing it, especially when created by his own hands. He sees the world as his personal laboratory and its inhabitants as guinea pigs to be experimented upon and exterminated as needed. He is also completely obsessed with vengeance against the Coalition and leaving small but subtle clues regarding his intentions and identity. He wants them to know who did this to them before its all over. He is completely detached from reality and believes that he is the single greatest military mind in the world.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Bionics/Cybernetics: Clock calendar, universal headjack & ear implant, cybernetic arm and a bionic lung with gas filter & oxygen storage cell.
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert: 4 attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 damage, critical strike on a natural 18-20.
Bonuses: +6% to all skills (already added to stats) and 70% to invoke trust or intimidate.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: While he's completely detached from reality Rudgard isn't stupid enough to ignore any threats or security flaws. If anything his compulsion to leave clues as to his identity and intentions could be exploited but even this has been planned for. He is very meticulous in his plans.
Skills of Note: Radio: Basic=98%, Literacy: American=91%, Computer Operation=96%, Antropology=71%, *Psychology=91%, *Psychotherapy=91%/81%, Intelligence=88%, Pilot Hovercraft=98%, Robot Combat Elite: SAMAS, Read Sensory Equipment=96%, Weapon Systems=98%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle.
* See Beyond the Supernatural for these skills.
Allies of Note: He has enlisted the service of a large number of loyal mercenaries who don't ask any questions. Rudgard also has several allies within the Coalition military that he covertly employs, none have idea as to his ultimate intentions however and if they knew they would be unlikely to continue providing him with aid.
Enemies: While they don't even know he's alive Rudgard regards the Coalition as his ultimate foe.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: A C-18 laser pistol and vibro-blade are concealed on his person at all times. In combat he'll use whatever is most appropriate for the specific circumstances, he has access to just about anything available on the black market but prefers CS models when possible.
Money: 65 million credits. Rudgard needs to keep a large balance of money in order to purchase equipment and services for his "experiments".

The Domino Effect
HLS style adventure

Hook: There is an explosion in a CS controlled or allied community, damage is minimal but residents are very frightened. It is officially called an accident (a fuel explosion or whatnot). Several witnesses claim that it was more than that though describing a whistling sound and/or something small and fast in the sky just before the explosion.

Line: Evidence available to the government exists to suggest that this was really a missile attack. Anyone with connections inside the CS military can find out with some digging that either an SF-7 Talon stealth fighter or a ballistic missile submarine complete with nuclear missiles has gone missing! GM's choice of which depending on their preference and conditions/situation. The loss is being kept very hush hush but already the government/military is concerned that Coalition hardware may have been responsible for the explosion. Whether the crew were acting under secret orders, independently or have been captured is unknown. Those who may know are denying any knowledge.

Sinker: Rudgard has managed to steal the sub or jet using his agents inside the military and launched this single simple attack. This is only one of many tactics designed to intimidate the Coalition and study how they and their allies respond to a perceived threat. Both the jet and the submarine are easily hidden providing Rudgard with ample time to carry out his experiments. He hopes to leave most of the work to the "subjects" and will only intercede to speed things up if they're proceeding too slowly (though he is a patient man). Examples include a fake gas attack using modified smoke missiles (less thick but spread over a larger area and accompanied by a slight odor) or firing dud torpedoes at Coalition or other ships.

Computers Never Lie
HLS style adventure

Hook: The characters are somewhere within or close to Coalition territories.

Line: Suddenly a large segment of the Coalition forces (army, navy, air force or a combination thereof) suddenly scramble and deploy as if to perform a massive offensive or defensive action. They pass close to the characters seemingly without noticing them. People everywhere in the region are extremely nervous and rumors fly about an invasion or attack but nobody knows for sure exactly what's happening.

Sinker: General Rudgard with the assistance of a master hacker and some of his connections within the Coalition has managed to pull off a fake attack within the Coalition's computer system. As far as the Coalition's computers are concerned there is a massive attack or enemy buildup underway that threatens one or more Coalition states and/or its allies.

Of course in reality there's nothing there or even worse there is but it isn't what the computer said/the military expected. If handled delicately the military can get off without too much trouble but if someone jumps the gun the Coalition could face a military catastrophe. Consider the consequences of an accidental attack on Triax, Splugorth or even their own forces!

Regardless of the results of the situation Rudgard will have succeeded in his goals and gathered valuable information for his research.

The Rat's Maze
HLS style adventure

Hook: The characters receive a plea for help or a job lead of some kind that is especially appealing or compelling.

Line: When they arrive they are gassed, stunned or otherwise rendered unconscious. When they awake they find themselves in a seemingly deserted city just before dusk. All of their weapons and equipment are still there and nothing appears to have been tampered with.

Sinker: Rudgard has been observing the characters for some time and already has detailed portfolios on each one. It was using this information that he was able to tailor make a fake "assignment" for them and capture them so easily. Once captured he transported them to his "maze" in the remote wilderness for an experiment.

The deserted city has been taken over, redesigned and refurnished by Rudgard to act as an environment in which he can observe "specimens" as they react to a variety of situations, puzzles and threats that he's installed. The entire area is monitored by closed circuit TV with cameras and sensors concealed in dozens of places. He's also hidden a small tracer bug in each characters' clothes or possessions where they're not likely to notice it to allow him to keep track of them during and for a short while after the experiment. In effect he's created a giant rat's maze for the characters and its their job to survive and get out.

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
Red Right Hand [Nightspawn] - Inspired by the song by Nick Cave.

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Lord VorTEx
"Must I decide everything?! Just shoot them
you imbeciles!"
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