Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

This week's NPC is designed for a Rifts New West style campaign but could be found anywhere on the north american continent of Rifts earth. Pao Yan should provide a good challenge for those pesky Gunslinger and Gunfighter PCs that think they're all that and then some.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The Black Gunman
Pao Yan - Triad Assassin

    Pao Yan knew something was wrong the instant he stepped into the room. He had been pursuing the Fang Shih Tieh Wa for the better part of two months. He hadn't expected to have to travel across the Pacific just to catch the geomancer but the Triads didn't like it when people with sensitive information escaped, and Pao Yan didn't like the idea of failing the Triads. So he pushed on, following Tieh Wa from China, to Japan and then to a small building in the middle of San Francisco's china town. Pao knew it would be a long assignment, he just never knew how long.
    When he kicked the door open Pao expected to find the geomancer alone in a small undescript room just like the rest of the rooms in the building. A few quick shots from his VP-70 automatic pistols and it would all be over. Instead the room was aglow with a blue light, wind chimes rung, beads blew in a gentle, almost imperceptible wind and mirrors reflected the entire bizarre scene all around him. Momentarily bedazzled by the gentle energy of the room Pao stepped farther into the room, brushing away curtains of beads, something was drawing him to the center of the room.
    The last thing he heard was Tieh Wa's subtle laughter. He saw the old man sitting in the corner smiling and laughing to himself, completely unafraid. Pao Yan lifted his arm, levelling the pistol along a line to the Fang Shih's head but the normal shot did not ring out, instead Pao Yan's ears were filled with the sound of rolling thunder and the room was replaced by a swirling, vaporous blue light. When it had passed the old man and the room were gone, instead he stood in a valley of toppled concrete and metal...
    It didn't take Pao Yan long to realize that he was no longer in the world he once knew. This world was similar, many of the places he had visited in America were still here but in ruins, overgrown by nature. Not only that but it was inhabited, not by the busy and bustling people he had known in America but by simple fishers and scavengers. They knew nothing of San Francisco or China but they told many strange tales, tales Pao Yan refused to believe, at least until he came face to face with the evil he had refused to believe existed.
    Pao Yan was an expert with the 9mm pistol. He had honed his skill to impressive levels, and yet the creatures he faced were not only inhuman in appearance but were unaffected by his pistols' bullets! For a short while Pao simply hid himself away, trying to convince himself that it was all a trick created by Tieh Wa, but the world did not change with time. It only became more real. Pao Yan had to accept not only seemingly invulnerable monsters but the forces of magic and undreamt of technological marvels as well. If he was to live in this world he must learn some of its secrets.
    Pao Yan discovered that much of this world's technology was not so much different from his own world's. He quickly adapted to the idea of wearing environmental armor and riding a robot horse. Energy weapons and magic no longer frightened him like they once did. With his discovery of a marvellous new ammunition for his pistols that could rip through a tank's armor Pao was ready for this new world.
    He still seeks to find a way back home. He fears the Triads will punish him for his failure, but he is also afraid that this strange world will eventually destroy him. For the time being he wanders the American west as a gun for hire, ever on the lookout for a possible way home.

Real Name: Pao Yan (Cannon Smoke)
Alignment: Aberrant
Hit Points: 34    S.D.C.: 67
P.P.E.: 7            I.S.P.: N/A    Chi: 14
Attributes: I.Q.: 11, M.E.: 14, M.A.: 20, P.S.: 10, P.P.: 18, P.E.: 14, P.B.: 7, Spd.: 14.
Experience: 8th level Jian Shih
Weight: 92lbs.    Height: 5'2"    Sex: Male    Age: 26
Disposition: Fiercely independent and arrogant Pao Yan believes that he can handle anything life throws at him without needing help from anyone. Characters who try to appeal to his good side will be met with a cold shoulder. Pao Yan sees any attempts to help or sympathize with him as an insult to his ability, he simply wants to be left alone and isn't afraid to bloody some noses to get his point across.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Bionics/Cybernetics: None.
Combat: Hand to Hand: 5 attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +3 to roll, +2 to pull punch/strike. Pistols: +6 aimed(3D6), +4 burst(3D6×2 short, 3D6×6 long, simultaneous bursts count as 2 attacks and do double damage), +5 pistol whip(2D4+2).
Bonuses: 65% to trust/intimidate, +2 vs. pain, +1 vs. horror factor.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Pao Yan's limited English vocabulary and unfamiliarity with the world of Rifts can be a serious disadvantage to him. He has come to accept and understand his situation but is still unnerved by high technology and the supernatural.
Skills of Note: Language: Chinese=98%, Literacy: Chinese=98%, Language: English=65%, Paramedic=97%, Concealment=55%, Prowl=98%, and Disguise=75%.
Allies of Note: None.
Enemies of Note: Pao Yan has earned the enmity of many people throughout the new west as the man in black, mainly the friends and family of those that he has killed during his travels. Few however are powerful or rich enough to do anything about it.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: Two(2) Heckler & Koch VP70 automatic 9mm pistols(18 round magazines) with 400 conventional rounds, 50 silver bullets and 100 WI-10 Ramjet Rounds(inflicts 3D6x10 S.D.C. or 1 M.D. per round. Pao Yan's shots inflict 4D6x10+20 S.D.C. or 1-2 M.D. per round because of his superior aim.), Branaghan Armor(75 M.D.C. plus 28 M.D.C overcoat), Bandito Arms Arabian Robot Horse(Its original owner has no more use for it, 205 M.D.C. left.), 3 Wilk's Beehive Grenades and 3 Wilk's Blinder Grenades.
Money: 11'000 credits worth of black market items and precious metals(gold, silver, etc).

Fastest Shot from the East?
HLS style adventure

Hook: The characters are once again resting and relaxing in a small western town. A dark character rides in, they may have even passed him earlier on. He never speaks and always has his hat and Branaghan armor on. He's reletively short and if the characters manage to get a look at his face they'll see that he isn't a westerner but asian.

Line: People in town are very nervous about this figure. Rumors have circulated for years about a short, dark gunfighter who never speaks. Most people have discounted the rumors after all these years but this stranger's arrival in town has raised a great deal of concern. Some of the townsfolk may be overheard wishing someone would run him out of town.

Sinker: The dark figure's name is really Pao Yan, a Triad Assassin from the 20th century. He's a victim of an experiment in magic gone wrong. Sent to assassinate a Fang Shih(Geomancer) with dangerous information on the Triads Pao Yan pursued the Fang Shih to america and fell victim to a magical experiment in Geomancy the Fang Shih was performing. He found himself in the strange new world of Rifts earth and has been spending his time trying to survive and find a way home. Right now he's trying to gather equipment and information on his way to Mexico. He's not looking for a fight but won't back down if challenged. He can understand and speak a little english(65%) but prefers to remain silent to unnerve people and disguise his nationality.

A Good Deed in Kind
HLS style adventure

Hook: The players are travelling through the wilderness of the New West, the nearest town or settlement of any kind is miles away.

Line: The characters encounter Pao Yan, either in the midst of a battle with some sort of monster or D-bee or lying grievously injured at the side of the road. In either case his chances for survival look slim unless the characters intervene.

Sinker: If the players have had dealings with Pao Yan before or heard the stories and rumors about the Black Gunman they may have second thoughts about helping him. If they do help him he will be outwardly hostile claiming that he can handle himself and that he needs no help, regardless of the fact that they have likely saved his life.
    Remember however that Pao Yan is an honorable man(aberrant alignment) and while he may not show his appriciation outwardly he won't forget the characters' help. Pao Yan may well offer information(discretely in conversation while fuming at them) or help them subtly behind the scenes without ever showing himself. GM's don't make Pao into the party's saviour however, Pao Yan will only repay what he believes the characters deserve and he won't put himself at risk just to help them.

Conflicting Assignments
HLS style adventure

Hook: Characters are in need of money and start to exploit their underground contacts for job leads. Rumors of a job that not only pays well but also involves striking at an old enemy of theirs captures the characters' attention.

Line: The characters are hired either to protect or assassinate a very powerful and influencial individual. The employer offers a large sum of money but insists that the assignment be carried out quietly and efficiently, if a big fuss is made then the deal is off and the characters don't get their money.

Sinker: Pao Yan has been hired to eliminate the individual the characters have been hired to kill/protect. It doesn't take long to realize that someone else is involved and trying to hinder the PCs. Eventually the two meet at a critical moment, depending on the circumstances and any previous contact the players may have had with Pao virtually anything could happen.
    Speaking with or questioning Pao Yan will imply that his employer is the same as the players' which raises many questions. Why hire one group to protect someone and another to kill them? Or, why hire two different groups/individuals to carry out the same assassination?

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
Mr. Bean [Palladium Fantasy RPG] - A healthy dose of humor with an interesting twist.

Lord VorTEx
"Please. If you think you are
so fast. Give me your best
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