Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

They're back! NPCs are once again flowing through the floodgates. Come-on everyone cheer! Anyways here's a purely Nightspawn NPC for those of you who like that sort of thing. (I do too actually but don't tell anyone.) What can I say? Well this is the first NPC of the Week that's female, just for you Jen. I'm kidding. The girls can play just as big of a role in saving the world as us guys, it was about time I made one. Anyways I've got a rather lengthy fanfic for an introduction so bear with it. I hope it entertains and gives you the insight into her character that I wanted to convey. This is life after Dark Day in my world. Welcome to hell on earth...

Please consider this NPC and fanfic "rough". I've put a lot of work into it but I haven't had time to proofread it all and I really don't feel like doing so right now. I'm just glad to have it done at last. You should also take a look at this and my other NPCs of the Week on Galahad's page in HTML, they look much better and have had several corrections made to them.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

The Swordswoman
Sword Bearer

Go here to read the fanfic introduction.

Real Name: Sofia Mendell
Alignment: Principled
Hit Points: 49    S.D.C.: 42
P.P.E.: 1             I.S.P.: N/A
Attributes: I.Q.: 22, M.E.: 13, M.A.: 12, P.S.: 11, P.P.: 10, P.E.: 13, P.B.: 9, Spd.: 12.
Experience: 4th level Sword Bearer
Weight: 142 lbs.    Height:  5 feet,  8 inches      Sex: Female    Age: 38
Disposition: Steadfast and dedicated to her work Sofia has never had time for much of a personal life or just time to relax. She's been pushed hard ever since her tremendous intellect was discovered to achieve her full potential in intellectual and scholarly pursuits, everything else was of secondary importance. When it comes to academics she's extremely confident and headstrong but in personal matters she's much more nervous and insecure. She's just now begun to unwind and let herself go and experience what life has to offer.
Natural Abilities: Standard human, augmented by the artifact, bonuses already added to stats.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert. 3 attacks per melee, +2 to roll with pull/roll with punch, fall or impact, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike. An additional +2 to strike and parry with the magic sword and +1 on initiative.
Bonuses: +2 to save vs disease and +8% to all skills (already added to stats).
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Sofia has very little knowledge of the Nightlords or their plans. All she knows is that someone wants the sword and several other artifacts from the Hokkian dig.
Skills of Note: Language: English=98%, Literacy: English=68%, Research=88%, Computer Opertaion=68%, Anthropology=53%, Archaeology=73%, Mathematics: Basic=68%, Basic Electronics=63%, Pilot: Automobile=84%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Blunt, Hand to Hand: Expert.
Allies of Note: Several professors of ancient history and archaeology across the globe as well as museum curators and employees. Most will never believe her story though.
Enemies: The Smithsonian Museum of History under the control of the Nightlords.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: A car, a small house, clothes, personal computer, lots of books, etc... and of course, the sword;

The Sword - A Greatest Artifact

Money: $1300.00 in liquid assets. The rest is tied up in mortgage and car payments.

The Nation's Attic
HLS style adventure

Hook: The other artifacts from the Hokkian dig have been taken to the Smithsonian. Sofia couldn't delay or hide them any longer.

Line: Sofia decides that if the other artifacts are as powerful and valuable as the one she has that they must be recovered. She decides to get them back by theft if necessary.

Sinker: The museum is under Nightlord control and is dangerous and twisted. NSB agents patrol the area while other monsters prowl the storerooms and labs.

Jungle Book?
HLS style adventure

Hook: Doctor Greg Sladden (like a father to Sofia and she like a daughter to him, his real daughter eloped and became a roadie with a band, was a prof. of arch. for 4 years at U of Chicago and now director of arch. at Chicago Museum of History where he plans to stay) and his expedition have gone missing.

Line: To a trained eye it appears that Hounds or other minions may have been responsible though someone has gone to a lot of trouble to disguise it. A personal diary of Doctor Sladden's is found with many clues about recent months and strange activity by the prospectors and strange noises and occurrences at night.

Sinker: The Doctor and about half of the team is found safe and sound in a native village in the jungle, but the enemy is closing in...

Seeking the Seeker
HLS style adventure

Hook: Sofia has decided to seek out an old friend for help and advice; Carrie Glover, genius - I.Q.: 30, skipped lectures to go on "trips" and still did extraordinarily well at Harvard, carefree and spiritual, she believes in and has made it more then just a hobby to investigate and learn about the paranormal, told frightening campfire stories not because of the stories themselves but because everyone knew they were researched and true, Sofia's only friend who believed in having fun, either a Parapsychologist or an Acolyte. She contacted Sofia just after Dark Day and left a very strange message that Sofia ignored for years.

Line: The friend can't be found anywhere. She just disappeared shortly after leaving the message.

Sinker: Investigating her disappearance reveals that she was a member of the Seekers but they have no idea where she's gone. Sofia may well decide to join the Seekers herself. Whether her friend ever reappears or is gone forever is up to the GM.

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
Kiran Lorinth [Phase World] - A rogue Kittani Engineer on the run from the Kreegor Empire and the Splugorth! The first of six Phase World characters for use as PCs in a pre-designed campaign. Included will be full plot information, adventures, HLS scenarios, equipment and more. Everything you need to run an incredible Phase World campaign. Players don't like pre made characters? They won't know what they're missing!

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Lord VorTEx
"Listen. I don't care who the hell you work for. These
artifacts are the property of the Chicago Museum of
History. You can wave that damn badge around all
you like but you're not taking these away from here and
that's final!"
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