Lord VorTEx is proud to present:
NPC of the Week!

This week's NPC is a reminder on the day before Remembrance Day of the horrors of war and the scars that they leave on those who survive. Though designed for a Macross II campaign Telfer could easily be any soldier in any of Palladium's systems from Robotech to Rifts to the Palladium Fantasy RPG. Remember that war isn't all guts 'n glory. Its also a lot of pain and suffering, there's nothing glorious about that.

Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: [email protected]

Corporal Telfer Larrimore
U.N. Spacey Mechanical Engineer

Prologue #1

    "Please leave. Turn back. I repeat we do not require assistance. Turn back..."
    Sergeant Garroway looked intently at the radar readout on the M-300's instrumentation panel. The range from the crash site was quickly dropping and they would be in visual range in a matter of moments. He lifted his left hand from the control wheel and raised it to the side of his head to ensure that his helmet radio was working properly.
    "Please elaborate Gamma-Four. What is your situation? Over."
    The radio crackled and fizzled for a few moments before the response came over the channel.
    "Our situation is under control. We're fine down here. Go back to base we don't need any assistance."
    "What kind of shit?" said Corporal Telfer, leaning towards Garroway from his station. "They call up for a recovery team an hour ago and now they don't want us? Somebody is fucked in the head."
    Garroway scanned the instruments on the panel in the vain hope of finding some sort of answer in the readouts. He reached forward and began the VTOL thruster warm-up sequence, slowly he eased the throttle back.
    "Gamma-Four we received orders to pick up a stranded Valkyrie team at these coordinates. Are you telling us you don't need our help anymore? Over."
    There was a noticeable delay on the radio. Garroway and Telfer exchanged worried glances. At last the radio crackled back to life.
    "Affirmative. We don't need any help. Return to your base."
    Garroway toggled the radio microphone control allowing him to speak without being heard by the downed Valkyrie squadron. He turned to his co-pilot.
    "How long until intercept?"
    The officer punched up a navigational display on the panel in front of him.
    "Less than one minute sir."
    Garroway turned back to Telfer.
    "Well we're here any ways. We might as well see what's going on. I'll do a sweep of the area, see what's down there."
    Telfer nodded.
    As Garroway pushed down on the controls dipping the jet's nose into the clouds and a descent closer to the earth's surface a shrill buzzing sound could be heard from a station at the rear of the cockpit. Communications engineer Colleen Greer span around in her chair, one hand on her headset the other on the control panel. On her face was painted an image of pure terror and surprise.
    "Multiple missile locks sir! Coming in from the rear, closing fast!"
    "For fuck's sake!" exclaimed Telfer clutching his restraining harness as Garroway punched the throttle all the way to the top. He could feel his stomach churning as they accelerated up to 500 miles per hour. The whole cabin seemed to spin as Garroway banked hard to the left in an attempt to lose the missiles.
    "Come-on baby, come-on..." muttered Garroway, clenching his teeth as he pulled the control stick with all his might, straining the muscles in his arms to the very limits. "...not today dammit. Not today."
    The aircraft shuddered as the first missile struck. Then a second violent jolt rocked the cabin. The co-pilot's head slammed into the instrument panel knocking him unconscious, leaving a red stain on the readouts. Telfer was deafened by the impact of the third missile and could feel the heat and smell the smoke from the fire that engulfed the jet. Soon the billowing black smoke and thunderous roar of escaping atmosphere gave way to the quiet darkness of unconsciousness.

Prologue #2

    Telfer awoke with a sharp pain in his left leg. He could still smell the fumes from the flames mixed in the the smells of jet fuel and burning plastic. Opening his eyes was painful and revealed a scene of utter destruction through a red haze. Turning his head proved to be extremely painful but he managed to look down at his leg. The base of one of the chairs had snapped in two and part of it had impaled his leg, right through the calf. He winced in pain. Looking around he caught sight of a first-aid kit on the floor a short distance away. Stretching his entire body, every muscle screaming in pain he at last made contact with the metal box. Opening it he prepared a bandage and syringe before lifting himself off of the bar that stuck through his leg.
    The pain was tremendous and he lost a great deal of blood but Telfer was now free. He bandaged his leg and injected the syringe, a tetnis shot into his leg. He looked around, dizzy from his --- and still swimming in a red haze. It was then that he heard the moaning over the crackle of electrical fires that filled the remains of the cockpit.
    Garroway lie fully conscious on the floor, his legs crushed beneath a piece of superstructure that had been torn from the roof. He moaned in pain trying to free himself from the wreckage. Telfer limped over to Garroway on one leg, first-aid kit under his arm. As he looked down on his friend he was filled with a sense of panic, of extreme urgency. Garroway smiled.
    "You're alive huh?"
    "Bill we've got to get you out of here!"
    "Oh yeah. Well, if you can lift this beam then we'll be okay."
    Telfer shifted his gaze to the structural beam that had fallen on Garroway. Telfer remembered his engineering training, the superstructure support beams in an M-300 averaged a weight of about seven-hundred pounds. Telfer felt helpless. He reached down and tried with all his might to lift the massive beam, but to no avail, his arms were too sore and his leg cried out in pain. Telfer dropped to his knees beside Garroway's face.
    "I'm sorry. If only..." he looked over at a severed pipe lying on the ground. "Give me a lever long enough and I will move the world."
    "Just a second!" Telfer hobbled over to the pipe and lifted it out of the debris. It was scolding hot to the touch but Telfer ignored the pain, he jammed the pipe under the beam and lifted one end over the remains of the instrument panel. Then, he pushed. He pushed, and he pushed. Pain shot like needles through his arms and he started to black out as he heard a tremendous <snap>! The resistance left the pipe and Telfer found himself wincing in pain on the floor, half of the pipe in his hand, the other half still under the beam.
    "Fucking shit!"
    Telfer lifted himself back up and limped over to Garroway who lie staring through the hole in the roof at the blue sky.
    "We'll have to wait for the Valkyries to come down. Then we can get you out." As he said it the sound of jet engines filled the air overhead. "Thank god. I'll flag 'em down." Telfer left his comrade's side and waded through the twisted metal towards a gaping hole in the side of the aircraft. He began crawling out of the hole, ignoring the numbness he felt in his lower leg when he heard the sound of jet engines again, but when he looked up he was not greeted with the sight of the M-300's Valkyrie escorts.
    "Oh fuck! Oh my god!" Telfer yelled as he backed away from the tear. Garroway turned his head slowly and moaned.
    "What? What's wrong?"
    Telfer hobbled over to Garroway's side, his eyes wide, his voice trembling.
    "Zentran." he said staring down at his friend as his expression solidified into one of fear.
    "You're certain?"
    "We have to get you out of here. We have to get away before they find us!" Telfer began looking around frantically, trembling with anxiety.
    "Go then." said Garroway turning his attention back to the sky through the hole in the roof.
    "Get away. I'm stuck, my legs are crushed, even if I wasn't pinned I couldn't walk. You've got a chance. You have to go."
    "I can't."
    "That's an order corporal!"
    Telfer shook his head violently his mind spinning. Save himself and leave his friend or let them both die here?
    "Telfer! Listen to me, there's no choice. Either you go and have a chance at making it or we both die here. There's only one choice. Get the hell out!"
    "But..." stammered Telfer.
    "End of discussion." stated Garroway matter of factly. Telfer stood up, once Garroway had made up his mind there was no point in arguing, he had learned that over the past two years.
    "Good luck sir."
    "You too Telfer."
    Telfer turned his back on his friend even as the sound of landing thrusters echoed in the ruins of the cabin. Telfer lowered himself through a hole in the fuselage and dropped to the ground. He clenched his teeth in pain, trying to put the pain of his leg and his conscience out of his mind and concentrate on the task at hand, survival. Even so, no matter how he tried he couldn't filter out the fraction of a second long scream he heard as the thunderous crack of an impact cannon echoed through the canyon...

    Corporal Telfer was groomed for a life in the military from a young age. When he was sixteen he was sent to the military academy where he began basic infantry training. Three years later he transferred into the engineer's corps and began technical training on mecha and spacecraft. He continued his work in the hangars of the U.N. Spacey for six years before he was transferred to duty on board U.N. Spacey spacecraft. In the past two years Telfer has been working as secondary officer in an M-300 mobile recovery and repair team under Sergeant William Garroway. It was on a seemingly ordinary recovery mission that Telfer's life was changed forever.
    The M-300 and its crew were sent to assist a standard recon squad that was performing a routine patrol over the Rocky Mountains in north america that had apparently been forced down due to extreme weather earlier in the day. Upon arrival at the site the M-300 and its fighter escort were shot down by Marduk troops. One of the original Valkyrie pilots had attempted to warn the recovery squad off but was unable to get the message through, he was later killed by the Marduk troops positioned in the area. Corporal Telfer was the only survivor of both attacks and himself suffered serious injuries.
    Telfer's recovery was a long and arduous one, but even with his physical wounds healed he still bears deep emotional scars. His wife soon left him with their two children, five and two years old when Telfer became violent and argumentative. Her mother was a Meltran and Telfer had developed an extreme hatred for not only the Marduk but also anyone of alien descent including his own wife and children. Since the incident the prompted her to leave Telfer has been undergoing long-term psychological treatment to try and get around his instability. His wife hopes that he will get better and that he will be able to love her again but right now fears for her and her children's welfare. Telfer is forbidden to see his wife or children until his psychologist is satisfied that it will be safe.
    Telfer continues to work with the U.N. Spacey but is kept on board the S.S. Mackenzie and restricted in his access to certain areas and equipment. He is still a competent engineer and the increasing intensity of the Marduk conflict has prevented the U.N. Spacey from suspending him from duty. The need for good engineers and troops is simply too great, even now there aren't enough skilled personnel to meet demand.
    Telfer is plagued with guilt and is seething with pent-up anger. His treatment continues and he is making progress but the stress of work and the war makes it a slow process.

Real Name: Telfer Larrimore
Alignment: Unprincipled
Hit Points: 32    S.D.C.: 20
P.P.E.: 6            I.S.P.: N/A
Attributes: I.Q.: 14, M.E.: 7, M.A.: 13, P.S.: 9, P.P.: *8, P.E.: *7, P.B.: 10, Spd.: *6.
    * Attributes reduced due to severe physical trauma.
Experience: 5th level U.N. Spacey Mechanical Engineer
Weight: 151lbs.    Height: 6 feet    Sex: Male    Age: 31
Disposition: Angry and withdrawn Telfer avoids contact with others and they with him. Telfer is afraid of losing someone close to him again and will go to lengths to ensure that people don't get to like him. He will do his job to the best of his ability but he won't make any effort be to friendly or personable.
Insanities: Shell shock (see CWC, pg. 58), bombardment of bombs/the sound of explosions: H.F. 14 and hysterical blindness when under pressure.
Psionics: None.
Combat: Hand to Hand - Basic: 3 attacks per melee, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll. Mecha Combat - Phalanx: 4 attacks per melee, +2 initiative, +1 to strike (with all weapons), +3 to dodge (+5 in space), +3 to roll, no parry, no punch, no body flip, no leap kick. Note: Remember reduced bonuses for only one pilot is Telfer is piloting alone (see adventures).
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: His blind hatred for aliens and his insanities are a tremendous disadvantage to Telfer, limiting his effectiveness and making him a potentially dangerous partner.
Skills of Note: Radio: Basic=75%, Electrical Engineer=60%, Computer Repair=55%, Basic & Advanced Mathematics=85%, Computer Operation=75%, Mechanical Engineer=60%, Aircraft Mechanics=60%, Robot Mechanics=55%, Armorer=70%, First Aid=75%, Pilot Automobile=78%, Pilot Tanks and APCs=62%, Pilot Space Shuttles=66%, Pilot Robots and Power Armor: Basic=68%, Robot Combat: Phalanx, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Automatic Rifle, Hand to Hand: Basic.
Allies of Note: The U.N. Spacey.
Enemies of Note: The Marduk.
Appearance: A fairly average looking man there isn't much to set Telfer apart until one sees him in action. He walks with a noticeable limp and if watched carefully he can be seen to be in great pain whenever he undertakes strenuous work. His left leg is terribly scarred where the chair leg pierced it and his body is covered in smaller, less noticeable scars and marks.
Weapons & Equipment of Note: Canteen, signal flares (6), infrared distancing binoculars, multi-optics band, pocket flashlight, compass, radio, portable tool kit, two uniforms and one dress uniform. Telfer is not allowed access to weapons except in the field and even then is given special consideration. Other equipment for effecting repairs or maintenance in the field is available on request.
Money: $6000.00

Rescue the Rescuers
Macross II style adventure

Mission Background: Early yesterday an airborne VF reconnaissance squadron consisting of five atmospheric Valkyries and one Metal Siren were forced down in the Rocky Mountains due to extreme weather, they called in for recovery at 09:26 hours. By 09:51 hours a mecha rescue team consisting of one M-300 Mecha Transport, two atmospheric Valkyries and two AJA fighters were deployed from the Boise military base to assist. Contact was lost with the rescue team at 10:06.

Mission Implementation: The PC's team is to deploy, with caution to the last known site of the rescue team. They are to look for survivors and determine the cause of the disappearances. The enemy is not believed to be in the area but they are to remain on their guard none-the less.

Complications: Enemy forces include a Zentran officer's pod, six Marduk foot soldiers, a Marduk Annihilator and three Zentran power armor units. They are ready in ambush and then can be found prowling around the forested mountain terrain. Fortunately none of them are trans-atmospheric except for the shuttle so they're waiting for a transport to pick them up.

Macross II style adventure

Mission Background: The U.N. Spacey Corvette S.S. Hermes' combat computer has died behind enemy lines. They are in extreme danger as is their important tactical mission (classified).

Mission Implementation: The players' team/squadron is to go fix the combat computer on the S.S. Hermes and provide backup if needed. This involves running behind the Marduk line in an Escort Carrier. Corporal Telfer is assigned to do the repairs and accompanies the players. If they're lucky they know about him and his insanities. If not they're in for a surprise (for some reason it is never mentioned).

Complications: Putting aside encounters along the way (do what you will) in the midst of the repairs the Corvette is attacked by Zentran fighters. Telfer gets spooked and is unable to finish repairs, worst of all the combat computer is completely off-line for repairs cutting the ship's attacks in half, negating the strike bonus and rendering the Phalanx turrets useless! As for the important classified tactical mission, do with that as you will.

HLS style adventure

Hook: Telfer is well on his way to mental recovery from the incident but still harbors strong feelings of hatred against the Marduk. He makes as much known the the PCs and may, depending on their alignments and attitudes ask for help to strike back. If the players have never met Telfer they are simply called to a mission briefing and given the information below along with a condensed history of Telfer's past.

Line: A short time ago a Marduk Scout Cruiser was detected nearby, Telfer slipped out of his quarters on the S.S. Mackenzie (command ship) and took out a vehicle (options include a Phalanx or a shuttle among others). His intentions are unknown but definitely unauthorized. The psychiatrist who has been working with him suggests the possibility that he may be trying to avenge the deaths of Sergeant Garroway and the other crew of the M-300, he advises caution. The players are to scramble immediately to locate him.

Sinker: Telfer doesn't care what happens to him or the equipment he's stolen. All he cares about is inflicting as much damage on the Marduk ship as possible (he is convinced that its crew is responsible for his comrades' deaths). Exactly what he has in mind is up to the individual GM but two possibilities include a suicide run with a Phalanx MK IV upgrade or detonating an H-bomb at close range in a U.N. Spacey Shuttle (use stats in Robotech RPG but double M.D.C. values).

Next week's
NPC of the Week:
The Infernal [Mystic China] - A martial artist with big ambitions. The first of three interrelated Mystic China characters.

Lord VorTEx
"I can still hear them. I can
hear them screaming, wishing
for it to end. God I wish it
could just be quiet again!"
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