The many artifacts of Fantastica:

Sikinda, the magic sword

Al Tsahir, the magic stone

Ghemmal, the magic belt

AURYN, the all-powerful amulet


Sikinda, the magic sword

Sikinda is kept by Grograman, the Many-Colored Death. It appears to be a rusty, worthless piece of junk, but proves to be something quite different when it is needed. This magic sword has been wielded by Bastian Balthazar Bux and many other humans on their trips to Fantastica and may only be wielded by one who has met Grograman. This is a magic sword that will destroy any opponent in comes against, acting completely on its own. The only condition is that the sword must on its own jump into the hands of its owner in order to be wielded. In these cases it will glow brightly and conquer any foe. Note that it will disarm, humiliate, or possibly even injure an opponent, but never ever kill one. If at any time Sikinda is drawn by the owner's will, all magical properties will be lost.

Dimensions: Magically proportional to the user, even when corrupted.

Damage: Unknown; has never faced a foe that it has not destroyed. If corrupted, it does 2D6 SDC. Also, the only other being who can touch the pure Sikinda is Grograman.

Magical properties: Radiates light for a 10-foot radius (pure light, hurts vampires), magically guided and never misses its mark while pure. If corrupted, all magical abilities and bonuses are lost forever to that user.


Al Tsahir, the magic stone

This stone was originally used as a magical lock for the library of Bastian Balthazar Bux. After being called from its resting place, it will always serve as a sort of lamp. The rock will glow pure white light (capable of hurting vampires) whenever the owner calls its name until the day that its name is called backwards. At that instant, all of the knowledge from a thousand times and a thousand worlds will flash in a blinding glow, only to disappear a moment later into obscurity, like a dream.

Dimensions: About the size of a tennis ball.

Effects: The light will be shined (20 ft radius) every time its name is called. When its name is called backwards, the light it radiates will kill any vampire or intelligence within 100 feet and the sudden burst of knowledge will have special effects on gods, demi-gods, and other "enlightened" individuals. It makes them doubt the limit of their own knowledge. Any intellectual partnerships or friendships they have will deteriorate, as any of those who have seen this sight will interpret it differently. After the name is called (Rihast la), it will disappear forever, only to come back when Fantastica is again visited by a human.


Ghemmal, the magic belt

Ghemmal is a jewel-encrusted belt that turns the wearer invisible. The only side effect is that many times the user finds it uncomfortable to not be able to see himself. Also, the buckle is at least relatively complicated and can be hard to unlatch while invisible.

Description: A silver belt that is covered in jewels and ornamentation.

Effects: When buckled, it turns the wearer invisible equal to the Invisibility: Superior spell.



Also known as the Gem or Glory because many don't like using its true name, the AURYN is the supreme power in Fantastica. It is an amulet, worn around the neck that looks like two snakes, one light and one dark, biting each other's tails to form an oval. On the back is printed DO WHAT YOU WISH. It is the sign of someone who speaks for the Empress, the ruler of Fantastica. He who wears it has no fear and is always guided in the right direction. Mainly, the AURYN grants your wishes. For humans, it costs their memories.

Description: An amulet about nine inches around that looks like two snakes, one light and one dark, biting each other's tails to form an oval. On the back is printed DO WHAT YOU WISH.

Effects: Grants those most heartfelt dreams and wishes of the wearer. For humans, it steals away memories for every wish granted. It makes the wearer impervious to fear, horror factor, poison, magic, psionics, insanity, intimidation, pain, and any other influence. While wearing it, no native Fantastican will harm you.

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