Light/Scout Armor

This armor is standard issue for the Arzno Mercenary Corps recon squad. Its powers of stealth are quite formidable.

Model: Arzno TWA-900

MDC: 30 + forcefield

Prowl penalty: none

Cost: 500,000 credits; available only in Arzno


Globe of Daylight

Range: 30 ft radius

Effect: Illumination of said radius and keeps vampires at bay.

PPE to Activate: 2

Duration: 18 minutes


Armor of Ithan

Range: self

MDC: 30

PPE to Activate: 10

Duration: 24 melees

Invisibility: Superior

Range: self

Effect: Superior and total invisibility and 85% prowl

PPE to Activate: 25

Duration: 6 minutes


Blades and Spikes

Range: touch

Damage: The armor is covered in silver spikes and has large blades on the shins, shoulders, and forearms. This gives the armor an AR of 12. In hand-to-hand, a missed AR roll means that the attacker hits a spike or blade and takes 3D6 SDC or HP to Vampires. This same damage is done when parrying an attack or attacking.

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