Annihilator Assault Vehicle

A Vampire killing MACHINE! Lots of fun. A retro-fitted pre-rifts fire engine.

Model: Arzno TWV-3200

Crew: 1 pilot, 1 copilot/gunner, 3 turret gunners, 4 passengers

MDC by Location:

Water Cannon Turrets (2): 60

Cab Railgun Turret: 40

Side Mini-Missile Launchers (2): 50

Side Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): 60

**Flare Launcher: 5

Spot lights (2 front, 3 turret): 5

*Wheels: 5

***Main Body: 120

Magic Forcefield: 500

* a small and difficult target to hit (-3 strike on a called shot)

** the flare launcher is extremely hard to hit (-5 strike on a called shot)

*** depleting the main body makes the vehicle useless

Speed: 210 mph max if on flat, well-kept roads. Considerably less (half) on not-so-good terrain.

Statistical Data:

Height: 15 feet

Width: 10 feet

Length: 35 feet

Cargo: Minimal. About 10 cubic feet of interior storage. Other storage is achieved by attaching items on hooks, straps, etc. outside the vehicle.

Power System: Magic; telekinesis spell (8 PPE) gives a range of 50 miles.

PPE Battery: holds 80 PPE (500 miles) and recharges at ley lines at 10 per melee or elsewhere 2 per hour.

Cost: 22 million credits. Available only in Arzno.


Weapon Systems:

Water Cannons: These high-pressure water cannons are fed from the truck’s magical supply of water.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Fire Extinguishing

Damage: 2D4 SDC or 1D6x10 to Vampires

Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand of the pilot

Effective Range: 200 ft

Payload: 100 shots each are provided by PPE batteries. They can be recharged with 40 more shots for 10 PPE.


Mini-Missile Launchers (2): These launchers are located each side of the vehicle. One of the few non-magic features, the manufacturers at Arzno found it more efficient to use conventional means to fire the missiles. Typically, wood fragmentation or TW water missiles are used as anti-Vampire artillery. *Note: These launchers are totally capable of firing conventional missiles.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel

Damage: Varies. Wood Fragmentation do1D4 MD or 2D4x10 HP to Vampires. Water do 1D6x10 to Vampires. The radius on each is 10 ft.

Rate of Fire: can fire up to its entire payload in one volley

Effective Range: About 1 mile.

Payload: 16; eight per launcher


Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): These are the other non-magical components of the offensive capabilities of the vehicle. However, like the mini-missile launchers, TW missiles make up the normal payload. *Note: These launchers are totally capable of firing conventional missiles.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel

Damage: Varies. Wood Fragmentation do 2D4 MD or 3D6x10 HP to Vampires plus a 10% chance of impaling the heart of any given Vamp in the radius. Water do 2D4x10 to Vampires. The radius of both is about 30 ft.

Rate of Fire: can fire up to its entire payload in one volley

Effective Range: About 30 miles.

Payload: 12; six per launcher


Cab Railgun: This devastating weapon fires wooden rounds and is capable of mowing down vampires left and right.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel

Damage: 1D4 MD or 2D4x10 SDC to Vampires

Rate of Fire: Standard; can only fire bursts

Effective Range: 4000 ft

Payload: 30 bursts


Flare Launcher: This seemingly simple feature is actually capable of doing more damage to an army of vampires than any other feature on the vehicle.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Emergency Signaling

Effect: Any kind of signal or illumination flare can be launched skyward from this launcher. As a weapon, it can fire TW Call Lightning flares, Thunderclap flares, or its most lethal ordinance... Summon Storm flares! All do damage as per spell.

Rate of Fire: Once per melee

Range: 2000 ft straight up

Payload: One; takes one round to reload


Spotlights (5): These high-powered spotlights have crosses over them to do damage to Vampires. They are located two in the front and three on the weapon turrets.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire

Secondary Purpose: Illumination

Damage: 1D4x10 to Vampires

Rate of Fire: Standard

Range: 300 ft.

Payload: Draw from PPE battery; Effectively Unlimited


Techno-Wizard features:

1. Armor of Ithan

MDC: 500

PPE to Activate: 50

Duration: 40 melees


2. Globe of Daylight

Radius: 120 ft

PPE to Activate: 2

Duration: 30 minutes


3. Invulnerability

Effect: Impervious to Energy, +10 save (see spell), and +35 MDC

PPE to Activate: 25

Duration: 10 melees


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