
All of the firing mechanisms on these missiles are non-magic. The warheads, however, are TW in design. This allows them to be compatible with any missile launching system.

 Missile Type






Water -Mini




200 MPH

None / 1D6x10

1/2 mile / 10 ft.

2000 credits ea.

300 MPH

None / 1D6x10

1 mile / 20 ft.

2500 credits ea.

800 MPH

None / 2D4x10

30 miles / 20 ft.

3500 credits ea.

1100 MPH

None / 2D6x10

500 miles / 25 ft.

4000 credits ea.

**Wood Fragmentation

400 MPH

1D4x10 / 2D4x10

1/2 mile / 20 ft.

3500 credits ea.

500 MPH

1D4x10 / 2D4x10

2 miles / 20 ft.

3800 credits ea.

1000 MPH

1D6x10 / 2D6x10

40 miles / 40 ft.

4000 credits ea.

1300 MPH

2D4x10 / 4D4x10

400 miles / 80 ft.

5000 credits ea.


450 MPH

3D4 / 5D6

1/2 mile / 20 ft.

2000 credits ea.

550 MPH

5D6 / 1D4x10

2 miles / 20 ft.

3600 credits ea.

1100 MPH

1D4x10 / 2D4x10

40 miles / 40 ft.

6500 credits ea.

1500 MPH

2D4x10 / 3D4x10

400 miles / 80 ft.

8000 credits ea.


Grenades and Landmines

The members of the Arzno Mercenary Corps have found these items to be extremely useful in fighting off multiple vampires at a time. Landmines can be triggered by tripwire, a trigger, or a remote device available for an additional 20 credits. Sales of these items are up 50% in the last two months.








**Wood Fragmentation


1D4x10 / 2D4x10

15 ft.

150 credits ea.


1D6x10 / 2D6x10

20 ft.

200 credits ea.

***Silver Fragmentation


1D6 / 5D6

20 ft.

450 credits ea.


2D4 / 1D4x10

30 ft.

600 credits ea.


*Damages are listed: Normal Damage / Damage to Vampires

**Wood Fragmentation do only SDC damage. Each vampire in the radius (unarmored) has a 10% chance of being impaled.

***Silver Fragmentation do MDC damage / Hit Points to Vampires. They cost roughly twice as much as their wooden counterparts due to the precious metals, but are still popular because of their limited effectiveness against armor and MD beings.


Magical Grenades and Landmines

Another big hit, these are TW devices designed to be thrown or hidden. See the specific spell for specifics. As always, the landmines can be set off with a remote device available for only 20 credits. See spell for Savings Throw.

These are just a few, but almost any spell levels 1-6 are available. I know they seem a little expensive, but keep this in mind: 1) they can be recovered and recharged for a cost of 10x their PPE (ex. Globe of Daylight is 2 PPE and costs 20 credits to charge.) and 2) they are WAY cheaper than any TW stuff in the book. Prices are 500 credits per level of the spell. Generally, the spell-caster making the invention will be 6th level.








Globe of Daylight

72 ft. radius

18 minutes

None; holds vampires at bay

500 credits ea.

Call Lightning

Strikes one victim


6D6 MD

1500 credits ea.

Fire Bolt

10 ft. radius


4D6 MD

2000 credits ea.

Magic Net

10 ft. radius

3 minutes


2000 credits ea.

Carpet of Adhesion

20 ft. radius

Special: see spell


2000 credits ea.


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