Vamp-Killer 2000

Model: Arzno TWW-2000

Weight: 30 lbs.

Cost: 200,000 credits. Only available in Arzno

 Weapon Systems

1. Silver-bladed chain saw

Damage: 1D6x10 SDC or 5D6 HP to Vampires

Range: armlength+2 feet

To Activate: Ignite Fire (5 PPE) for 5 rounds of use and Fuel Flame (5 PPE) for each additional 5 rounds

2. Cross spotlight (mounted over chain saw)

Damage: none, 3D6 HP to Vampires

Range: 100 ft

Payload: Battery powered; effectively unlimited.


3. Grenade Launcher (mounted to right of chain saw)

Damage: varies, wood fragmentation do 4D6 MD or 8D6 HP to Vampires plus a 10% chance of hitting the heart of any given Vamp in the radius.

Range: 150 ft

Radius: 10 ft

Rate of Fire: holds 5 grenades per clip

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