TWW-500 Power Glove

A weapon designed to add a little power to your punch (no pun intended). It bestows upon its user the ability to punch with the strength of a supernatural being, even if an SDC creature. Perhaps the best quality of this item is its compatibility with other TW modifications or armor. It can be added to the gauntlet of a suit of armor or to the TWE-900 Climbing Claws. In any form, it is very formidable.

Range: hand to hand only
Duration: typically 5th level, 5 melees
Damage: users P.S. increased to supernatural (can’t increase already supernatural punch)
Energy Requirements: 5 PPE or 10 ISP per charge, per glove
To Create: 120 PPE, a glove, gauntlet, or some other hand covering and a large ruby (200 cr.)
Creation Spells: Energy Bolt and Fist of Fury
Cost: 40,000 per glove

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