There are two distinct classes of magic weapons. The first is a more generic and widely used form known as "enchanted weapons". These weapons are of superior quality and strength, but do significantly less damage and have far less power. The second type is "empowered weapons". These weapons have spells directly imbedded into them and keep the power using powerful magic and runes. These are EXTREMELY rare and are only given to the greatest of champions. The only greater magical objects in the Megaverse are the infamous Rune weapons, whose secrets are known by virtually none, although it is rumored that there are elite few Weapon Mages who have learned this secret.

Enchanted Weapons and Objects

The Magi Blade

The Warrior's Club

The Hammer of Lightning

Impervious Buckler


Empowered Weapons and Objects

The Incapacitator

The Good Staff

The Pyrus Blade

Enchanted Weapons and Objects


The Magi Blade

The Magi Blade is a magic large sword created by the Weapon Mages as a compliment to their own magic abilities.

Weight: 18 lbs.

Length: 2.5 ft.

Damage: 4D6

Special properties: +50 PPE, +3 save vs. Magic, and increases range, duration and damage of spells by 50% when the weapon is being held. The sword is magically indestructible.


The Warrior's Club is a club of one solid piece of wood from an unknown magical tree found on a secret world. This same wood has been used in making bows, arrows, and other magical items.

Warrior's Club

Weight: 5 lbs.

Length: 1.5 ft.

Damage: 6D6

Special properties: +2 strike and parry, +1 save vs. magic, poison, HF, psionics, and insanity.


The Hammer of Lightning is incredibly dense and heavy and requires an incredible strength to wield it. It automatically discharges a lightning bolt when it strikes, causing extra damage. The bolt can not be fired from the hammer.

Hammer of Lightning

Weight: 50 lbs.

Length: 2 ft.

Damage: 6D6, an additional 1D4x10 from a lightning blast (total 2D4x10)

Special properties: user is impervious to lightning and electricity, user must have a Strength attribute of 25 or higher, or have supernatural strength.


The Impervious Buckler is frequently used as the companion of one of the other weapons listed here. It's protective magic is powerful enough to hold off any opponent for a time.

Impervious Buckler

Weight: 10 lbs.

Diameter: 2 ft.

MDC/SDC: 10, plus magic

Properties: This magic shield is lightweight and small, but is more than it seems. The shield, when wielded, protects the user with a magical aura of 60 MDC/SDC. There is no parry necessary, since the shield is only the vessel through which the magic works. Anyone trying to strike its user will feel like they're hitting a steel wall, when in fact they are hitting nothing at all.


The shrouds are cloaks made of the purest fabrics which the Weapon Mages originally designed for stealth during times of war and strife, or when they themselves were being hunted. One of the most famous of the shrouds, the Shroud of Mystery, is made to allow a Mage to conceal his identity while wearing it.


Weight and Size: Proportional to the owner

Shroud of Mystery

Effects: After the wearer has engaged in a conversation with someone, the wearer's identity is immediately forgotten. If the two ever meet again, it will be more of a feeling of deja vu than anything else.

Shroud of the Shadows

Effects: The wearer will simply meld into the shadows, not just hiding in them, but literally meld with the shadow, leaving him totally undetectable.

Shroud of Invisibility

Effects: This shroud is like an ordinary robe until the hood is put on. At that point the user and everything he carries (up to 100 lbs.) will vanish from sight. He is undetectable except to those who have the ability to see the invisible. The user can also see the invisible while in this state.

Empowered Weapons and Objects


The Incapacitator

This flail is designed to stagger, stun, and incapacitate opponents, even of much larger size and strength. It is most effective against supernatural monsters, but can be used well against any kind of bot or power armor.

Damage: 1D4x10 + possible paralysis (see below)

Special properties:

Paralysis: Lesser- Activated when the flail hits an unarmored target, save of 12

Invulnerability- The wielder enjoys all of the advantages of the spell. If MDC is depleted, it will take an hour to recharge, or one melee at a ley line

Fear- This weapon, when wielded in plain view, bestows the user with a HF of 16.

Magic Net- Once per melee, the user can shoot a magic net, as per the spell


The Good Staff

This primarily non-combat staff is used to help and heal others.

Damage: 2D6, or double against Vampires

Special properties:

Energy Field- The staff can be used to protect a roomfull of people with a 60 MDC forcefield. See spell for details.

Remove Curse- See spell.

Dispel Magic Barriers- See spell.

Turn Dead- See spell.


The Pyrus Blade

A magic blade created and wielded by Onra that, when activated, is covered in red-hot flame that will only hurt its intended target. It is unlikely that it would be duplicated.

Damage: Blade inflicts 1D4x10 and the magic flame inflicts an additional 1D4x10

Special properties:

Fire Ball-100 ft, 1D4x10 damage, can be fired once per melee

Invulnerable Aura-A fiery aura adds 60 MDC to the user

Impervious to fire and heat- See spell.


The Shield of Virtue is often used as a companion for another magic weapon. It is a large, but lightweight shield that covers roughly half of the user's body. In the style of the ancient knights, a cross, rune, or some holy symbol is emblazoned on the front. This is never a coat of arms, but a single character. It is magically indestructible and an asset to any warrior.

The Shield of Virtue

Weight: 15 lbs.

Size: Proportional to the user, usually 2 ft. by 3 ft.

Special Properties:

Magically indestructible

Armor of Ithan- 100 MDC, six times per day

Energy bolt- discharged from the symbol, 4D6 MDC/SDC damage, once per melee

Both the user and anyone speaking to him must tell the truth


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