Essay Of Love

I know a lady,

She embodies all that is love;

her hair falls from my hand,

Silk skin smooth and warm to touch;

Vibrant and full of life,

Each step a hungry leap toward love!

Each laugh a sonnet of joy,

Each touch an ecstasy;

Oh, her face, the warmth from within,

In her eyes burn passion’s flames;

Kindled against eternity,

Her love a radiant cloak;

Tenacious and Longing,

An aching need for fulfillment;

Lips of pleasure unbridled,

A taste of love sweet upon my mouth;

The spirit of love,

Our hearts given in totality;

A touch, a gentle caress,

Her beautiful smile;

A soul that glows hot,

So bright and wondrous;

She fills me with longing,

Of things left unsaid;

The beauty in her eyes;

Sparkling as waves upon the ocean,

A brilliant gallery of precious gems;

A shower of rainbow hues;

.....The love we share grows!

Jory M. Earl

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