
Pierce Brosnan ignites the screen as James Bond in this explosive, thrill-packed adventure that hits the bull's-eye for nonstop excitement. When a deadly satellite weapon system falls into the wrong hands, only Agent 007 can save the world from certain disaster.

Armed with his licence to kill, Bond races to Russia in search of the stolen access codes for "GoldenEye," an awesome space weapon that can fire a devastating electromagnetic pulse toward Earth. But 007 is up against an enemy who antisapates his every move: Alec Trevelyan, a.k.a. Agent 006 (Sean Bean), a mastermind motivated by years of simmering hatred. As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Trevelyan's stunning ally, Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), an assassin who uses pleasure as her ultimate weapon. When the horrifying extent of Trevelyan's plans is revealed, Bond must call upon his sharp wit and killer instinct in an edge-of-your-seat confrontation to the finish. From a destructive tank chase through the streets of St. Petersburg to a special effects-laden climax in the Cuban jungle, "GoldenEye" is a breathtaking thrill ride that ranks as one of the best and most popular action films ever made.

James Bond Films
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