
From shocking prologue to exhilarating mid-air climax, "Goldfinger" is a lightning-paced adventure that pits 007 against one of his most formidable opponents. Sean Connery is Agent 007 in this fourteen-karat thriller brimming with non-stop action, humor and almost unbearable excitement.

The powerful tycoon Auric Goldfinger (Gert Frobe) has initiated "Operation Grand Slam," a cataclysmic scheme to raid Fort Knox and obliterate the world economy. James Bond, armed with his specially equipped Aston Martin (its accessory package includes built-in machine guns, a smoke screen and an ejector seat), must stop the plan by overcoming several outrageous adversaries. First there's Oddjob (Harold Sakata), the mute servant who kills at the toss of a lethal hat; next, the beautiful Jill Masterson (Shirley Eaton), who gives new meaning to the phrase "golden girl;" and finally, sexy pilot Pussy Galore (Honor Blackman), whose romantic feelings for Bond complicate her involvement in Goldfinger's high-flying scheme. With style, wit and wildly imaginative stunt sequences, this adrenaline-charged adventure ranks as one of the all-time great action films. It's an electrifying thrill ride that will captivate viewers from beginning to end.

James Bond Films
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