The Special Edition Trilogy was just released on home video on August 26. Let me be the first to say that these films are awesome. This is an absolute must have for anyone with a nice stereo system. Several new parts have been added to the films, and many of the special effects have been redone. The trilogy is put out by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, and sells for about $30 bucks. A letterbox version is also available for about $40 bucks. In case you were unable to see the special edition films in the theatres, here is a recap of what has been added.

A New Hope

A New Hope has by far the most changes of the three films. The main change is the addition of a Jabba the Hutt and Han Solo scene in Mos Eisley. Another important change is in the Cantina, when Greedo is blasted by Han Solo. Greedo now fires a shot at Han but misses, and then gets blasted. Lucas said that the reason for this is that he did not like Solo being portrayed as a cold blooded killer. Many new creatures have also been added, including Dewbacks and Rontos. A very noticable improvement is the Battle of Yavin. The special effects are far more enhanced, such as seeing new shots of the planes.

The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back has mostly changes in the special effects department. The Battle of Hoth has been totaly revised and looks great. Cloud City has also been redone and we now see new shots of the Falcon's approach. A change has also been made in the wampa sequence. We get to see the Wampa devouring Luke's Taun-Taun.

The Return of the Jedi

The Return of the Jedi has several revamped special effects, which are really nice considering that the movie isn't nearly as old as the other two. A new scene has been added to Jabba's palace, a performance of "Jedi Rocks" by the band. The Sarlacc also now includes a more grotesque tongue and teeth, as well as tentacles. A new song is now heard at the end of the film, during which we see views of the celebration from across the galaxy, including the Imperial City of Coruscant.

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