Larry Van Dorn

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Larry is my TMNT character for Schloes' After The Bomb Game.

Working in the Minnesota Militia, part of the Mutant Resistances

Strike Force Bravo.  He was fun.  At character creation I first rolled a leopard,

I said I wanted to play a lame animal like a sloth, so Schloe let me reroll and I got Tiger.

Oh well, I said, guess I'll have to deal with being cool.  Rolling for background I first got

"trained assassin"  I decided to reroll in hope of something lame and got "Martial Artist"

Rollong for what kind of martial art I got "Tiger Claw Kung Fu".  How stereotypical.

yet, all rolled completely at random.  At last notice, Larry was captive in an enemy space

ship in the future after he and his team mate Damien Simmerson accidentally took off in a space

ship leaving the rest of the party behind.  Wonder what woulda happened to him...


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