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A small time thief, Adam Douglas heard that an evil super genius

had been taken captive by the authorities.  Betting that he could make good money

on some of the stuff still in the mad scientists home.  After sneaking in the place the

klutz accidentally turned on one of the machines, it zapped him and then lit on fire.

Stunned, Adam looked around and found that he was now GLOWING.   "Oh, crap,"

he though to himself, "I have super powers.  Well, maybe I can make a buck or two

off it."  It then happened at that time, a group of supers, heros and villians, broke through

the wall.  Taking cover further back in the lab, he found an enlarged anime toy that he

figured would make a good hiding place.  After putting it on, the wall was blasted down as the

villian knocked the last hero out. In his fear he accidentally let forth a

blast of laser energy, downing the villian.  The media was just beyond the entrance

filming the whole thing a the hero smiled, shook his hand, and and thanked him for the assist.

He was marked as a hero.  Every villian in the city now wanted him dead.

His life of crime ruined, he resigned himself to being, a hero.

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