Article about Brian's visit to HMV music store 1991

This info is off of one of the BBS topics on GEnie. There's some very interesting stuff here.


Here is a synopsis of today's appearance by Brian May at HMV Superstore at the heart of downtown Toronto!

For starters, this was more than just your average autograph session by a famous pop star - Harold Wilson, rap veejay for MuchMusic (Canada's version of MTV) interviewed Brian for an interview to be rebroadcast across the country. As well, Brian brought one of his Guild signature guitars with him and played along with various Queen tracks from the CDs.

Some interesting tidbits:

-at the moment, there are still no plans for a tour behind INNUENDO, as Freddie still feels he is not up to touring these days, and Brian will respect his friend's wishes. However, the free time is being well-used - the next Queen album is already half-finished. As well, Brian's long- awaited solo album is being given its final touches and will probably be released later this fall on Hollywood Records - and Brian promises a SOLO TOUR behind it! He hinted that his new record will be more song-oriented rather than a chops album, yet will still retain a raw edge.

-Brian also hopes to have a re-mastered STAR FLEET PROJECT CD released around the same time as his new album, as well as another project he did in England - namely, backing music for a theatrical presentation of MACBETH that's currently making the rounds of the London stage.

- on the rumours regarding Freddie dying of AIDS, Brian said that he's "more alive than he's been in a long time" - and said that regarding the new album in progress, "you're going to be in for a pleasant surprise - 'cos he's now TWICE the performer he was when we recorded INNUENDO!"

- on the recording of INNUENDO - Brian said that they approach the album the way they did long ago - namely, all of them just setting up in the studio and going for it: apparently, a fair number of backing tracks on the album are first takes.

- on the reissue CDs - there's going to be an interesting remix on one of the upcoming CDs by Bob Rock (the Vancouver engineering genius behind the latest David Lee Roth/Cult/Motley Crue recordings), though Brian didn't say which one. Regarding the remixes, the band decided that, rather than go with their old engineers to do them, they decided to hire younger engineers who weren't close to the material to begin with in order to try for a fresh vision. (Brian likened what Rick Rubin did to "We Will Rock You" as "flying elephant effects".) They also regret not being able to do a remix of "Under Pressure", as the original tapes have been lost - neither the Abbey Road archives nor David Bowie's own archives were able to find them. (a wag in the audience suggested - "Did ya ask Vanilla Ice?")

Due to the session going on longer than normal, there was a short interval for autographs, mostly albums and posters, although a female musician brought in HER Guild Brian May model for him to sign, and then he had to leave to catch a jet back to London. Rest assured, I DID get to meet him and thank him for the joy his music brought me, and to present him with the printout of this very topic - he was VERY surprised about this! He promised me that he'll read the whole thing on the flight home. He also graciously signed my copy of INNUENDO. Nice Guy.

And how did he look? Very healthy, very alert - he admitted he was a little nervous about appearing in front of an audience in this fashion, but he was extremely enjoying it by the end.

BTW, HMV was packed on the first floor (there are four floors to this store, with a large number of video monitors on each floor).


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