Muh Tribe

These are all my boys. From left to right: Daryl, Kurt, Tim, Me, Kevin, and Mike. This was taken around New Years "the morning after" a lot of drinking andf dancing at the Castle in Tampa. Yes, that is a box of Oatmeal that Tim is holding. Don't ask 'coz I don't know. It's just all such a long odd story how we all became and still are friends. I've known Kevin, Tim, and Mike pretty much since day one in Tampa. I couldn't stand Mike, Kevin looked like Ian Astbury at the time, and Tim was just "that psycho clove smoking Skinny Puppy freak that lived down the hall" How some things change and others never will. I've known kurt since 1989 way back from Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jax. Daryl came into my life later on in the USF days. Early 1994 I believe. Him and Spooner were old skool friends so I met him when he moved up to T-town. I got nuttin but love for ya babies. Nuttin but Love.


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